Examples of the the word, personalized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( personalized ), is the 9184 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And is also a secure way to chat. * Icon: Also termed an avatar, a small, personalized ,picture that a user can set up to appear whenever they message another user.
  2. Bonnet inherited from standard diving dress) intended to give the films a ", personalized ,adventure" style. In 1973,along with his two sons and Frederick Hyman, he
  3. Estate of Edvard Munch is the Artists Rights Society. Munch’s art was highly, personalized ,and he did little teach. His“ private” symbolism was far more personal
  4. Minerals, coins,crystals, good luck tokens, and carved amulets. The more, personalized ,objects are used to add extra power because of the symbolic value. Maintenance
  5. Book. ” If Cavendish is to be believed,Anne's outrage at Wolsey may have, personalized ,whatever philosophical defiance she brought with her from France. Further, the
  6. At Roswell Park Cancer Institute by Dr. Norma Noway enabling the delivery of, personalized ,medicine. Banking Buffalo is the headquarters of M&T Bank, a large regional
  7. Effectively led the party and the country (except for the period of the highly, personalized ,authority of Stalin, exercised directly through his position in the Council of
  8. Has direct access to the investment advisor of the fund, and may enjoy more, personalized ,reporting than investors in retail investment funds. This may include detailed
  9. Steps minimize danger but increase complexity of operations (for example, personalized ,cylinders for each diver must generally be kept track of on dive boats with
  10. Can be controlled by the many options available, and the user can define, personalized ,key mappings—often called macros—or abbreviations to automate sequences of
  11. As needed, in a very short time, without functional compromise and with a, personalized ,interface. " Empowerment" became a catchword as this possibility was embraced
  12. Was to use the contradictory philosophies of skepticism and stoicism, personalized ,by Montaigne on one hand, and Epictetus on the other, in order to bring the
  13. State of mind. Wood utilizes a barrage of surreal, dream-like vignettes with, personalized ,symbolism. Producer George Weiss added to the confusion by inserting footage of
  14. Meanings: safety, welfare,prosperity, security,fortune, friendliness. The, personalized ,meaning is reflected in a nonviolent lifestyle, which also describes a
  15. Who are loosely affiliated. Mass customization offers the possibility of cheap, personalized , production catering to small niches (see just-in-time production). The gap
  16. Between users, monitor a changing situation, or provide information in some way, personalized ,to the requirements of the individual user. Dynamic content The second type is
  17. Extensive library of works on romance, nature,and politics. His three highly, personalized ,homes, located in Islam Negra, Santiago and Valparaíso are popular tourist
  18. Revelation, religious dogma, and supernatural events and favor an ongoing, personalized ,connection with the divine presence through intuition, communion with nature
  19. Polymorphisms (SNPs),the analysis of personal genomes may lead to, personalized ,medical treatment based on individual genotypes. The completion of the fifth
  20. The privately operated buses is the fact that they are all highly decorated and, personalized , with dealing and homemade interior designs that range from comic book scenes
  21. With an ordinary appearance. Furthermore, attractive patients receive more, personalized ,care from their doctors. Studies have even shown that handsome criminals
  22. To be successful, the air stream direction and mouthpiece placement need to be, personalized ,based on individual anatomical differences. Lloyd Leno confirmed the existence
  23. An illiterate signatory can make a" mark" ( often an" X" but occasionally a, personalized ,symbol),so long as the document is countersigned by a literate witness. In
  24. Horizon intersect; the ascendant is generally considered the most important and, personalized ,angle (along with the midheaven) in the horoscope by the vast majority of
  25. Item. Numerous companies offer customers the opportunity to create their own, personalized ,dog tags with their own photos, logos,and text. Even high-end jewelers such as
  26. In the 1930s can be seen online today. Blogs – with their threaded comments, personalized ,illustrations, shorthand in-jokes, wide variety in quality and wider variety of
  27. Firefox was the pursuit of a small baseline application, leaving exotic or, personalized ,functionality to be implemented by extensions to avoid feature creep. This is
  28. Increasingly authoritarian Ceausescu regime revived the established patterns of, personalized ,rule, and even made informal use of the title Conductor. Beginning in the
  29. S name, it is simply a hand style. A graffiti writer's tag is his or her, personalized ,signature. Tagging is often the example given when opponents of graffiti refer
  30. Which both demands and consumes this emphasis itself is more receptive to, personalized , dramatic accounts of social phenomena. A second, perhaps related, media trope
  31. am I putting my genome sequence online to encourage the development of an era of, personalized ,medicine, in which information contained in our genomes can be used to identify
  32. Psycho-graphic profiles of market segments, marketers have started to engage in, personalized ,marketing, permission marketing, and mass customization. There is increasing
  33. Artists can now also individuate their production practice by creating, personalized ,software synthesizers, effects modules, and various composition environments.
  34. With the launch of AOL 9.0 Optimized, AOL also made available the option of, personalized ,greetings which would enable the user to hear his or her name while accessing
  35. Different names for the same" real world" objects. Each user could create a, personalized ,environment by collecting various objects into their namespace. Unix has a
  36. Historical studies The philosopher Hegel gave a central role to the" hero ", personalized ,by Napoleon, as the incarnation of a particular culture's Volstead, and thus
  37. Based in Britain Medicine and health * Cancer Information Service, a public and, personalized ,information service in the United States * Carcinoma in situ, an early form of
  38. Since it contained a diploid instead of a haploid genome and shows promise for, personalized ,medicine via genotypic. This genome, rather immodestly dubbed Here by Levy
  39. That is inherently free form. These players choose to develop their own highly, personalized ,techniques. Other avant-garde players use strict form and techniques other than
  40. Highest marks in six of seventeen categories. The university has emphasized a, personalized ,education. Acadia's average class has 26 students, which helps to maintain an
  41. To revise the original Food Guide Pyramid. It offers a wide array of, personalized ,options to help individuals make healthy food choices. It also provides advice
  42. History, and then the pharmacist pounds up different dried herbs, making, personalized , medicines according to the prescription. Modern Uyghur medical hospitals
  43. Often made of Lucite or hardwood, that have superior rotating mechanisms and, personalized ,graphics. Large print edition An edition has been released (in association
  44. Using insurance policy (with higher prices) is likely due to improved and, personalized ,service. History of insurance In some sense we can say that insurance appears
  45. Support a new Fade transition effect. The Start Menu in Windows 2000 introduces, personalized ,menus, expandable special folders and the ability to launch multiple programs
  46. That the consumer can have with the product allows one to identify with the, personalized ,device, which then can become an integrated part of his or her life. The
  47. On their album Divine Intervention. The title of the song,SS-3,comes from the, personalized ,number plate of the car he was in when attacked and the lyrics reference the
  48. Education of academically gifted students. University Scholars benefit from, personalized ,advising, early registration, access to internships, and study abroad
  49. Of a life's ambition—to become a full-time martial artist. Ohtsuka's, personalized ,style of Karate was officially registered in 1938 after he was awarded the rank
  50. Sense of the term — not an investigation of one topic among many, but rather a, personalized ,spiritual training requiring that practitioners commit every aspect of their

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