Examples of the the word, positioning , in a Sentence Context

The word ( positioning ), is the 6843 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Engagement with the German High seas fleet. Despite this, Jellicoe succeeded in, positioning ,his ships to good advantage, relying on other closer cruisers for final
  2. Missiles (NATO designation SS-5 Sean) with a maximum range of. Cuba, positioning ,On October 7,Cuban President Osvaldo Portico spoke at the UN General Assembly
  3. Of batters of opposing teams to develop pitching strategies and set defensive, positioning ,on the field. Managers and batters study opposing pitcher performance and
  4. Summer solstice. For more information see History of solar observation. Lunar, positioning ,The Moon's appearance is considerably more complex. Its motion, like the Sun
  5. Syndrome. Animal development Proper orientation of cilia via centriole, positioning ,toward the posterior of embryonic node cells is critical for establishing
  6. Economic crisis and deep cuts in business travel are affecting the Council's, positioning ,of the city as a convention center. An important business center in Barcelona
  7. Have met in the making of a tomb; the Egyptians had no means of mapping the, positioning ,of the tombs. The contents of the tombs have been nearly destroyed by
  8. Of astronomy and cosmology, and also in some practical problems such as global, positioning ,and airplane navigation. Nonetheless, a Euclidean model of the universe can
  9. Explicitly addressing the author's methodology, cultural,gender and racial, positioning , and their influence on his or her ethnographic analysis. This was part of a
  10. Or used as a last resort. The drainage of a lung abscess may be performed by, positioning ,the patient in a way that enables the contents to be discharged via the
  11. Islands, Rose Atoll is an uninhabited Marine National Monument. Due to its, positioning ,in the South Pacific Ocean, it is frequently hit by typhoons between December
  12. Possible to say whether a specific body can be seen in that direction. Solar, positioning ,While the stars are fixed to their declinations the Sun is not. The rising
  13. Media at one constant speed regardless of where the head is positioned. Track, positioning ,also follows two different methods across disk storage devices. Storage devices
  14. As specialized player positions and offensive and defensive structures (player, positioning ,) and techniques. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play" center "
  15. National Congress. The new power structure is announced obliquely through the, positioning ,of portraits in the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Party. The
  16. Delayed until after the breast mound reconstruction is completed so that the, positioning ,can be planned precisely. There are several methods of reconstructing the
  17. Or at no pace, that Valderrama was average in terms of scoring goals, therefore, positioning , him behind the forwards would expose his lack of pace and lack of goal scoring
  18. Effects to the single long-rod, but also have a third effect. Because of their, positioning , the twin weights also resist rotation instigated by a bow-hand error. If this
  19. Entries with pointers to graphics data, color information, and horizontal, positioning , The same display list is used for multiple Masters with the pointers being
  20. Superseded by systems such as the American GPS and the planned European GALILEO, positioning ,system. It was deployed in the United Kingdom after World War II and later used
  21. Numerically stronger forces between the Franco-Bavarian army and Vienna. Final, positioning ,Marshal Ballard, with 34,000 men, reached Ulm, joining with the Elector and
  22. Was made to whether prisoners were on board the aircraft at the time. Global, positioning ,system Diego Garcia is one of the five control bases for the Global Positioning
  23. Globalisation),nowhere (cyberspace),and out there (outer space). Global, positioning ,satellites are key to synchronizing precision time and data streams for
  24. The black (or" short" ) keys were an innovation that allows the adjacent, positioning ,of most of the diatonic whole-steps (all in the case of C major),with
  25. Next to each other in front of the face (fighters tend to vary the exact, positioning ,) and elbows are brought in tight to the body (this position can be achieved
  26. Linker histones arranged internally. A stable 30 nm fiber relies on the regular, positioning ,of nucleosomes along DNA. Linker DNA is relatively resistant to bending and
  27. By two or three opponents, his strongest qualities were his movement or, positioning ,without the ball, which allowed him to be a presence on the pitch even though
  28. Appropriate signals for the vector monitor. There are DVG commands for, positioning ,the cathode ray, for drawing a line to a specified destination, calling a
  29. Dancers prefer to hold the arms much lower, similar to conventional ballroom, positioning , The follow's footwork usually mirrors the lead's. The basic step is danced
  30. The work of a single individual, working by carefully selecting, reworking and, positioning ,his source material to introduce and conclude his themes. A statement repeated
  31. In 1995. In 1995,just as Death Row Records was signing rapper 2Pac and, positioning ,him as their major star, Young left the label amidst a contract dispute and
  32. Settings. The GDI implementation of ClearType does not support sub-pixel, positioning , ClearType tuning Microsoft Windows, out of the box, only allows ClearType to
  33. Shift in emphasis is designed to increase the party's appeal:" We should be, positioning ,ourselves to take advantage for our own political ends of the growing wave of
  34. This is one of the first true examples of molecular nanotechnology, the precise, positioning ,of atoms to create useful machines. Already, this property has been utilized to
  35. Elephants are observed listening by putting trunks on the ground and carefully, positioning ,their feet. The eyesight of elephants is relatively poor. Self-awareness Mirror
  36. The extremely variable nature of the moon. See Moon for more details. Stellar, positioning , Transient phenomena whose remains are visible to astronomers and therefore
  37. With loss of accuracy. By careful study of the bow's movement, the appropriate, positioning ,and addition of weight (s) may be tried, to reduce errors, although
  38. The curvature of space-time. Understanding this curvature is essential for the, positioning ,of satellites into orbit around the earth. Differential geometry is also
  39. To be positioned throughout the atom, but with many structures possible for, positioning ,multiple electrons, particularly rotating rings of electrons (see below).
  40. Rules for http://pitmanshorthand.homestead.com" vowel indication" using the, positioning ,or choice of consonant signs so that writing vowel-marks can be dispensed with.
  41. Be upgraded to EU standards, demanding approximately €17 billion. The Galileo, positioning ,system is another EU infrastructure project. Galileo is a proposed Global
  42. Instructions from the MSDN WPF Text Blog. ClearType in WPF supports sub-pixel, positioning , natural advance widths, Y-direction anti-aliasing and hardware acceleration.
  43. Of the rate of change * Even when the dating information is available, positioning ,the cladogram's forks along the time axis in proportion to their dates may
  44. Its fortunes somewhat under the leadership of Jo Grind in the 1960s,by, positioning ,itself as a radical centrist non-socialist alternative to the Conservative and
  45. Scene and often even technical details including meticulous records of camera, positioning ,and equipment settings. The use of a Polaroid camera was standard but has since
  46. There are, however,large DNA sequence preferences that govern nucleosome, positioning , This is due primarily to the varying physical properties of different DNA
  47. Many European fighters stand with their torso turned more to the side. The, positioning ,of the hands may also vary, as some fighters prefer to have both hands raised
  48. Time of his life on stage with a guitar in his hands played a crucial role in, positioning ,the guitar ... as the instrument that best captured the style and spirit of
  49. Be calibrated using alignment stars in order to provide accurate tracking and, positioning , However, several telescope manufacturers have recently developed telescope
  50. Is one selected randomly from a possible 960 starting positions. This random, positioning ,makes it more difficult to prepare the opening play in advance. Sir Charles

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