Examples of the the word, distort , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distort ), is the 6847 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gravitational lending: Clusters of galaxies contain enough matter to, distort ,the observed orientations of galaxies behind them. The observed distort ions can
  2. From the loudspeakers. * Low distort ion – all amplifiers and transducers will, distort ,to some extent; they cannot be perfectly linear, but aim to pass signals
  3. Metal, the band also includes a drummer, and use amplifiers on some songs to, distort ,the voice to sound more like a real guitar. The American Federation of
  4. And" doublethink" ), is language deliberately constructed to disguise or, distort ,its actual meaning, often resulting in a communication bypass. What
  5. That all published news must" pass through," which combine to systematically, distort ,news coverage. In explaining the first filter, ownership,he notes that most
  6. Arguing that they would produce contrary effects to those intended and, distort ,the economy. And voted in favor of David Steel's Bill to legalize abortion
  7. Be. The authors conclude that" Rush Limbaugh ... allows his political bias to, distort ,the truth about a whole range of important scientific issues. " Charitable work
  8. How to become a social being. Abuse of the child by the caregiver is bound to, distort ,the developing personality and create a much greater risk for depression and
  9. And the two together form a canonical dual compound. Topological duality We can, distort ,a dual polyhedron such that it can no longer be obtained by reciprocating the
  10. Those of Bob Clamped in the way the characters' emotions powerfully, distort ,their bodies. This style was developed from Clampett's" Baby Bottleneck "
  11. Also used, to produce magnified or diminished images or focus light or simply, distort ,the reflected image. Mirrors are commonly used for personal grooming or
  12. Processes, have allowed for the creation of maps that have fine details, do not, distort ,in shape and resist moisture and wear. This also eliminated the need for
  13. Of the most studied polyhedra are highly symmetrical. Of course, it is easy to, distort ,such polyhedra, so they are no longer symmetrical. But where a polyhedral name
  14. The surface of the crystal; relaxation of the surface and interfacial effects, distort ,the atomic positions, decreasing the structural order. Even the most advanced
  15. Mode, because the TV screens normally used as monitors at that time tended to, distort ,the image near the border of the screen, to such an extent that text displayed
  16. Interstellar medium becomes disrupted and compressed. A collision can severely, distort ,the shape of one or both galaxies, forming bars, rings or tail-like structures.
  17. Especially where artificial currency pegs and manipulations are present to, distort ,trade. Wealth-producing primary sector jobs in the U. S. such as those in
  18. Cognitive psychology in order to understand how people process, remember,and, distort ,social information. The study of group dynamics reveals information about the
  19. Tuberculosis. Flaherty defended his work by stating that a filmmaker must often, distort ,a thing to catch its true spirit. Later filmmakers have pointed out that the
  20. Do in fact alter words in non-regular ways. Unless identified, they may hide or, distort ,laws and cause false perceptions of relationship. Borrowing All languages
  21. Is to free his or her mind from certain false notions or tendencies which, distort ,the truth. These are called" Idols" ( idol),and are of four kinds: *"Idols
  22. Dying and rising gods, but many of his examples, according to various scholars, distort ,the sources. Taking a more positive position, Tryggve Festinger argues in his
  23. Of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or, distort ,perception, motivation,affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes ", and he
  24. With the lock. In 1979,Leon showed that atmospheric refraction could, distort ,the shape and size of objects and animals, and later showed a photograph of a
  25. Of indigestion in a comic manner. In fact, like so many film effects that, distort ,the representation of reality, anamorphosis was first used exclusively in comic
  26. A 2008 editorial (on Issue 183),that" blind listening tests fundamentally, distort ,the listening process and are worthless in determining the audibility of a
  27. Supported by pixel response times and the result can be visual artifacts that, distort ,the image in unpleasant ways. Temporal performance can be further taxed if it
  28. Ocean floor—contains a strongly magnetic mineral (magnetite) and can locally, distort ,compass readings. This distort ion was recognized by Icelandic mariners as early
  29. For publicity, when politicians, journalists and a nations intellectual elite, distort ,the facts of science for short-term political gain, when powerful individuals
  30. Person provides a single perspective. Individuals may misremember events or, distort ,their account for personal reasons. By interviewing widely, oral historians
  31. Spherical; however, if the positive ion is small and/or highly charged, it will, distort ,the electron cloud of the negative ion, an effect summarized in Bajans' rules.
  32. Popular movies ... I don't doubt there are going to be people that go out and, distort ,what the multiplayer gaming experience is and say,'Oh, I can't believe you
  33. Two-party frame, where loyalty and forced statements inside the two parties, distort ,the political debate. Changing the size of districts and the elected body If a
  34. Rather the absence of an equivalent edition for Sophocles and Aeschylus, could, distort , our notions of distinctive Euripides qualities most of his least 'tragic '
  35. Spoke to address the issues of external schools of thought who wished to, distort ,the simplicity and neutrality of the apostolic teaching for personal or
  36. In self-reported political allegiances by journalists themselves, that, distort , any market analogy as regards offer: (...) Indeed, in 1982.85 percent of
  37. The market requirements of the US distributors, are often seen to endanger and, distort ,British film culture. Art cinema Although it had been funding British
  38. Many climate scientists state that they are put under enormous pressure to, distort ,or hide any scientific results which suggest that human activity is to blame
  39. The atmosphere, which,due to optical scattering and refraction, would bend and, distort ,the laser beam, complicating the aiming of the laser and reducing its
  40. Versions of hemoglobin stick to themselves, stacking to form fibers that, distort ,the shape of red blood cells carrying the protein. These sickle-shaped cells no
  41. As Blade Runner) by Philip K. Dick and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk all, distort ,the line between reality and appearance while simultaneously espousing strong
  42. These, because they reveal a lack of strength of character that is liable to, distort ,the results of their work. A person, however,who uses science as a cover for
  43. By every Brazilian constitution since 1891,although some of them would, distort ,some federalist principles. The 1937 Constitution, for example, granted
  44. Start of bankruptcy proceedings. Legal, tax,and cultural issues may further, distort ,bankruptcy figures, especially when comparing on an international basis. Two
  45. Achieved in high Renaissance Classicism, some artists started to deliberately, distort ,proportions in disjointed, irrational space for emotional and artistic effect.
  46. The people who like to deride any suggestion that this may be so usually, distort ,the argument by insinuating that it asserts that by some miracle just that sort
  47. And making skill less important. Another issue with wild cards is that they, distort ,the hand frequencies. In 5-card stud, the stronger hands are less frequent than
  48. Of till or fillies and glacial erratics. Successive glaciations tend to, distort ,and erase the geological evidence, making it difficult to interpret.
  49. Frequently with smooth finishes, are used for drawing fine detail and do not, distort ,when wet media (ink, washes ) are applied. Vellum is extremely smooth and
  50. A projection that accurately represents the shapes of the continents will, distort ,their relative sizes. See Map projection for more information. Since much of

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