Examples of the the word, receiver , in a Sentence Context

The word ( receiver ), is the 4833 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Communication is a mediated form of communication in which the sender and, receiver ,are not concurrently engaged in communication. Asynchronous communication is
  2. Is out of place in Aikido, as a fall in Aikido is not broken, but chosen by the, receiver , Initial attacks Aikido techniques are usually a defense against an attack;
  3. Should have been used). The goal of clear concise communication is that the, receiver ,(s) have no misunderstanding about what was meant to be conveyed. An
  4. Production as tooling and labor for the earlier Mosin-Nagant rifle's machined, receiver ,were easily adapted. Partly because of these problems, the Soviets were not
  5. They would not keep this momentum for long, and they finished 4-12 despite, receiver ,Michael Jackson leading the league with 14 touchdown catches. The 1997 Ravens
  6. Bandwidth is a valuable and limited resource. For example, an FM radio, receiver ,'s tuner spans a limited range of frequencies. A government agency (such as
  7. His career with 17 touchdown passes and an 81.2 pass rating. He was joined by, receiver ,Mary Ismail, who posted a 1,000-yard season. The Ravens initially struggled
  8. Of the telephone over the ages; an audio wave signal; a diagram of a telephone, receiver ,; geometric shapes from engineering structures; representations of sign language
  9. Pick (which was used on quarterback Michael Pick) in exchange for wide, receiver ,Tim Dwight and the fifth overall pick (used on running back Ukrainian
  10. Type 4 stamped, including the use of rivets rather than welds on the stamped, receiver , as well as the placement of a small dimple above the magazine well for
  11. 2004) by signing Derrick Mason from the Titans and drafting star Oklahoma wide, receiver ,Mark Clayton in the first round of the 2005 NFL Draft. However, the Ravens
  12. Introduce them to a new enjoyable sexual activity and illuminate them to the, receiver ,'s perspective in sex. A few instructional movies and books have emerged in
  13. Information Components of a television system A typical analog television, receiver ,is based around the block diagram shown below: Sync Separator Image
  14. Bandwidth efficiency is achieved—at the expense of increased transmitter and, receiver ,complexity—by completely suppressing both the carrier and one of the side bands.
  15. With the scan line rate),power generation was introduced into solid state, receiver ,designs. These had very complex circuits in which faults were difficult to
  16. Produce an image rolling up or down the screen. Time base circuits In an analog, receiver ,with a CRT display sync pulses are fed to horizontal and vertical time base
  17. So it can be detected by the level-sensitive" sync stripper" circuit of the, receiver , Vertical synchronization (Also vertical sync or
  18. Cap space. Following these cuts, the Ravens acquired fullback Volta Leach, wide, receiver , Lee Evans, and running back Ricky Williams. During the pre-season, the
  19. And this deflects the electron beam across the screen. In the 1950s,television, receiver ,time base supply was derived directly from the mains supply. A simple circuit
  20. Trade up with the Cleveland Browns in the 2011 NFL Draft to select Alabama wide, receiver ,Julio Jones. In exchange, the Falcons gave up their first, second and fourth
  21. Radiation while conducting diagnostic observations using a new microwave, receiver ,owned by Bell Laboratories. The data points and error bars on this graph are
  22. The disc to" scan" an image. A similar disk reconstructed the image at the, receiver , Synchronization of the receiver disc rotation was handled through sync pulses
  23. Asynchronous communications are variable bit rate, or that the transmitter and, receiver ,clock generators do not have to be exactly synchronized. Physical layer In
  24. Is the chest pass. The ball is passed directly from the passer's chest to the, receiver ,'s chest. A proper chest pass involves an outward snap of the thumbs to add
  25. Causing high rejection rates. Instead of halting production, a heavy machined, receiver ,was substituted for the sheet metal receiver . This was a more costly process
  26. The operator presses forward on the retainer button at the rear of the, receiver ,cover while simultaneously lifting on the rear of the cover to remove it.
  27. Defensive tackle Terrence Cody, Arthur Jones, linebacker Sergio Kindle, wide, receiver , David Reed and offensive tackle Ramon Hardwood in the 2010 NFL Draft. On July
  28. Was transmitted at a different pitch, but work on both the transmitter and, receiver ,was needed. His father helped him set up his private practice by contacting
  29. Were passed in the US which prohibited the FCC type acceptance and sale of any, receiver ,which could tune the frequency ranges occupied by analog AMPS cellular services
  30. Technology in the '90s. Three key items were needed. The first was a radio, receiver , such as the Com PCR-1000,that could tune into the Reverse Channel, which is
  31. Television signal contains timing and synchronization information so that the, receiver ,can reconstruct a two-dimensional moving image from a one-dimensional
  32. Waveform. CRT fly back power supply design and operation principles Most of the, receiver ,'s circuitry (at least in transistor- or IC-based designs) operates from a
  33. An attack and harmlessly redirect it. In an ideal resolution, not only is the, receiver ,unharmed, but so is the attacker. In addition to the effect on his spiritual
  34. A similar disk reconstructed the image at the receiver . Synchronization of the, receiver ,disc rotation was handled through sync pulses broadcast with the image
  35. It begins at the start of a horizontal line, or midway through). In the TV, receiver , a sync separator circuit detects the sync voltage levels and sorts the pulses
  36. In on reflected continuous-wave signals from the launch platform's radar. The, receiver ,also senses the guidance radar to enable comparisons that enhance the missile
  37. If pure AM was used. Signal reception is invariably done via a superheterodyne, receiver ,: the first stage is a tuner which selects a television channel and
  38. Anderson eventually replaced Carter as starting QB, and together with star wide, receiver ,Isaac Curtis, produced a consistent, effective offensive attack. When Brown
  39. Own chest to the receiver . The ball strikes the court and bounces up toward the, receiver , The bounce pass takes longer to complete than the chest pass, but it is also
  40. Became part of the National Football Conference. Pro Football Hall of Fame, receiver ,Charlie Joiner, who started his career with the Houston Oilers (1969),was
  41. Production, a heavy machined receiver was substituted for the sheet metal, receiver , This was a more costly process, but the use of machined receiver s accelerated
  42. The photo above at right illustrates the differences between the Type 2 milled, receiver ,and the Type 4 stamped, including the use of rivets rather than welds on the
  43. Is not directly produced by the main power supply circuitry; instead the, receiver ,makes use of the circuitry used for horizontal scanning. Direct current (DC)
  44. Initially it was difficult to obtain a digital satellite or terrestrial, receiver ,without a subscription to Sky or ON digital respectively, but now the channel
  45. Of the interim SKS rifle continued. This new model used a stamped sheet metal, receiver ,and featured a slanted muzzle brake on the end of the barrel to compensate for
  46. Newsgroups in large volumes at a reasonable fee. By connecting a small dish &, receiver , a constant downstream of thousands of Fishnet and Usenet newsgroups could be
  47. Bounces the ball crisply about two-thirds of the way from his own chest to the, receiver , The ball strikes the court and bounces up toward the receiver . The bounce pass
  48. Owing to the inexact copy of the abbreviated, the abbreviated and not the, receiver ,of the Bull must pay the extra charge for the extra labor to the apostolic
  49. Forms (data) rather than freestyle practice. The basic pattern is for the, receiver ,of the technique (use) to initiate an attack against the person who applies
  50. Just wanted to get more of a contrast on the field that may help spot a, receiver ,down the field. " (The Patriots now use a silver helmet, the Colts have since

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