Examples of the the word, nationality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nationality ), is the 6844 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He proclaimed:" Aruba shall never accept a federation and a second class, nationality , " Mexico Cross worked in Aruba to inform and prepare the people of Aruba for
  2. Anything pertaining to the Chinese people. * Chinese people, people of Chinese, nationality , or one of several Chinese ethnicities ** Songhua minzu(中華民族), the
  3. Orthodoxy and autocracy. His political ideal was a nation containing only one, nationality , one language, one religion and one form of administration; and he did his
  4. Direct cognates are almost always used unless the context does not render the, nationality ,of the person clear. For example, the word" America" in German has a
  5. With the Netherlands, Curaçao,and Sint Maarten whose citizens share a single, nationality ,: Dutch citizen. Its capital is Oranjestad. Unlike much of the Caribbean region
  6. Particularly in the United Kingdom. Canada departed from the principle of, nationality ,being defined in terms of allegiance in 1921. In 1935 the Irish Free State was
  7. The two women Agatha called" Grannie" were sisters. Despite her father's, nationality ,as a" New Yorker" and her aunt's relation to the Pierpont Morgans, Agatha
  8. Jewish wives (a practice which Ezra promoted). Malachi appears adamant that, nationality ,is not a valid reason to terminate a marriage," For I hate divorce, says the
  9. By reason of parentage, may buy declarations of alienate get rid of British, nationality , Emigration to an uncivilized country leaves British nationality unaffected:
  10. Significant reforms under the new constitution provide for civil divorce, dual, nationality , the election of a vice president, and the election of departmental governors.
  11. Support either side in this area, leading to friendly banter. Flags of every, nationality ,in the Fulham squad were hung from the roofing, although they were retracted
  12. To renounce their nationality and allegiance, and the ways in which that, nationality ,is lost are defined. So British subjects voluntarily naturalized in a foreign
  13. Reign was set in Naples, although the main functionaries were of Aragonite, nationality , Apart from financial, administrative and artistic improvements, his other
  14. The Netherlands, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles, each with its own, nationality , Mr. C. Yarzagaray, a parliamentary member representing the AVP political party
  15. The peninsula, but did not require the inhabitants to move or to change their, nationality , Cameroon was thus given a substantial Nigerian population and was required to
  16. Article 2 of the present Spanish Constitution of 1978 recognizes Andalusia as a, nationality , Later, in its articulation, it speaks of Andalusia as a" historic nationality
  17. European region is subject to debates. Very often, the definition depends on, nationality ,and historical perspective of its author. Main propositions, gathered by Jerry
  18. Nationality. Later, in its articulation, it speaks of Andalusia as a" historic, nationality ," (Spanish: nationalized historical). It also cites the 1919 Andalusian
  19. To establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of, nationality , He died of a stroke on 10 December 1896 at Supremo, Italy. After taxes and
  20. Men and four women) have lost their lives during four space flights. By, nationality , they are 13 Americans (including one with dual Indian citizenship),four
  21. Time the player's towns may be harassed by barbarians, units with no specific, nationality ,and no named leader. These threats only come from unclaimed land or sea, so
  22. Several Chinese ethnicities ** Songhua minzu(中華民族), the supra-ethnic Chinese, nationality ,** Han Chinese, the dominant ethnic group in mainland China, Taiwan and
  23. Aimed at incorporating Valencias into what they feel is a" constructed ", nationality ,centered on Barcelona. As such, the issue of whether Catalan and Valencian
  24. Act 1870,it was made possible for British subjects to renounce their, nationality ,and allegiance, and the ways in which that nationality is lost are defined. So
  25. Ethnical backgrounds. As a result, the people there usually treat their, nationality ,as a citizenship, but not an ethnicity. One study conducted by Francisco
  26. Historical identity, on the self-government that the Constitution permits every, nationality , on outright equality to the rest of the nationalities and regions that compose
  27. Players were migrants and the media of the time noted that participants of each, nationality ,played the game their own distinctive way: the English played in a fashion that
  28. Of the island of Great Britain south of the Firth of Forth. * British, nationality ,law, which governs the citizens of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and
  29. Under the same name opposed to the usage of this name as an indication of a, nationality , The issue is currently under negotiations after a UN initiation. Balkan
  30. Refers to all Afrikaans speaking people in Africa irrespective of color or, nationality , Boer is the specific ethnic group within the larger Afrikaans speaking
  31. To. They don't want to leave the job because they think someone from another, nationality ,will then get it. The privatized factories are now owned mostly by Germans and
  32. Rid of British nationality . Emigration to an uncivilized country leaves British, nationality ,unaffected: indeed the right claimed by all states to follow with their
  33. One result of Wallace's early travels has been a modern controversy about his, nationality , Since Wallace was born in Monmouth shire, some sources have considered him to
  34. Held the necessary permits. Those crossings were restricted according to which, nationality ,was allowed to use it (East Germans, West Germans, West Berliners, other
  35. That Citizenship of the Union is hereby established. Every person holding the, nationality ,of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union
  36. Del Best and Isla de Lobos. The Canary Islands are legally recognized as a, nationality ,of Spain. The archipelago's beaches, climate and important natural attractions
  37. In different social situations. In the case of Arabic, educated Arabs of any, nationality ,can be assumed to speak both their local dialect and their school-taught
  38. Exaggerations; Pokémon uses drawings which specifically do not distinguish the, nationality ,of characters. While different titles and different artists have their own
  39. By name ** List of colleges and universities named after people * By, nationality , ethnicity, or location By belief By associated physical condition or
  40. Shipped to Brazil, were called" black people from Angola" regardless of their, nationality , In some places of Brazil people would call capoeira as playing Angola and
  41. Outside the EU, a majority of the permanent residents have acquired Belgian, nationality , Although historically (since the Counter-Reformation persecution and
  42. Often consider these spoken variations as one single language for reasons of, nationality ,and as they inherit one common cultural and linguistic heritage in Classical
  43. From Morocco. However, their passports turned out to be stolen and their, nationality ,was later determined to be Tunisian. Waiting for almost three weeks (during
  44. Article 1 of the earlier 1981 Statute of Autonomy defined it simply as a ", nationality ," (nationalized). The national holiday, the Did de Andalucía, is celebrated
  45. Eventual goal of the German state under Nazi leadership was to eradicate Czech, nationality ,through assimilation, deportation,and extermination of the Czech
  46. Juliette, whose maiden name, given variously as Frosty and Portal and, nationality ,(she spoke French) remain uncertain, but his divorce from Zinc became final
  47. December 2010,457,806 residents (13.5 % of the population) were of foreign, nationality , originating from 190 different countries. The largest groups of foreign
  48. Book, written in 1916 but not published until 1920. Not only was his Belgian, nationality ,interesting because of Belgium's occupation by Germany (which provided a
  49. Of Spain. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially recognized as a, nationality ,of Spain. The territory is divided into eight provinces: Huelva, Seville,Cádiz
  50. Themselves as Arabs of the Jewish faith, rather than as a separate race or, nationality ,". Also, prior to the massive Sephardi emigrations to the Middle East in the

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