Examples of the the word, drought , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drought ), is the 6851 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Annually, a value of approximately $28 million per year. Due to a historic, drought ,in the late 2000s,Atlanta lost trees at an unprecedented rate. For example
  2. Months of the year and occasionally less than this, creating long periods of, drought , Caused approximately half a million deaths. The one from 1915 was devastating
  3. Reservoir catchments can be as little as 10 % of the city's requirements in, drought ,years and about 60 % in average years. The remaining demand is met by the
  4. Are dependent on groundwater. Groundwater use has eased the effects of, drought , but has left a toll on the land. Groundwater is retrieved through drilling
  5. U. S. But the commoditization of power in the early 21st century, coupled with, drought ,that reduced the generation capacity of the river, damaged the industry. By
  6. And Grenville streets underwater and causing the loss of two lives. Prolonged, drought ,(an average annual rainfall with falls averaging as low as per year since 2001
  7. Again ran high that would be the year that the Red Sox ended their championship, drought , The regular season started well in April, but through mid-season the team
  8. Drought has been successful in virtually eliminating famine, despite recurrent, drought ,years. River blindness has been eliminated from the region. In both cases, the
  9. And Taoist prayers, Health concerns and natural disasters such as after a, drought ,in 1926 summer Shanghai and an 8 days ban from August 12, 1959 after the August
  10. Contributes to soil and water pollution; desertification Also see- 2010 Sahel, drought ,Extreme points This is a list of the extreme points of Chad, the points that
  11. U. S. leadership in building food security in the Sahel after the 1968-74, drought , has been successful in virtually eliminating famine, despite recurrent drought
  12. Experiences a time when some portion of the state is not in some degree of, drought , The lack of precipitation contributes to the severity of wildfires in the
  13. Rain-free days per year. Like much of Australia, Ballarat experiences cyclical, drought ,and heavy rainfall. Flooding of the Narrower catchment occurs occasionally. In
  14. In the Titicaca Basin. Some archaeologists venture to label this a major, drought , As the rainfall decreased, many of the cities further away from Lake Titicaca
  15. North America experienced significant climatic change in the form of a 300-year, drought , called the Great Drought. This also led to the collapse of the Tswana
  16. Autonomous homes can reduce water use below per person per day, so that in a, drought ,a month of water can be delivered inexpensively via truck. Self-delivery is
  17. The worst epidemics of the century, whose miseries were accompanied by severe, drought ,and food shortage, started in 1505; by 1507,about 100,000 people had died in
  18. Here reveals the commercial pressure placed upon him during the decade-long, drought ,(at the height of the neoliberal tide) which preceded Strangler to 'forsake
  19. Having low red blood cell count. It is also known among the Valentin as a, drought ,crop (checker). In Lin gala (spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  20. So in Chad, where the openness of the terrain, marginal rainfall, frequent, drought , and famine, and low population densities have encouraged physical and
  21. Northwest. Dry seasons vary in length, and there are sometimes long periods of, drought , However, four seasons can be distinguished: the long dry season (June–August
  22. Of the region, however,natural vegetation has yielded to agriculture. 2010, drought , On 22 June, the temperature reached in Maya, breaking a record set in 1961 at
  23. At the edge of the Thar Desert; this would explain the zebu's resistance to, drought , Domestic yak, gayal and Javan cattle do not descend from aurochs. Modern
  24. Then to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses may be developed. For example, drought ,and excessively salty soil are two important limiting factors in crop
  25. Planted since the 1970s have reduced the frequency of sandstorms, prolonged, drought , and poor agricultural practices have resulted in dust storms plaguing northern
  26. Plants has, over the centuries increased yield, improved disease resistance and, drought ,tolerance, eased harvest and improved the taste and nutritional value of crop
  27. Problems Botswana is currently facing two major environmental problems:, drought ,and desertification. The desertification problems predominantly stem from the
  28. Then of fertile but arid land in central Washington, In 1992–1993,a lesser, drought ,affected farmers, hydroelectric power producers, shippers,and wildlife
  29. 80–100 years old and thus reaching the end of their normal lifespan,the, drought ,accelerated their demise by shrinking the trees' roots. However, the problem
  30. Arable. Crop production is hampered by traditional farming methods, recurrent, drought , erosion, and disease. Most of the land under cultivation is in the eastern
  31. To function as it did formerly. The colonies of the Minoan empire then suffered, drought , famine, war,or some combination of those three, and had no access to the
  32. To as" the trouble of Israel" ( 1 Kings 18:17),in which Elijah predicts a, drought ,(1 Kings 17:1). This encounter ends with Elijah victorious over the official
  33. Took place in several countries across the world. Contributing factors included, drought ,in Australia and elsewhere, increasing demand for grain-fed animal products
  34. The southern half of Baffin Island. This basin is most important in fighting, drought ,in the prairies and producing hydroelectricity, especially in Manitoba
  35. The study of the Gatling district predicts that by 2050 the cycle of mild, drought ,is likely to become shorter — 18 months instead of two years—due to climate
  36. And windier climate. Evidence shows that skeleton-thin sheep and cattle died of, drought , and up to 28,000 people abandoned the site, seeking wetter areas elsewhere.
  37. Has increasingly been under assault from man and nature due to heavy rains, drought , aged forests, new pests, and urban construction. A 2001 study found that
  38. The desertification problems predominantly stem from the severe times of, drought ,in the country. Due to the drought ,75 % of the country’s human and animal
  39. Developing genetically modified seeds which are resistant to pests and, drought , By boosting farm productivity, biotechnology plays a crucial role in ensuring
  40. Into the following sections: * Lament over a great locust plague and a severe, drought ,(1:1–2:17) ** The effects of these events on agriculture, farmers,and on the
  41. Sites. All areas of the Ancient Pueblo homeland suffered from periods of, drought , and wind and water erosion. Summer rains could be undependable and often
  42. Predominantly stem from the severe times of drought in the country. Due to the, drought , 75 % of the country’s human and animal populations are dependent on
  43. Botswana has found that the common practice of overstocking cattle to cope with, drought ,losses actually depletes scarce biomass, making ecosystems more vulnerable. The
  44. With the rebuilding of the second Jerusalem temple. Haggai attributes a recent, drought ,to the peoples' refusal to rebuild the temple, which he sees as key to
  45. To design a building to use rain, with supplementary water deliveries in a, drought , Rain water makes excellent soft wash water, but needs antibacterial treatment.
  46. Landlocked Chads economic development suffers from its geographic remoteness, drought , lack of infrastructure, and political turmoil. About 85 % of the population
  47. The cells were able to withstand environmental stresses like salt, drought , cold and heat, far more than ordinary cells. If these preliminary results
  48. He was such a favorite with the latter, that,when Greece was visited by a, drought ,in consequence of a murder which had been committed, the oracle of Delphi
  49. Global or regional climate change (cf. Little Ice Age),prolonged periods of, drought , cyclical periods of topsoil erosion, environmental degradation, de-forestation
  50. Constantly. The most basic stressors include: high winds, extreme temperatures, drought , flood, and other natural disasters, such as tornados and wildfires. The

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