Examples of the the word, machinery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( machinery ), is the 4829 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Basis. This was once done by hand, but has largely been taken over by precision, machinery , " Fire-polished" faceted beads are a less expensive alternative to hand-cut
  2. With T-34/85 tanks,SU-100 guns,Il-2 attack planes and other new combat, machinery , As the country was a Soviet satellite, it was a part of the Eastern Bloc and
  3. Includes the use of lubricants and fuels to operate farm vehicles and, machinery ,; and use of gas, liquid propane, and electricity to power dryers, pumps,lights
  4. Area that only allows the users to see a specific action, hiding all the, machinery ,and technology – mostly ropes and pulleys. This technology affected the content
  5. S economy was based largely on industry—chemicals, electronic products, machinery , processed food, synthetic rubber and textiles; it was highly dependent on
  6. What is being presented on stage, hiding selectively all the, machinery ,that makes the actions happen. The films Patel, Farinelli,and the staging of
  7. After the war, the White Hand grew into an essential piece of the state's, machinery , It continued the imperialistic work of the Black Hand, using the same
  8. Not, victory. Rifling had been tried on small arms in the 15th Century. The, machinery ,to accurately rifle a cannon barrel did not arrive until the 19th Century.
  9. Contest in court. Most countries disallow operation of motor vehicles and heavy, machinery ,above prescribed levels of blood alcohol content. Operation of boats and
  10. Operator fatigue, and instead Murray designed the code to minimize wear on the, machinery , assigning the code combinations with the fewest punched holes to the most
  11. Lives past its" use-by-date" and is able to replicate and pass on any faulty, machinery ,to its progeny, increasing the likelihood of the cell becoming cancerous or
  12. GAZA),or are not produced directly and in isolation by standard cellular, machinery ,(for example, hydroxyproline and selenomethionine). Non-standard amino acids
  13. As Prime Minister, Alexander Mackenzie strove to reform and simplify the, machinery ,of government. He introduced the secret ballot; advised the creation of the
  14. Over and bands of men entered the mills which were running and stopped the, machinery ,by knocking out the boiler plugs. This allowed the water and steam to escape
  15. At estimated US$17.9 billion in 1985,including fuel and materials (41 %), machinery , ( 33 %),and agricultural and forestry products (12 %). In 1986,about 80 %
  16. The Board of Ordnance's Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield had introduced, machinery ,made in the USA. Their greatly increased output had been achieved with reduced
  17. Development from the of fleet ballistic missile submarine. Having quieter, machinery ,and other improvements, they are considered a separate class. A subset of this
  18. Outputs are food processing, electric equipment, fabricated metal products, machinery , paper products, bromine,and vanadium. As of August 2011,the state's
  19. Commodities: materials for canneries 56 %, food 8 %, petroleum products 7 %, machinery ,and parts 6 % (2004) Imports - partners: Australia 36.6 %, New Zealand 20.3 %
  20. Foodstuffs, transportation equipment, oil products. Its main exports are, machinery ,and equipment, chemicals,finished diamonds, metals and metal products
  21. Of the machine despite not knowing its physical form. They devised automatic, machinery ,to help with this, which culminated in Colossus, the world's first
  22. Foreign trade: Exports were estimated at US$17.8 billion in 1985. Exports were, machinery ,(55 %),fuel and materials (14 %),and manufactured consumer goods (16 %)
  23. Boiler plugs. This allowed the water and steam to escape shutting down the mill, machinery , Thousands of strikers walked over the hills from one town to another to
  24. Visible at HM Dockyard in Portsmouth, and still containing some original, machinery , Eli Whitney is sometimes credited with developing the armory system of
  25. Safety. Web lashing made from man-made fibers *BS EN 60204-1:2009 Safety of, machinery ,- Electrical equipment of machines Publicly Available Specifications BSI also
  26. An automotive assembly plant. Rouse serves as the main center for agricultural, machinery , Bulgarian arms production mainly operates in central Bulgaria (Kazanlăk
  27. Limited or no photosynthetic apparatus. Nearly all algae have photosynthetic, machinery ,ultimately derived from the Cyanobacteria, and so produce oxygen as a
  28. Analysis. Robinson's approach, developed in the 1960s,uses technical, machinery ,from mathematical logic to augment the real number system with infinitesimal
  29. Industries include iron, copper,and coal extraction, electronics,chemicals, machinery , steel and refined petroleum fuel production, automobiles and vehicle
  30. Fever, could be repaired. When Lindbergh saw the crudeness of Carrel's, machinery , he offered to build new equipment for the scientist. Eventually they built the
  31. Necessary to build various proteins such as enzymes, the cell's primary, machinery , There are other kinds of biomolecules in cells. This article lists these
  32. Road on the site calling it Armory Road. Firearms BSA's resort to the use of, machinery ,was rewarded in 1863 with an order for 20,000 Turkish infantry rifles. The
  33. While ecologically sparse, the habitat's climate is controlled by complex, machinery ,in the lower levels. The population is in the realm of 200,000. Due to the
  34. Industry: Extractive industry and manufacturing dominated the sector, including, machinery , chemicals, food processing, metallurgy,and textiles. The sector was wasteful
  35. Equipment; steel, iron ore, cement; chemicals, petrochemicals,textiles, machinery , cotton, foodstuffs.; Reserves of foreign exchange and gold –; Debt - external
  36. Gun Quarter, Birmingham England founded, specifically to manufacture guns by, machinery , by fourteen gunsmiths of the Birmingham Small Arms Trade Association. The
  37. Compared to its cost. The lifetime cost is composed of materials, labor, machinery , engineering, cost of money, insurance,maintenance, refurbishment,and
  38. To upgrade technology, but the country was a major supplier of high-quality, machinery , instruments, electronics,aircraft, airplane engines and arms to other
  39. Then if it is a paperback. A paperback binding line (a number of pieces of, machinery ,linked by conveyor belts) involves few steps. The gathered signatures, book
  40. And Martin joined the Admiralty and Basford the Royal Army Service Corps. All, machinery ,was sold to the Sopwith Aviation Company. Inter war years After the war the
  41. Force of will and thoughts of family, escaping from being pinned by heavy, machinery , Although credited only as artist for most of his run, Ditko would eventually
  42. Of agricultural and textile products, while imports from the EU are primarily, machinery , Belarus is a beneficiary of the EU's Generalized System of Preferences (GSP
  43. Magnetic amplifiers extend to the hundreds of kilohertz. Rotating electrical, machinery ,amplifier A Ward Leonard control is a rotating machine like an electrical
  44. Or of infinity groupies). Then, in presence of an appropriate homo topic, machinery ,one can develop a notion of derived stack as such a preheat on the infinity
  45. The Saturn V rocket which put us in orbit is an incredibly complicated piece of, machinery , every piece of which worked flawlessly ... We have always had confidence that
  46. Of over 70,000. The town is a former center of the cotton and textile, machinery ,industries. The town is famed for manufacturing the hardest and densest
  47. S mining and smelting industries, petroleum,chemicals, the manufacture of, machinery ,and transportation equipment, and finance, while Canadian investment in the
  48. Frameshift mutations by" masquerading" as a base, causing the DNA replication, machinery ,to skip or insert additional nucleotides at the intercalated site. Most
  49. 1. During this time he continued to do more abstract work, and in" Computing, machinery ,and intelligence" ( Mind, October 1950),Turing addressed the problem of
  50. GNP and high exports per capita. Belgium's main imports are raw materials, machinery ,and equipment, chemicals,raw diamonds, pharmaceuticals,foodstuffs

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