Examples of the the word, ubiquitous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ubiquitous ), is the 9340 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It is usual to use the tabulated values of standard atomic weights which are, ubiquitous ,in chemical laboratories. Naming controversy The use of the name" atomic
  2. At the Church. Cotton Mather wrote more than 450 books and pamphlets, and his, ubiquitous ,literary works made him one of the most influential religious leaders in
  3. Engine manufacturing were especially successful, though heavy industry was less, ubiquitous ,than in the Ruhr area. The cathedral, started in 1248 but abandoned around 1560
  4. Rises to its zenith with a particular thrust. " Paras and deaths are, ubiquitous ,at Angkor, but are most common in the foundations of the 12th century.
  5. Since the United States forbids direct trade with Cuba. US dollars were, ubiquitous ,in Cuba's economy after its legalization in 1991,but were officially removed
  6. Been developed to explain chemical behavior. Use of the periodic table is now, ubiquitous ,within the academic discipline of chemistry, providing an extremely useful
  7. The popularity of major commercial computing architectures have aided in the, ubiquitous ,acceptance of the 8-bit size. The term octet was defined to explicitly denote a
  8. Is often spelled with a lowercase a, rather than an uppercase A, indicating how, ubiquitous ,the concept is in modern mathematics. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM
  9. The quality of the Amiga's sound output, and the fact that the hardware is, ubiquitous ,and easily addressed by software, were standout features of Amiga hardware
  10. Cars, mainly for state use. The Soviet Union also sent heavy trucks such as the, ubiquitous ,ZIL and the rugged KAZ. Cars also trickled in from Europe and, in later years
  11. Of the reactions of amine is given below: Biological activity Amines are, ubiquitous ,in biology. The breakdown of amino acids releases amines, famously in the case
  12. Equipment manufacturer whose products (particularly film projectors) were, ubiquitous ,in American schools, offered what appeared at first glance to be an Apple II
  13. And the generalization of the blues beat, the blues shuffle, that became, ubiquitous ,in R&B. This commercial stream had important consequences for blues music which
  14. Form which repeating progression of chords mirrors the call and response scheme, ubiquitous ,in African and African-American music. During the first decades of the 20th
  15. And software. Combined with the advent and eventual vast success of the now, ubiquitous ,personal computer, the term CPU is now applied almost exclusively to
  16. B. As a direct descendant of the 8008,the 8080,and the 8086,the modern, ubiquitous ,Intel x86 processors still uses the primary accumulator EAX and the secondary
  17. Playing games or other computer activities. In some countries, such software is, ubiquitous , In Cuba, if a computer user at a government controlled Internet café types
  18. Research projects in the areas of operating systems, distributed systems, and, ubiquitous , computing,often as supervisor of Ph.D. students or a postdoctoral researcher.
  19. Shouts and chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads. The blues form, ubiquitous ,in jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll is characterized by specific chord
  20. Of algorithms and approaches. Computer music systems and approaches are now, ubiquitous , and so firmly embedded in the process of creating music that we hardly give
  21. Of vertebrates, comprising nearly 96 % of the 25,000 species of fish. They are, ubiquitous ,throughout fresh water and marine environments from the deep sea to the highest
  22. Ladder whose acme is the national baseball team. The baseball cap has become a, ubiquitous ,fashion item not only in the United States and Japan, but also in countries
  23. Insights as means to fight poverty. Examples of applied anthropology are, ubiquitous , Focused on a positive light, Anthropology is one of the few places where
  24. The most widely distributed and diverse entities in the biosphere. Phages are, ubiquitous ,and can be found in all reservoirs populated by bacterial hosts, such as soil
  25. Experimental introductions into Puerto Rico. It subsequently became the most, ubiquitous ,amphibian in the islands. It still retains the common name of lamprey in the
  26. Who have been given a clean slate to reinvent traditional approaches to, ubiquitous ,worldwide communications. In 2007 Atkinson began working as an outside
  27. Start the US Civil War. *In the Neal Stephenson novel The Diamond Age, ubiquitous ,molecular nanotechnology is described to make use of" rod logic" similar to
  28. Systems run and on which most store their files. Hard disks have been the, ubiquitous ,form of non-volatile storage since the early 1960s. Where files contain only
  29. Iniquity. During the mid-1980s,many sysops opted for the less expensive, ubiquitous ,Commodore 64 (introduced in 1982),which was popular among software pirate
  30. Having not changed significantly in outward form since the Triassic. They are, ubiquitous ,in inland aquatic habitats, but rare in the oceans. Most are long, with a
  31. Or home computers. Futurist and sci-fi writer David Brain mourned the loss of, ubiquitous ,BASIC in a 2006 Salon article. Syntax Typical BASIC keywords; Data manipulation
  32. Refills – Part 2: Documentary use (DOC) In everyday life Ballpoint pens are, ubiquitous ,in modern culture. While other forms of pen are available, ballpoint pens are
  33. Futures where daily life was impacted by rapid technological change,an, ubiquitous ,datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human
  34. Differential equations relate an unknown function to its derivatives, and are, ubiquitous ,in the sciences. Applications Calculus is used in every branch of the physical
  35. Of Scottish and African influence) and so on. Nowadays, Americans also have a, ubiquitous ,consumption of foods like pizza and pasta, tacos and burritos to" General TSO
  36. The KET | \psi\range to obtain the KET (A|\psi\range). Linear operators are, ubiquitous ,in the theory of quantum mechanics. For example, observable physical quantities
  37. Blues, maintaining the form with academic strictness. The blues scale is, ubiquitous ,in modern popular music and informs many modal frames, especially the ladder of
  38. States who was never President of the United States. " Franklin's likeness is, ubiquitous , Since 1928,it has adorned American $100 bills, which are sometimes referred
  39. Dominated by the carbonate ion, CO. Carbonate minerals are extremely varied and, ubiquitous ,in chemically-precipitated sedimentary rock. The most common are calcite or
  40. Flowed to Bell in increasing numbers as his most famous invention became, ubiquitous ,and his personal fame grew. Bell received numerous honorary degrees from
  41. Numbers in Chinese. Today speakers of Chinese use three numeral systems: the, ubiquitous ,Arabic numerals and two indigenous systems. The more familiar indigenous system
  42. Abstract the essential nature of infinitesimal transformations, and have become, ubiquitous ,in mathematics. They are an example of non-associative algebras. There are
  43. Presented the committee me" sounds at least odd, if not incorrect. ) The most, ubiquitous ,auxiliary, izan, can be used in any of these paradigms, depending on the nature
  44. Optimization directive. Nonetheless, common CL coding style does not favor the, ubiquitous ,use of recursion that Scheme style prefers—what a Scheme programmer would
  45. Vectors which can lead to cult fiefdom, as its reputation stems as much from, ubiquitous ,cable-TV overplay as anything in the film itself. These films should not be
  46. Contributions of the Bauhaus is in the field of modern furniture design. The, ubiquitous ,Cantilever chair and the Easily Chair designed by Marcel Breuer are two
  47. All data encrypted using current standards based security systems such as the, ubiquitous ,SSL used to protect e-commerce and Internet banking and SSH used to protect
  48. Printing and distributing publicity material. Now, a majority of the huge and, ubiquitous ,billboards in India's major cities are created with computer-printed vinyl.
  49. Of renting the crane. SCTV writers responded by making the" crane shot" a, ubiquitous ,symbol of production excess while also lampooning network executives who care
  50. And fats of animal origin predominate, while in Southern Europe olive oil is, ubiquitous ,and rice is more prevalent. In Italy the cuisine of the north, featuring butter

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