Examples of the the word, decoration , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Medieval art of the whole of Europe, of which the energy and freedom of Insular, decoration ,was an important element. Warfare and weapons Principal sites in Roman Britain
  2. Down of the Qur'an and other books, and for inscriptions on monuments as, decoration , Arabic calligraphy has not fallen out of use as calligraphy has in the Western
  3. Popular to simply embroider pieces of fabric and hang them on the wall for, decoration , There are many cross-stitching" guilds" across the United States and Europe
  4. The Marijuana at Palermo, and the cathedral of Cefalù, together with the vast, decoration ,of the cathedral at Montreal, demonstrate the influence of Byzantium on the
  5. Oars. Familiarity with the sea is proved by the free use of marine motifs in, decoration , The most detailed illustrations are to be found on the 'ship fresco' at
  6. The surround to the sacristy doorway is an outstanding example of Madeline, decoration , In 1794,Lord Beck ford visited the Abbey and commented that he found some 300
  7. Century, they were printed in white letter or roman type and often without much, decoration ,(as well as tune title). These later sheets could include many individuals
  8. Earthly products. Feathers were also inserted into holes carved out for extra, decoration , These masks were used from ceremonies to dances to praises, each with its own
  9. At the center of the garden façade. Queen Mary was also responsible for the, decoration ,of the Blue Drawing Room. This room,69 feet (21 m) long, previously known as
  10. In 1600, he was called to Parma by Duke Nuncio I Barnes to begin the, decoration ,of the Palazzo del Guarding, but he died before it was finished. Agostino's
  11. Above it, by its location at the center of the temple, and by the greater, decoration ,on its walls. Symbolically, the sanctuary represented Mount Menu, the legendary
  12. Continued well after 1300 CE. Changes in pottery composition, structure and, decoration ,are signals of social change in the archaeological record. This is particularly
  13. Remains, among which appear in regular succession Aegean fabrics and motives of, decoration ,from the period of the second stratum at Hissarlik. Sardinia has Aegean sites
  14. And architect associated with the Patrice Baroque style of architecture and, decoration , Biography Andreas Scouter was born in Hamburg His early life is obscure as at
  15. Pupils. Allow was one of the artists, working under Va sari, included in the, decoration ,of the Studio lo of Francesco I. He is the father of Cristofano Allow (
  16. Society became the purveyors of style. This style, primarily used in interior, decoration , came to be called Rococo. The term Rococo was derived from the French word "
  17. Mes twin in the dome of Helpline monastery. Schlüter's first known work was the, decoration ,of the facade of the St. Johannes Chapel, or Dancing Royal Chapel, in 1681. He
  18. Architectural features, such as columns, friezes and various moldings; mural, decoration , such as fresco-paintings, coloured reliefs and mosaic inlay. Roof tiles were
  19. Institution (1898–1922). The French government conferred on him the, decoration ,of the Legion d'Conner (Legion of Honor); the Royal Society of Arts in
  20. Be those of the Preach KO style from the late 9th century. Common motifs in the, decoration ,of lintels include the gala, the nāga and the Madeira, as well as various forms
  21. Is largely historical. Brass is a substitutional alloy. It is used for, decoration ,for its bright gold-like appearance; for applications where low friction is
  22. S35,V27,V4,V29 Selected honors The Victoria Cross is the highest military, decoration ,awarded for valor" in the face of the enemy" to members of the British
  23. Elements, meant never to be moved from their positions, completed the wall, decoration , Baroque is a style of unity imposed upon rich, heavy detail. Painting A
  24. Influences from non-Celtic sources, but retained a preference for geometrical, decoration ,over figurative subjects, which are often extremely stylized when they do
  25. Dürer's work on the book was halted for an unknown reason, and the, decoration ,was continued by artists including Lucas Cranach the Elder and Hans Bandung.
  26. There are attendants Buddha. The porch doorway is simple with not much carved, decoration ,except attached female figures. There is a medallion in this cave in the
  27. The Linda is primarily that of worship and ritual, and only secondarily that of, decoration , In the Khmer empire, certain lings were erected as symbols of the king
  28. Of Greece. It was recognized that the character of both the fabric and the, decoration ,of the Mycenaean objects was not that of any well-known art. A wide range in
  29. Military honors and 17 received the Medal of Honor, the highest military, decoration ,awarded by the United States: * 2nd Lt Robert Foyer (navigator) – awarded
  30. Was known to both the Sumerians and the Egyptians, both who used the gem for, decoration ,and for playing important parts in their religious ceremonies, any agate of
  31. In 1598 Carrack joined his brother Cannibal in Rome, to collaborate on the, decoration ,of the Gallery in Palazzo Barnes. From 1598 to 1600 is a triple Portrait, now in
  32. A progressive and original artist. It is safer to judge him by the sculptural, decoration ,of the Parthenon, in which he must almost certainly have taken a share under
  33. That promotes it, in the U. S. A. The television, film,book, costume,home, decoration , and confectionery industries use this time of year to promote products closely
  34. In many cultures, art is used in rituals, performances and dances as a, decoration ,or symbol. While these often have no specific utilitarian (motivated) purpose
  35. Scenes, always preferred in Indian painting, has been of Srinagar, showing the, decoration ,by the women of her body. In one of the most exquisite paintings in this cave
  36. Similar to gold. It is relatively resistant to tarnishing, and is often used as, decoration ,and for coins. In antiquity, polished brass was often used as a mirror. Lead
  37. The shield * Medal bar, a thin metal bar attached to the ribbon of a military, decoration , civil decoration , or other medal * Bar Confederation, an 18th-century Polish
  38. Or BSV with valor device) is a United States Armed Forces individual military, decoration ,that may be awarded for bravery, acts of merit, or meritorious service. As a
  39. Are employed largely as an ornamental stone, especially for ecclesiastical, decoration ,and for the rails of staircases and halls. Its softness enables it to be carved
  40. Manuscript is a manuscript in which the text is supplemented by the addition of, decoration , The earliest surviving substantive illuminated manuscripts are from the period
  41. The region, particularly after 1150 CE, is characterized by heavier black-line, decoration ,and the use of carbon-based colorants. In northern New Mexico, the local "
  42. Surface of a pediment. The styles employed by Korean artists in the, decoration ,of lintels evolved over time, as a result, the study of lintels has proven a
  43. A Canadian Forces formation * Combat Action Ribbon, a United States military, decoration ,* CAR-15,a family of AR-15 and M16 rifle-based firearms * U. S. Army Combat
  44. Bar, a thin metal bar attached to the ribbon of a military decoration , civil, decoration , or other medal * Bar Confederation, an 18th-century Polish association * A
  45. IX in 1848. From the 14th century In the 14th century, the family sponsored the, decoration ,of the Church of San Giovanni, most notably the floor mosaics. In 1314
  46. Variety, richly ornamented with colored schemes, and sometimes bearing molded, decoration , Examples of painting on stone, opaque and transparent. Engraved objects in
  47. In Andalusia since antiquity. A fine example from the Renaissance era is the, decoration ,of the Casa de Pilatos in Seville. Nonetheless, non-religious sculpture played
  48. S visual identity: titling releases and designing posters, adverts,stage, decoration ,and performance plans, all of which were adorned with mystical and
  49. Lobes in this cave. Family group: There is a family group with profuse floral, decoration ,around it, which shows the ideal human family of that time. Cave 27: Nāga
  50. Of more flexible forms, with capitals often using various types of foliage, decoration , and in the West scenes with figures carved in relief. Renaissance architecture

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