Examples of the the word, pierce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pierce ), is the 6421 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To signify social standing, reputation,and the age of the wearer, Aleuts would, pierce ,their lower lips with walrus ivory and wear beads or bones. The individual with
  2. See the layout of courts in Scotland) hence the expression" in the dock" *To, pierce ,dough during its handling to prevent the formation of large air pockets, such
  3. Heavy javelins that were specifically designed to be thrown at an enemy to, pierce ,and foul a target's shield. Originally the Principe's were armed with a short
  4. Bladder. A number of other players mounted on broomsticks would attempt to, pierce ,the bladder, with the first who successfully did so being declared the winner;
  5. A provocative building that would not merely scrape the sky but positively, pierce ,it. Its 77 floors briefly making it the highest building in the world – at
  6. Striking him in the chest with a bullet, which did little more damage than to, pierce ,the skin. Stuart returned in September to Fort Leavenworth and was reunited
  7. S armor, reins,or shield, or could be turned in the direction of the blow to, pierce ,even heavy armor. Against mounted opponents, the weapon could also be directed
  8. Units, until the early 20th century. From their introduction, muskets could, pierce ,plate armor, so cavalry had to be far more mindful of the fire. In Japan
  9. Made from an adamantine, or indestructible, substance and which could therefore, pierce ,and penetrate any obstacle or obfuscation. It is the weapon of choice of Indra
  10. And for boring holes. In steelmaking, small shaped charges are often used to, pierce ,taps that have become plugged with slag. The penetration A typical device
  11. Into plant stems in order to feed on sap. It can be painful if they attempt to, pierce ,a person's skin with it, but it is unlikely to cause other harm. It is
  12. Types of gun were effective against wooden ships, neither had the capability to, pierce ,the armor of ironclads; due to reports of slight problems with the breeches of
  13. Earlobes are common among the Masai. Various materials have been used to both, pierce ,and stretch the lobes, including thorns for piercing, twigs,bundles of twigs
  14. The penetrating capability of a rifle round. Conversely, rifle bullets can, pierce ,light armor and are easier to shoot accurately, but even a carbine such as the
  15. For thrusting) with an axe or hammerhead for a swinging strike which could, pierce ,or break armor. In more recent times, pole weapons have largely been superseded
  16. The Rhine chert also provides evidence that organisms fed on plants using a ", pierce ,and suck" technique. During the ensuing 75 million years, plants evolved a
  17. Shorter nasal hooks around the base of the proboscis. The proboscis is used to, pierce ,the gut wall of the final host, and hold the parasite fast while it completes
  18. C. S. Lewis, had very different feelings, writing," here are beauties which, pierce ,like swords or burn like cold iron. Here is a book which will break your heart.
  19. Unintentionally (Somme) attrition battles. *A battle of breakthrough aims to, pierce ,the enemy's defenses, thereby exposing the vulnerable flanks which can be
  20. Killed by the Others soon reanimate as (also known as dragon glass),which can, pierce ,their armor easily. They are dismayed by iron and vulnerable to dragon steel
  21. Many modern adversaries wear. In one demonstration, a prototype was able to, pierce ,a punching bag covered with aircraft aluminum and a ballistic vest. Also, the
  22. 13,the" grand division" of Maj. Gen. William B. Franklin was able to, pierce ,the defensive line of Confederate Lt. Gen. Stonewall Jackson to the south, but
  23. To force a burrow in the earth to receive the eggs and by cicadas to, pierce ,the wood of twigs for a similar purpose. Both long-horned grasshoppers and
  24. Explorers. Inland, the Tlingit occupied areas along the major rivers that, pierce ,the Coast Mountains and Saint Elias Mountains and flow into the Pacific
  25. The goalkeeper could attempt to hex the other players; if nobody was able to, pierce ,the bladder, the goalkeeper won. *Virginian: An Irish game which required
  26. It would duck and reload as the next line fired. The bullets were able to, pierce ,the Takeda cavalry armor, causing chaos among the Takeda cavalry, who were
  27. A fishing line by encouraging a fish to bite on a fishhook. A fishhook will, pierce ,the mouth parts of a fish and are normally barbed to make escape less likely.
  28. Col. Hiram Berdan's U. S. sharpshooters, south from Hazel Grove with orders to, pierce ,the column and gain possession of the road. But the action came too late.
  29. Area to reduce the risk of injury or limit penetration. Arrows designed to, pierce ,armor in the Middle Ages would use a very narrow and sharp tip (" bodkin head "
  30. From pieces of shell or loops of brass or silver wire. A female relative would, pierce ,the outer edge of the ear with six or eight holes. The men also tattooed their
  31. Later missions which were able to map the surface of Venus using radar to, pierce ,the obscuring atmosphere. Earth Space exploration has been used as a tool to
  32. Spear or bow and arrow to kill prey, since their teeth were not sharp enough to, pierce ,many animals' skins. The transition from stone to metal tools roughly
  33. The people did not understand it at first, but it was said that" it did, pierce ,them that did hear to the center, insomuch that there was no part of their
  34. Taking part in the rituals should have tetanus shots and that the nails used to, pierce ,their limbs should be sterilized. In many cases the person portraying Jesus is
  35. Pin one is at top right. Each contact comprises a pair of points which together, pierce ,the insulation of the ribbon cable with such precision that they make a
  36. In China, Xian Zhang wrote that a cannonball fired from an erupt or could ", pierce ,the heart or belly when it strikes a man or horse, and can even transfix
  37. Contact with a jellyfish tentacle can trigger millions of nematocysts to, pierce ,the skin and inject venom, yet only some species have a sting that will cause
  38. The space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.: We, pierce ,doors and windows to make a house;: And it is on these spaces where there is
  39. Earlier weapons. The projectile fired from the Armstrong gun could reportedly, pierce ,through a ship's side, and explode inside the enemy vessel, causing increased
  40. There was no part of their frame that it did not cause to quake; yea, it did, pierce ,them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn. " The voice was the
  41. Of its attacker. This suggests Velociraptor may have used its sickle claw to, pierce ,vital organs of the throat, such as the jugular vein, carotid artery, or
  42. To remain in service, instead. Realizing that iron was more difficult to, pierce ,with breech-loaded cannon, Armstrong designed rifled muzzle-loading guns, which
  43. Connections are live. A vampire tap clamps onto the cable, forcing a spike to, pierce ,through the outer shielding to contact the inner conductor while other spikes
  44. Electrical, or structural penetrant * Penetration (weapons),the ability to, pierce ,the target's armor or other protection * In magic, an illusion in which one
  45. Century it was a Hindu custom to present a completely new, undrilled pearl and, pierce ,it during the wedding ceremony. The Pearl or Must in Sanskrit is also
  46. Armour. In India, punching daggers known as Tatars were developed that could, pierce ,the light mail used in the area. Some evidence indicates that during armored
  47. What he hath done therein. #That no Chirurgion or his man do treat the head, pierce ,the body, dismember,or do any great operation on the body of any but with the
  48. Gradually lift the inversion layer to higher altitudes, and eventually, even, pierce , it,producing thunderstorms, and under the right circumstances, leading to
  49. And Mosque Ranges (the latter two flanks the Peace River, the only river to, pierce ,the Rockies, and are collectively referred to as the Northern Rockies). The
  50. At night, containing coiled like stinging nettle-cells or nematocysts which, pierce ,and poison and firmly hold living prey paralyzing or killing them which include

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