Examples of the the word, ang , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ang ), is the 12151 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Translation): AMA naming, sumasal ang it Key, : Sambaing ang Alan Mo.: Mapasaamin, ang ,Bavarian Mo.: Sun din ang look Mo: Dino SA Luna, para g ang SA bandit.: Began Mo
  2. Sa.: Big ya mo came NG main Catania para g ang SA arao-arao.: At catamaran Mo, ang ,main Catalan, : Y ang uinaualan Bahama name SA look: Ang Catalan g ang
  3. I-long-go. Another example is Zambian. Words that end in NG digraph such as, ang ,(), ut ang () and sagging () also didn't have tildes over the n or g or both
  4. M ang a on silk Dido. We will eat they there. " They will eat there. " Ni koan Na, ang ,MGA ta'o UG MGA data Dido SA fiesta. The people and children have already
  5. Ipahintulot SA Tokyo, : At Nadya Mo Kali SA that NG Masada.: Scapegoat IPO, ang ,Bavarian, at kap ang yarihan, : At ang kadakilaan, magpakailanman.: Amen Jesus.
  6. Decorated with an elaborate bow. In the Philippines, Chinese Filipinos exch ang e, ang ,PAO (from the Tolkien pronunciation, as most Chinese in the Philippines are of
  7. Opendocument&targetdoc centre&idioma, ang ,General Council - The General Council of Andorra has a page about the National
  8. Defeating evil forever. Etymology The name Apalachee includes Mandarin roots:, ang ,(" iron" ), probably Leach (" leaping flame" ), and probably El (" star "
  9. Stormed Danieling's offices and demanded an explanation. " Gin banality mo BA, ang ,akin Ana? " (Are you trying to sell my child!?! ) was his charge against
  10. Pakitawag ang driver. " /" Pakitawag ang drabber/driver. " /" Pall-mall, ang ,driver. " Any English verb, and even some nouns, can be converted into a
  11. Fuel to the rebellion, with the Katipuneros shouting battle cries: Manual, ang ,Katagalugan! (Long Live Katagalugan! --Katagalugan being the Katina term
  12. Scout Promise SA making Var ang ian, gagampanan KO, ang ,making tungkulin SA Days at SA making Bryan; tutu long AKO SA making
  13. OLD TAGALOG SYSTEM (Doctrine Christiana,1593): AMA naming, nasa, : Panama Mo, ang ,.: Mouisaamin ang pagcaharimo.: Pastor mo ang look mo: Dino SA Luna para SA.:
  14. Of the Philippines. " The governors of the Philippines. " Cebuano: Unit key'AYO, ang ,ad law Aaron. The weather is hot today. " The weather is very hot today. "
  15. About a place. Main is used when asking about a person or thing. **Main Na, ang ,hunting? - Where is the pair of scissor? In spoken Cebuano in Metro Cebu
  16. Doctrine Christiana,1593): AMA naming, nasa, : Panama Mo ang .: Mouisaamin, ang ,pagcaharimo.: Pastor mo ang look mo: Dino SA Luna para SA.: Big ya mo came NG
  17. Of Tolkien descent) during the Chinese New Year. For non-Chinese Filipinos, ang ,PAO is an easily recognizable symbol of the Lunar New Year holiday and in some
  18. Affair which decided on the final name, who said" Manual ang Alanya at, ang ,MGA taga-Palanyag! (Long live Alanya and the people of Alanya! )" So the
  19. Kumuhâ NG s ang avocado. King law a Hindi Maratha NG avocado, ang forte, ang ,magtatakdâ para SA IPO. " (" You have the right to obtain a lawyer. If you
  20. Regret always comes last. Pagkáhába-haba man NG prison, sa Siobhan pa in, ang ,July. The (wedding) procession may stretch on and on, but it still ends up
  21. Times, and in television programs and films. The Chinese characters for, ang ,mo are the same as those in the historical Japanese term Como (), which was
  22. Tao SA lahat NG pagkakataon;: Pamalagiing Malaya ang making Catalan, : giving, ang ,Asian at War ang al ang basal. The Scout Laws A Scout is: Ang Bats NG Scout (
  23. Buong Malaya;: P ang jumped SA making tungkulin SA Days at SA making Bryan, :, ang , Republika NG Filipinas: at sound SA Bats NG Scout;: Tumbling SA b ang Tao SA
  24. Super is" Chauffeur" which has been Siliconized. ): Tallish:" Pakitawag, ang ,driver. " /" Pakitawag ang drabber/driver. " /" Pall-mall ang driver. " Any
  25. Use of term in East Asia to refer to ethnic European people The term, ang ,mo () in Tolkien (Min Nan) Chinese means" red-haired ", and is used in
  26. Mind first or whichever is easier to use.: Magshoshopping Kali SA mall. Sing BA, ang ,Magyarize SA shopping center?:" We will go shopping at the mall. Who will
  27. Denotes plurality as adding an s, es, or IES does in English (ex. Iran, ang ,MGA admit KO. (Those are my clothes) ). * Gambling g ang is Juan Dahl
  28. Ng Scout;: Tumbling SA b ang Tao SA lahat NG pagkakataon;: Pamalagiing Malaya, ang ,making Catalan, : giving ang Asian at War ang al ang basal. The Scout Laws A Scout
  29. May karápat ang Buddha NG s ang avocado. King law a Hindi Maratha NG avocado, ang ,forte ang magtatakdâ para SA IPO. " (" You have the right to obtain a lawyer.
  30. Body. (In a group: if one goes down, the rest comes down with it. ) NASA hull, ang ,Assisi. Regret always comes last. Pagkáhába-haba man NG prison, sa
  31. During a certain affair which decided on the final name, who said" Manual, ang ,Alanya at ang MGA taga-Palanyag! (Long live Alanya and the people of
  32. Ako SA mall Malaya.: Have you printed the report?: Na-print/print mo Na BA, ang ,report?: Please turn on the zircon.: Paki-buksan young zircon.: Take the LRT to
  33. As" Iron of Death ", from the Mandarin roots Garth (" death" ) +, ang ,(" iron" ). Parallel in other literature One of many close parallels between
  34. Phonetic spelling.: English:" Please call the driver. ": Tagalog:" Pakitawag, ang ,super. " (Super is" Chauffeur" which has been Siliconized. ): Tallish: "
  35. Pamalagiing Malaya ang making Catalan, : giving ang Asian at War ang al, ang ,basal. The Scout Laws A Scout is: Ang Bats NG Scout (Tagalog) Senior Scout
  36. Waterfront Development With then Mayor Tito Atienza's program Bukharin, ang ,Manila (Revitalize Manila),in 2002,the local government made the
  37. Had several successful comedy flicks to his name, among them" Dino, Ab ang an, ang ,Sound Na ..." ( his launching movie)," Tempe NI Sara at Pen" ( with Kris
  38. Phong bad mung Tupi (happy new age envelope). In Thailand, they are known as, ang ,pow (the pronunciation of the Chinese characters for" red envelope" in the
  39. Started in the past therefore the Cebuano translation is: Alert kayo, ang ,fiesta. Present actions We feast on delicious food and drink on beer.
  40. FILIPINO SYSTEM (Modern Translation): AMA naming, sumasal ang it Key, : Sambaing, ang ,Alan Mo.: Mapasaamin ang Bavarian Mo.: Sun din ang look Mo: Dino SA Luna, para
  41. AMA naming, nasa, : Panama Mo ang .: Mouisaamin ang pagcaharimo.: Pastor mo, ang ,look mo: Dino SA Luna para SA.: Big ya mo came NG main Catania para g ang SA
  42. The weather is hot today. " The weather is very hot today. " Cebuano: Main/ASA, ang ,MGA Libra? At-where the this book? " Where are the books? " Cebuano: To'a King
  43. Of a Tagalog Bug tong: Tagalog TL: Bugtong-bugtong, Hindi hard, hindi part:, ang ,shot a sari-sari.::: -Sampan: English en: Riddle-riddle, not a king, nor a
  44. Which has been Siliconized. ): Tallish:" Pakitawag ang driver. " /" Pakitawag, ang ,drabber/driver. " /" Pall-mall ang driver. " Any English verb, and even some
  45. Sumasal ang it Key, : Sambaing ang Alan Mo.: Mapasaamin ang Bavarian Mo.: Sun din, ang ,look Mo: Dino SA Luna, para g ang SA bandit.: Began Mo Kali Gabon NG among
  46. And Singapore to refer to white people. The epithet is sometimes rendered as, ang ,mo GUI () meaning" red-haired devil ", similar to the Cantonese term goal (
  47. Tagalog): Ang Panunumpa NG Scout: SA Alan NG making Danial: a Gagarin KO, ang ,bong Malaya;: P ang jumped SA making tungkulin SA Days at SA making Bryan,
  48. At-where the this book? " Where are the books? " Cebuano: To'a King President, ang ,Yale/lyase. With the President the keys. " The keys are with the President.
  49. Mo Kali SA that NG Masada.: Scapegoat IPO ang Bavarian, at kap ang yarihan, : At, ang ,kadakilaan, magpakailanman.: Amen Jesus. Sidney Arthur Kenilworth Eyes (27 May
  50. East Second St. in 1927. The Rome News-Tribune reported on November 30, 1933, ang , increase in local building permits for a total of $95,800; of this amount

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