Examples of the the word, reconcile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reconcile ), is the 6845 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A full installation may take up to 4 GB of hard disk space. Efforts to, reconcile ,concepts that differ between Unix and Windows systems include: *A
  2. Of medieval universities c. 1100–1500. Scholasticism originally started to, reconcile ,the philosophy of the ancient classical philosophers with medieval Christian
  3. To it. Theistic evolution and evolutionary creationism are theologies that, reconcile ,belief in a creator with biological evolution. Each holds the view that there
  4. The notions of freedom and determinism. The thesis of compatibility seeks to, reconcile ,human freedom with the mechanism belief that human beings are part of a
  5. His first sweetheart, Florence Conway, in 1917,he continually struggled to, reconcile ,a lifelong (though probably unconsummated) love affair with Phyllis Jones (
  6. But rather as a symbolic or open-ended work. For Orthodox Jews who seek to, reconcile ,discrepancies between science and the Bible, the notion that science and the
  7. His career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to, reconcile ,the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field.
  8. Mlekar were spelled with (). Among other things, this was seen as a way to ", reconcile ," the Western and the Eastern dialects and maintain language unity at a time
  9. Of interest between borrowers and savers. It was the task of the movement to, reconcile ,that conflict of interest to enable savers to conclude that their
  10. King Henry IV of Navarre to Marguerite de Valois, in a supposed attempt to, reconcile ,Protestants and Catholics. *1587 – Virginia Dare, granddaughter of governor
  11. S geological formations. Creation scientists employ the concept to attempt to, reconcile ,current landforms and fossil distributions with Biblical interpretations
  12. Character of known family inheritance structures. There have been attempts to, reconcile ,these points by assuming that the latter represents an innovation. In any case
  13. S, beyond regulatory and future growth requirements, is difficult to, reconcile ,with conventional theories of mutual behavior ". Llewellyn (1996) draws a
  14. Held in trust for the Yorkist crown. Richard's act of mercy was calculated to, reconcile ,with Stanley, but it may have been to no avail—Carpenter has identified a
  15. Type-casting. On Dietrich's role, he characterized," It's difficult to, reconcile ,Miss Dietrich's Frenchy, the cabaret girl of the Bloody Gulch Saloon, with the
  16. Developed from the 18th century onwards, various views developed which aimed to, reconcile ,science with the Genesis creation narrative. At this time those holding that
  17. Disagreement where others find a fundamental opposition. He is able to, reconcile , or even to fuse, differing views to an extent which makes it almost impossible
  18. Of finding evidence supporting Christianity, and numerous attempts were made to, reconcile ,new knowledge with the biblical Deluge myth and story of Noah's Ark. In 1650
  19. S On the Heavens. Theology In Sing was a devout Muslim and sought to, reconcile ,rational philosophy with Islamic theology. His aim was to prove the existence
  20. S Day. By convention, a calendar year consists of a natural number of days. To, reconcile ,the calendar year with an astronomical cycle (which could not possibly be
  21. The Ghana. His general, Idriss Debt, overthrew him in 1990. Debt attempted to, reconcile ,the rebel groups and reintroduced multiparty politics. Chadians approved a new
  22. Issues that remain unresolved. Many scientists have found it difficult to, reconcile ,the fact that information is distributed across multiple brain areas with the
  23. Agamemnon's hands for most of the play. Envoys from the Greek army attempt to, reconcile ,him to Agamemnon, but he yields only to his friend and lover Patrols, who
  24. Body of legislation included some 10,000 norms. Many these were difficult to, reconcile ,with one another due to changes in circumstances and practice. This situation
  25. Supported the pope at Ferrara and Florence, and worked hard in the attempt to, reconcile ,the Eastern and Western Churches. But in this council, and later, in that of
  26. Himself within the Li-Chiang rivalry, attempting to have Li and Chiang, reconcile ,their differences in the effort to resist the Communists. At Chiang's request
  27. No external limitations, that is,outside His divine nature. Most Arminians, reconcile ,human free will with God's sovereignty and foreknowledge by holding three
  28. Convened a meeting with Protestants in Regensburg, seat of the German diet, to, reconcile , differences. Unity failed between Catholic and Protestant representatives “
  29. All her struggles. The essential drama of Dagny's character is her struggle to, reconcile ,the life she lives and the railroad which she loves with the moral code of
  30. It was ceased during the Khmer Rouge regime. Later the two countries agreed to, reconcile ,bilateral relations in 1996 and establish official embassies in 1997. In 2006
  31. Reappears in both comic strips and a short story, the latter attempting to, reconcile ,the film continuity with that of the series. In addition, several planned films
  32. Members of the Council of the Twelve Apostles over attempts by B. H. Roberts to, reconcile ,the fossil record with the scriptures by introducing a doctrine of pre-Adamic
  33. Skupština and senate). This reconcile d the political parties but did not, reconcile ,the army which, already dissatisfied with the king's marriage, became still
  34. Some accept the scientific evidence at face value, while others seek to, reconcile ,the Big Bang with their religious tenets, and others completely reject or
  35. Of Luther as heresy, German opinion considered a council the best method to, reconcile ,existing differences. German Catholics, diminished in number, hoped for a
  36. Panel may argue that the plague is a punishment for sin, but how does he, reconcile ,that doctrine with the death of a child? The child in question is Jacques Othón
  37. Judaism, and that it is a thoroughly Jewish text. Some interpreters attempt to, reconcile ,the two dates by placing the visions themselves at the earlier date (during
  38. Radiation, while fossil evidence supports a Tertiary radiation. Attempts to, reconcile ,the molecular and fossil evidence have proved controversial. The classification
  39. Army and the country at large. Political reconciliation King Alexander tried to, reconcile ,political parties by unveiling a liberal constitution of his own initiative
  40. Case. Rule consequentialism is a theory that is sometimes seen as an attempt to, reconcile ,deontology and consequentialism—and in some cases, this is stated as a
  41. Proposed another orthography called Kernel Daunts (KD) which endeavors to, reconcile ,UC, KK, RLC,and UCR orthographies. Standard Written Form In May 2008 the
  42. Job’s regret is that he has no arbiter to act as a go-between; that Job can not, reconcile ,himself with God anticipates the need for the Messiah to become Incarnate. In
  43. Represent the Holy Trinity. This idea, while whimsical, is quite difficult to, reconcile ,when one is confronted with the fact that at various times in Russian history
  44. Chiefs send Ajax, Odysseus and Phoenix to the tent of Achilles in an attempt to, reconcile ,with the great warrior and induce him to return to the fight. Although Ajax
  45. Elite were seen by many as enemies to the social order. Robert Peel was able to, reconcile ,the new industrial class to the Tory landed class by persuading the latter to
  46. Readings of the Tanya, did not take this teaching literally and even managed to, reconcile ,it with the leftist ideas of internationalism and class struggle. The original
  47. Peaceful living side by side, with strong inter-dialogue at many levels to, reconcile ,past differences between the two groups, and many Christians emphasize common
  48. By his zeal and exertions – for there were many conflicting interests to, reconcile ,– he adjusted the affair in a manner at once creditable to his judgment and
  49. The Latter Day Saint movement there are several apologetic groups that seek to, reconcile ,the discrepancies in diverse ways. Among these apologetic groups, much work has
  50. Its contents. The Canon of Problems (probably second century CE) tried to, reconcile ,divergent doctrines from the Inner Canon and developed a complete medical

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