Examples of the the word, lightly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lightly ), is the 6854 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Russian and future Indian carriers include a ski-jump ramp for launching, lightly ,loaded conventional fighter aircraft but recover using traditional carrier
  2. The bleachers have had the stereotype of being populated by attractive and, lightly ,dressed women. Prior to the 2006 season, they were updated, with new shops and
  3. By the movement of the boomerang through the air, and,by a skilled thrower, lightly ,clipping leaves of a tree whose branches house birds, would help scare the
  4. Other parts of the world. Marconi almonds are traditionally served after being, lightly ,fried in oil, and are also used by Spanish chefs to prepare a dessert called
  5. Carriers are very successful. Fisher also speculated about a new mammoth but, lightly ,built battlecruiser that would carry 20-inch guns, which he termed HMS
  6. Flanks held their ground. Na, meanwhile,found the crossroads of Square Bras, lightly ,held by the Prince of Orange, who successfully repelled Ney's initial attacks
  7. A different type of unit was the mobile group (grup-i-mutaharek),a, lightly ,equipped commando-like formation numbering 33 men, whose mission was to carry
  8. Towards conjectures was that one should not dignify a guess as a conjecture, lightly , and in the Panama case, the evidence was only there after extensive
  9. Became the preeminent type of cruiser. A frigate was a small, fast,long range, lightly ,armed (single gun-deck) ship used for scouting, carrying dispatches, and
  10. Is for reconnaissance, command,control, and communications, or for use against, lightly ,armed insurgents or rioters. Only some are intended to enter close combat
  11. Will pay special attention to the barrel, bolt face, and gas piston, then oil, lightly ,and reassemble. The Izhevsk Machine Tool Factory acquired a patent in 1999
  12. A soy-free choice, for lactose intolerant people and vegans. Raw, blanched,and, lightly ,toasted almonds all work well for different production techniques, some of
  13. May superficially resemble tanks, but they are generally lightly armored, too, lightly , to survive in direct-fire combat. However, they protect their crews against
  14. Of Khmelnytsky's arrival at the Such and reports about the rebellion quite, lightly , The two sides exchanged lists of demands: the Poles asked for Cossacks to
  15. II, main battle tanks have largely replaced gun-armed tank destroyers although, lightly ,armored anti tank guided missile (ATOM) carriers are commonly used for
  16. Depresses the string fully with one finger while touching the same string, lightly ,with another finger, can produce any note above middle C. They usually appear
  17. Area with station footage at Toronto's Union Station. The train set was so, lightly ,disguised as the fictional" Abroad" that the locomotives and cars still
  18. From the English archers. The mud also increased the ability of the much more, lightly ,armored English archers to join in hand-to-hand fighting against the French
  19. Mounted on British ships allowed an engagement at greater range. In theory,a, lightly ,armored ship could stay out of range of a slower opponent while still scoring
  20. Of Daniel in the Greek Septuagint and the Magnetic Text, which presents a, lightly ,Hebrew-influenced Aramaic. Under the category of post-Achaemenid is Hasmonaean
  21. Bock Traditional bock is a sweet, relatively strong (6.3%–7.2 % by volume), lightly , hopped (20-27 Bus) lager. The beer should be clear, and color can range
  22. Such mixtures are often formed in qualitative chemical analysis, and should be, lightly ,acidified but not concentrated (<6 % w/v) before disposal once the test is
  23. Into two classes; natural and artificial. Natural harmonics are produced by, lightly ,touching (but not depressing) the string with the finger at certain places
  24. Professional army or navy. Each colony sponsored local militia. Militiamen were, lightly ,armed, had little training, and usually did not have uniforms. Their units
  25. In the actions of a regulatory body, while the rest of the citizenry are only, lightly ,affected. As a result, it is not uncommon for current industry players to gain
  26. Of Levant became the most powerful section of army. The best use of this, lightly ,armed fast moving cavalry was revealed at the Battle of Armonk (636 AD) in
  27. Bearing and a smile on Casey's face.: And when, responding to the cheers, he, lightly , doffed his hat, : No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey at the bat.:
  28. Use forms of service outside these norms. Many Evangelical churches sit, lightly ,to the set forms of morning and evening prayer, though generally respecting the
  29. Mostly unaffected. By the end of September, more workers returned to the, lightly ,damaged areas of the Pentagon. Aftermath Early estimates on rebuilding the
  30. Brewed internationally. History The style known now as bock was a dark, malty, lightly , hopped ale first brewed in the 14th century by German brewers in the Hanseatic
  31. Previous ten years. The home caps returned to all-red with a white wishbone C, lightly ,outlined in black. Caps with red crowns and black bill became the new road caps
  32. English aspirated stops, as well as aspirated stops like Spanish. Korean has, lightly ,aspirated stops that fall between the Armenian and Cantonese aspirated and
  33. Beers (pale lagers); chilled () for Berliner Waste and other wheat beers;, lightly ,chilled () for all dark lagers, altbier and German wheat beers; cellar
  34. This was the second mass-produced version of the Mitchell, the first being the, lightly ,armed B-25B used by the Doolittle Raiders. The B-25C and B-25D differed only in
  35. The Angel, featured the saint as a bald peasant with dirty legs attended by a, lightly ,clad over-familiar boy-angel, was rejected, and a second version had to be
  36. On the English baggage train The only French success was an attack on the, lightly ,protected English baggage train, with Smart d'Agincourt (leading a small
  37. Artillery vehicles may superficially resemble tanks, but they are generally, lightly ,armored, too lightly to survive in direct-fire combat. However, they protect
  38. Whole church" for treating the Book of Mormon and the former commandments, lightly , The Book of Mormon’s significance to the LDS Church was reiterated in the
  39. It is folded over in the middle. Prior to soaking, the reed maker will have, lightly ,scored the bark with parallel lines with a knife; this ensures that the cane
  40. Lever forward and backward. The weapon was mainly used as a weapon against, lightly ,armored soldiers, since it fired small bolts that were often dipped in poison.
  41. Crony capitalism consists of collusion among market players. While perhaps, lightly ,competing against each other, they will present a unified front to the
  42. Of the Persians, the hollies proved devastatingly effective against the more, lightly ,armed Persian infantry, routing the wings before turning in on the center of
  43. Scout" cars used for scouting and liaison work between units and generally, lightly ,armed such as the Daimler Dingo to, at the other, heavy armored cars with
  44. Strike ", shayashaya means" strike-strike, meaning strike a few more times, lightly , but not heavy strikes and not too many times" Notable Bantu languages
  45. Force of volunteer emergency workers. Studies in World War II showed that, lightly ,trained (40 hours or less) civilians in organized teams can perform up to 95
  46. Points for the items, they are a part of the character's legend, and cannot, lightly ,be destroyed. Similarly, a character can find any possible universe, but they
  47. At the same point of articulation). Aramaic classically uses a series of, lightly ,contrasted plosives and fricatives: Each member of a certain pair is written
  48. At the same time, Fisher resorted to subterfuge to obtain another three fast, lightly ,armored ships that could use several spare 15-inch gun turrets left over from
  49. Popular, which is generally prepared and sold either as slang (sun-dried and, lightly ,smoked Lester and Hydrolysis) or as band (smoked larger fish). Arcade is
  50. Draw position. The string hand is drawn towards the face, where it should rest, lightly ,at the chosen fixed anchor point. This point is consistent from shot to shot

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