Examples of the the word, bead , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bead ), is the 6849 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are broadly divided into loom and off-loom weaving, stringing, bead embroidery, bead ,crochet, and bead knitting. Most cultures have employed bead s for personal
  2. Both men and women wear wooden bracelets. The Masai women regularly weave and, bead ,jewelry. This bead work plays an essential part in the ornamentation of their
  3. Per hand. Where the Roman model (like most modern Japanese) has 4 plus 1, bead , per decimal place, the standard sampan has 5 plus 2,allowing use with a
  4. Second half of a two-part process: first, the glass batch is poured into round, bead ,molds, then they are faceted with a grinding wheel. The faceted bead s are then
  5. Repeated circular arrangements, and the fishing line is pulled tight after each, bead ,circle is made. Peyote stitch is stitched using only one end of the nylon
  6. Techniques are broadly divided into loom and off-loom weaving, stringing, bead , embroidery, bead crochet, and bead knitting. Most cultures have employed bead s
  7. Rounded in shape, seed bead s are most commonly used for loom and off-loom, bead ,weaving. Place or period of origin African trade bead s or slave bead s may be
  8. GHB, had been substituted for the non-toxic plasticizer 1,5-pentanediol in the, bead ,manufacturing process. Three young children were hospitalized as a result of
  9. Voting rights. Marcus Merman, Choctaw,one of today's most celebrated, bead ,artists, pioneered a movement of highly realistic bead ed portraits. His imagery
  10. Are of a different color from the other eight bead s. Likewise, the left, bead ,of the thousands wire (and the million wire, if present) may have a different
  11. Of counting rods, a rod became a bead , an overhead rod became an overhead, bead ,top of a portion bar, there is exact 1 to 1 correspondence between a rod
  12. Of the Empire *Word games, like Scrabble, Boggle, or What's My Word? (2010) A, bead ,is a small, decorative object that is usually pierced for threading or
  13. Here is often used to represent numbers without the use of place value. Each, bead ,and each wire has the same value and used in this way it can represent numbers
  14. Degeneration follows with swelling of the dilemma, and eventually leads to, bead ,like formation. Granular disintegration of the atonal cytoskeleton and inner
  15. Removal from tribes to Indian Territory. Their bead work commonly features white, bead ,outlines, an echo of the shell bead s or pearls Southeastern tribes used before
  16. Christian rosaries consist of pearls or bead s linked together by a thread. Each, bead ,is counted once as a person recites a mantra until the person has gone all the
  17. Dollmakers. The widespread popularity of glass bead s does not mean aboriginal, bead ,making is dead. Perhaps the most famous Native bead is wampum, a cylindrical
  18. The abacus retains all the main feature of counting rods, a rod became a, bead , an overhead rod became an overhead bead top of a portion bar, there is exact 1
  19. Are locked in between the warp threads by the weft threads. The most common, bead ,weaving technique requires two passes of the weft thread. First, an entire row
  20. Tribes, such as the Wampanoag and Shinnecock. Job's tears are a popular seed, bead ,among Southeastern Native American tribes. Surface patterns After shaping
  21. Wooden bracelets. The Masai women regularly weave and bead jewelry. This, bead ,work plays an essential part in the ornamentation of their body. Although there
  22. Breaking into separate drops. After falling down, the honey should form a, bead , The honey, when poured, should form small, temporary layers that disappear
  23. Other artifacts indicate a sporadic early Polynesian presence. A canoe, a blue, bead , pieces of bamboo, and other relics of early settlers have been found. The
  24. Different designs, sizes,colors, and materials, allowing much variation among, bead ,artisans and projects. Simple projects can be created in less than an hour by
  25. Access to 3D bead ing patterns. 3D bead ing generally uses the techniques of, bead ,weaving, which can be further divided into right angle weave and peyote stitch.
  26. Bead chain is 27.5" long (which hangs in the middle of ones chest). A 365, bead , chain is approximately 47.25 ", which hangs down too far on the average person.
  27. Curing tooth related disorders with bow drills operated, perhaps,by skilled, bead ,craftsmen. The reconstruction of this ancient form of dentistry showed that the
  28. An introduced piece of the mantle epithelium, together or without a spherical, bead ,( bead ed or bead less cultured pearls). Natural pearls are
  29. And the first exact dating of Critic civilization) comes from a carnelian, bead ,identified with the Middle Kingdom pharaoh Ensure I,1971 BC–1926 BC. A steal
  30. Very high frequencies are sometimes made by stringing a fer rite cylinder or, bead ,on a wire. Small inductors can be etched directly onto a printed circuit board
  31. And banana fiber skirts, belts and burial shrouds),and body ornamentation (, bead ,and shell necklaces, bracelets,earrings, belts and combs made from tortoise
  32. Scarab bead s in semiprecious stones or glazed ceramics can be purchased at most, bead ,shops, while at Luxor Temple a massive ancient scarab has been roped off to
  33. Can then be cut from the Murine and fused into the surface of a plain glass, bead , Shapes * Bugle bead s Hair pipe bead s Elk rib bones were the original material
  34. Bell neck over a mandrel. A lathe is used to spin the bell head and to form a, bead ,at tip of bell head. Previously shaped bell necks are annealed, using a hand
  35. Way, get it bottled up. Then, when the experience quiets down, the mind draws a, bead ,on it and extracts concepts, notions,dogmas, so that religious experience can
  36. To several millimeters. " Seed Bead" is a generic term for any small, bead , Usually rounded in shape, seed bead s are most commonly used for loom and
  37. University Press,1989,ISBN 0-19-861186-2) contain the compound word" angry, bead , " To find a third word ending in -dry that is not part of a phrase, you must
  38. Her labia. And she told me about how when you ride on a motorcycle, the little, bead ,on the ring acts like a vibrator. Her story turned me on so I did it. I got two
  39. From the direct current output, to the small inductance of the fer rite, bead ,or torus installed around a cable to prevent radio frequency interference from
  40. Which are said to have been made of grapevine in former times, as also are, bead ,necklaces called Ramsay, which the women prized highly. Their traditional
  41. Wearing standard I. D. tags. This however is not true as a U. S. Air Force 210, bead , chain is 27.5" long (which hangs in the middle of ones chest). A 365 bead
  42. Seen hovering to the right side of Guanine with either a pearl or a prayer, bead ,clasped in its beak. The parrot becomes a symbol of filial piety. Guanine and
  43. New synthetic materials when created. In modern manufacturing, the most common, bead ,materials are wood, plastic,glass, metal,and stone. Natural materials Beads
  44. Does not mean aboriginal bead making is dead. Perhaps the most famous Native, bead ,is wampum, a cylindrical tube of quahog or whelk shell. Both shells produce
  45. Into loom and off-loom weaving, stringing, bead embroidery, bead crochet, and, bead , knitting. Most cultures have employed bead s for personal adornment.
  46. Textures, shapes,and patterns. There are a number of different off-loom, bead ,stitches, including: * brick stitch, also known as Comanche or Cheyenne stitch
  47. Plastic on one side and positively charged white plastic on the other (each, bead ,is thus a dipole). The spheres are embedded in a transparent silicone sheet
  48. The left. For easy viewing, the middle 2 bead s on each wire (the 5th and 6th, bead , ) usually are of a different color from the other eight bead s. Likewise, the
  49. Renowned for their bead ed horse trappings, Subarctic tribes such as the Done, bead ,lavish floral dog blankets. Eastern tribes have a completely different bead work
  50. An aid in teaching the numeral system and arithmetic. In Western countries,a, bead ,frame similar to the Russian abacus but with straight wires and a vertical

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