Examples of the the word, tangible , in a Sentence Context
The word ( tangible ), is the 6852 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And the balance of payments. 'Balance of trade' refers to the trade of both, tangible ,(physical) objects and the trade in services – collectively known as
- Discovered by physical scientists studying lake beds, ancient pollen, and other, tangible ,evidence. Conquest era Second-in-command to Hernán Cortes, Pedro de Alvarado
- Reform Bill the working class did not possess the vote and therefore had little, tangible ,political power. Although Disraeli forged a personal friendship with John
- From the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court requiring production of" any, tangible ,thing" for an investigation. Ashcroft referred to American Library Association
- Statute which created that corporation. Thereby, the creature of statute is the, tangible ,manifestation of the functions or work described by a given statute. The
- It is plain that the innovator in these examples becomes a partial owner of the, tangible ,property (e.g., land and logs) of others, due not to first occupation and
- Have a first-level hierarchy that reflects whether the economic goods are, tangible ,or in tangible . For purposes of finance and market research, market-based
- Of time, space,and causality in his concept of Duration, making room for a, tangible ,marriage of free will with causality. Seeing Duration as a mobile and fluid
- Produce more food for their families and communities. The projects provide, tangible ,resources, such as fishing equipment, seeds and agricultural implements. They
- The mare and ensuing foal, the potential market or use for the foal, and other, tangible ,and in tangible benefits to the owner. If the breeding endeavor is intended to
- Hindus perform their worship through icons (Curtis). The icon serves as a, tangible ,link between the worshiper and God. The image is often considered a
- And a change of coach, before the team's obvious potential was translated into, tangible ,success. Post Reynolds era and the" Slugging' Seventies" ( 1961–1980) John
- Games. Japan has a developed system for the protection and promotion of both, tangible ,and in tangible Cultural Properties and National Treasures. Sixteen sites have
- May have no real benefit (other than conferring a new look) or may grant, tangible ,benefits such as underwater breathing, flight,or a vampire touch. Lastly
- Weighed dying patients in an attempt to prove that the soul was material, tangible ,and thus measurable. Although MacDougall's results varied considerably from "
- Past is told through the use of flashbacks. In most noir, the past is, tangible ,and menacing. The characters are often trying to escape some trauma or crime
- Projects in over 100 countries worldwide, the program promotes effective, tangible ,solutions to the elimination of hunger, undernourishment and poverty. Currently
- Secondly, a much smaller group of irregular nouns with zero ending which define, tangible ,objects or concepts (кръв 'blood ', кост 'bone ', вечер 'evening ', нoщ 'night
- And information creates artificial scarcity and infringes on the right to own, tangible ,property. Stephan Kinsella uses the following scenario to argue this point:
- But what remains is the“ tendency in the human mind to reach out beyond the, tangible ,and the visible; and it is in depicting this mood of vague and half-defined
- Claims stem from the extent to which the claim associates the brand with a, tangible ,product or service feature. For instance, the camera has autofocus features.
- The marketer claims novel composition of the lubricant which improves some, tangible ,performance over its rivals. Typically, the technology is protected via formal
- Local option up to 6.5 %. Sales tax applies to the sale, rental or lease of, tangible ,personal property and some services. Food is taxed, but prescription drugs are
- Gumbo walks into a book, and then experiences the world inside the book as a, tangible ,place. By the end of the decade, Gumby and Pokey had appeared in commercials
- Obstacles selling services that goods-sellers rarely face. Services are not, tangible , making it difficult for potential customers to understand what they will
- Concept, thus leading to the patent dispute. ) The single most profitable, tangible ,product of the Bauhaus was its wallpaper. The physical plant at Essay survived
- To show - this means that the steps can be verified, measured,or even produce, tangible ,artifacts. Second, in due diligence, there are continual activities - this
- Linked to the institution's graduate or research programs, which have some, tangible ,factors for rating, such as research funding and volume, publications and
- Is always followed by a noun in the dative. The thing being given may be a, tangible ,object, such as" a book" or" a pen ", or it may be an in tangible abstraction
- Of opinion: The only way to rectify our reasoning is to make them as, tangible ,as those of the Mathematicians, so that we can find our error at a glance, and
- Nautical is washing her clothes that Athena arrives personally to provide more, tangible ,assistance. She appears in Nausicaa's dreams to ensure that the princess
- For the average Chinese in the last three decades is seen by the government as, tangible ,progress made in human rights. Efforts in the past decade to combat deadly
- Confessions) disappeared from the Cook County courthouse, and lacking that, tangible ,evidence, a criminal trial (whose scope was limited to the question of
- Difficult to justify investment in the software without the potential for more, tangible ,gains. Research and study show the importance of designing and developing
- The proceeds to the beneficiary) will abate next #Specific devises (gifts of, tangible ,property) will abate last Definitions A specific devise, is a specific gift in
- Art is art produced in an attempt to illustrate, supplement and portray in, tangible ,form the principles of Christianity. Virtually all Christian groupings use or
- Issues as the relative importance of market failure and government failure. Non, tangible ,forms of capital Human capital Contemporary analysis distinguishes tangible
- Non- tangible forms of capital Human capital Contemporary analysis distinguishes, tangible , physical, or nonhuman capital goods from other forms of capital such as human
- Cultural and thus linguistic homogeneity of the West, is capable of rendering, tangible ,services at this precise moment in the history of the world. It is by its
- Pushed east towards the Wanda Empire. Afghanistan's significant ancient, tangible ,and in tangible Buddhist heritage is recorded through wide-ranging archeological
- That is an in tangible property, as opposed to tangible property. In the case of, tangible ,property the property rights are bundled with the ownership of the property
- Throughout the areas of modern-day Pakistan and India, and represent the first, tangible ,evidence of Buddhism. The edicts describe in detail the first wide expansion of
- However, many other aspects of the culture of prehistoric peoples are not, tangible , Their beliefs and behavior are difficult to decipher from physical materials
- Praise and other rewards undermine intrinsic motivation. There is evidence that, tangible ,rewards decrease intrinsic motivation in specific situations, such as when the
- Of as a" chose in action ", that is an in tangible property, as opposed to, tangible ,property. In the case of tangible property the property rights are bundled with
- Copyright does not depend on procedures and arises when the work is created in, tangible ,form, some Borne Convention members allow registration of works, for example to
- A forced variation that involves a sacrifice and usually results in a, tangible ,gain is called a combination. Fundamentals of strategy Chess strategy is
- It is at once not" real ", since one could not spatially locate it as a, tangible ,object, and clearly" real" in its effects. Secondly, cyberspace is the site
- Of spatial perception and, therefore,the autonomy of vision. Without, tangible ,notions of distance and size for correlation, sight can tell us next to nothing
- Seen through a" confusion of angular shapes ", thus appear" caught in a, tangible ,vortex or enclosed in a trap. " Silver makes a case for how" side light is
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