Examples of the the word, sake , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sake ), is the 3853 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Purpose of this expedition is debated, though Asset claims that it was for the, sake ,of plunder. The victorious fleet was then caught unaware when attempting to
  2. Rely on presenting scenes directly to the eye for their own visible, sake , They care for the schematic arrangements of bodies in space, but only as parts
  3. The guiding moral principle. She said the individual should" exist for his own, sake , neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. " She
  4. Were saying. In reply, the prophet said:" They lie, I bade thee remain for the, sake ,of what I had left behind me. So return and represent me in my family and in
  5. Effectively efficient cause. *The final cause is its purpose, or that for the, sake ,of which a thing exists or is done, including both purposeful and instrumental
  6. It. She believes these destroyers simply want to heap burdens upon her for the, sake ,of others, which she has the ability to carry. Like Hank, she believes they
  7. Lowercase. In some versions (but not in the original Atlas version),for the, sake ,of easy typing it was possible to strop keywords by placing a" %" sign in
  8. Uses" ambrosia oil" as perfume," divinely sweet, and made fragrant for her, sake , " *In the myth of Psyche and Eros, Psyche is given ambrosia by Hermes upon her
  9. Entered the business world with considerable success. Hazel Hawks, who for the, sake ,of the Labor cause had put up with the open secret of his relationship with his
  10. Are sometimes introduced into predominantly pentameter verse for the, sake ,of variety. The Spenserian stanza, for instance, is eight lines of pentameter
  11. Artistic skills. #Nonutilitarian pleasure. People enjoy art for art's, sake , and don't demand that it keep them warm or put food on the table. #Style.
  12. Child. He dismisses Nora's agonized choice made against her conscience for the, sake ,of his health and her years of secret efforts to free them from the ensuing
  13. Academic writers during the scientific Enlightenment attempted, for the, sake ,of survival, to separate and divorce the" new" chemistry from the" old "
  14. Of destroying? Since Man can outdo any hurricane, fear makes no sense. For the, sake ,of human satisfaction, nothing should be forbidden: If you want another man’s
  15. After his death. For Oscar Wilde the contemplation of beauty for beauty's, sake ,was not only the foundation for much of his literary career but was quoted as
  16. Read aloud, is nearly always pronounced oh in both language varieties for the, sake ,of convenience. In the internet age the use of the term oh can cause certain
  17. Frogs, Aristophanes softens his criticisms, but even so it may be only for the, sake ,of punning on Agathon's name (ἁγαθός =" good" ) that he makes Dionysus call
  18. Acts:" The political partnership must be regarded, therefore,as being for the, sake ,of noble actions, not for the sake of living together. " This is distinguished
  19. Challenged for a response to allegations that he was glamorizing crime for the, sake ,of publicity, his response was" Anything I could say about my person or my
  20. Alcoholic beverages come from fermenting plants such as barley (beer),rice (, sake ,) and grapes (wine). Plants also provide us with many natural materials, such
  21. Born Jewish, were atheists. His mother kept a kosher home for her husband's, sake , but was lax about attending synagogue and observing the Jewish holidays. His
  22. As far as possible. Though they admit that plants must be destroyed for the, sake ,of food, they accept such violence only inasmuch as it is indispensable for
  23. Is for the sake of the end; and the actuality is the end, and it is for the, sake ,of this that the potentiality is acquired. For animals do not see in order that
  24. Are" imperfect anagrams ", letters having been left out in some cases for the, sake ,of easy pronunciation. Titles Anagrams used for titles afford scope for some
  25. Forgetfulness of one's own concerns. The importance lies in sacrifice for the, sake ,of the greater good; Islam considers those practicing i'their as abiding by the
  26. Up throughout the neighborhood, containing statements such as" Art for arts, sake ," (Τεχνη τεχνης χαριν). Guerilla gardening has also helped to beautify this
  27. Study, i. e., one aimed at doing good rather than knowing for its own, sake , He wrote several treatises on ethics, including most notably, the Nicomachean
  28. Should give up one's life, if necessary, either passively or actively, for the, sake ,of upholding the cardinal moral values of men and Yi. *Legalism, which
  29. He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's, sake , # Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
  30. Zhou royal treasures, only they were not written to record history for its own, sake , but for legitimizing the current imperial reign. These texts took the form of
  31. Be regarded, therefore,as being for the sake of noble actions, not for the, sake ,of living together. " This is distinguished from modern approaches, beginning
  32. The philosophical idea of a global representation of the world simply for the, sake ,of knowledge was reason enough to design one. Surely aware of the sea's
  33. Him to write to Polly, and he set to begin to submit to authority for her, sake , He sought a place on a slave ship bound for Africa, and Newton and his
  34. That he was freeing the slaves for the sake of Allah, and not for his own, sake , According to Sunni tradition the following verses of the Qur'an were revealed
  35. And ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own, sake , and as mimesis or representation. Leo Tolstoy identified art as a use of
  36. Of portraying likenesses, and into a realm where forms existed for their own, sake , Notable examples are The Walking Man, Meditation without Arms, and Iris
  37. Of strength for him, Abu Bakr replied that he was freeing the slaves for the, sake ,of Allah, and not for his own sake . According to Sunni tradition the following
  38. Along with Maseru Ibiza. Early life Morita's family was involved in, sake , miss and soy sauce production in the China Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture since
  39. And late 1940s Pierre Allied and his companions enjoyed bouldering for its own, sake ,in Fontainebleau, considered by many to be the Mecca of bouldering. The first
  40. Torvald. However, Kristine decides that Torvald should know the truth for the, sake ,of his and Nora's marriage. After literally dragging Nora home from the party
  41. English tongue. " Lerner said he knew the lyric used incorrect grammar for the, sake ,of a rhyme. He was later approached about it by another famous lyricist:" I
  42. For the sake of which a thing is, is its principle, and the becoming is for the, sake ,of the end; and the actuality is the end, and it is for the sake of this that
  43. In such non-violent action, and particularly those who suffer for conscience ', sake ,as a result; and be it further Resolved, that this General Convention calls
  44. But steady pace wins the race. " Haraka would mean hurrying just for the, sake ,of hurrying, reckless hurry, as in" Not! Haraka" come here! Hurry
  45. Is when a plant does one of the activities that plants do. " For that for the, sake ,of which a thing is, is its principle, and the becoming is for the sake of the
  46. Invited the Olympian gods and goddesses to view the unfortunate pair. For the, sake ,of modesty, the goddesses demurred, but the male gods went to witness the sight
  47. Of torture, a local dish from Honshu. Torture is mainly enjoyed with, sake , In California, abalone meat can be found on pizza, sautéed with caramelized
  48. Because the end (tells) is the principle of every change, and for the, sake ,of the end exists potentiality, therefore actuality is the end. Referring then
  49. In a culture with few literate people. A beer made from rice, which,unlike, sake , didn't use the anxiolytic process, and was probably prepared for fermentation
  50. Victorious over the official Baal prophets of Israel in a contest held for the, sake ,of the Israelites and their king, Ahab. The contest ends when Elijah's God

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