Examples of the the word, clerical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clerical ), is the 9185 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He could not bring himself to join the cause of the Reformers. In relation to, clerical ,abuses in the Church, Erasmus remained committed to reforming the Church from
  2. And it is common for such members of the clergy to retire to a monastery (see, clerical ,celibacy). This is also true of widowed wives of clergy, who do not remarry
  3. The Right of Kings in the face of English theories of inalienable popular and, clerical ,rights. One passage in scripture supporting the idea of divine right of kings
  4. In Honshu (seal script),while later versions were written in light (, clerical ,script) and Kaiser (regular script) styles.
  5. Henrik Ibsen and Ferdinand Gregorovius. The monument was sharply opposed by the, clerical ,party, but was finally erected by the Rome Municipality and inaugurated in
  6. An equally ambitious effort to revive learning. It entailed the recruitment of, clerical ,scholars from Mercia, Wales and abroad to enhance the tenor of the court and of
  7. By typesetters, compositors,typographers, graphic artists, art directors, and, clerical , workers. Until the Digital Age, typography was a specialized occupation.
  8. Established, the Gestapo was—for the most part—made up of bureaucrats and, clerical ,workers who depended upon denunciations by citizens for their information.
  9. To both clergy and laity in chapter houses and in public, mainly denouncing, clerical ,corruption and calling for reform. Paddocks claims that it is likely she
  10. With his often-larger ecclesiastical diocese, giving the bishop both civil and, clerical ,powers. Examples include the three prince-archbishoprics: Cologne, Trier,and
  11. Stopped first in Buffalo, New York, where his uncle, Lewis W. Allen gave him a, clerical ,job. Allen was an important man in Buffalo, and he introduced his nephew to
  12. And a" House of Deputies. " In many jurisdictions, there is also a third, clerical ,House. Resolutions may be voted on jointly or by each House, in the latter case
  13. Gnostic Catholic uses roles and titles derived from Christianity for its, clerical ,hierarchy, including bishops who have much the same authority and
  14. Him greater legitimacy and power over his Christian subjects and granted him, clerical ,support against the Arian Visigoths. He defeated Alaric II at Mouillé in 507
  15. S agreement, and until 1919 he used the newspaper as a platform for rebutting, clerical ,criticism of Western-influenced changes in government and society, for
  16. Partisanship was foreign to his nature and his habits. In all his criticism of, clerical ,follies and abuses, he had always protested that he was not attacking the
  17. Supplies and dealing with prisoners. A staff of seconded soldiers provided, clerical ,services. Colchester was probably the earliest capital of Roman Britain, but it
  18. Asserted its sovereignty over the island. In 1721 a joint mercantile and, clerical ,expedition led by Danish-Norwegian missionary Hans Aged was sent to Greenland
  19. Of the Church - the Peace of God, the prohibition of simony (the purchase of, clerical ,offices) and required the celibacy of priests. Imperial authority over the
  20. The cause of the new gospel against the influences and intrigues of his, clerical ,opponents and successfully prevented their violent measures. His relationship
  21. Including seal script (篆书/篆書 Honshu),cursive script (草书/草書 CASHU) and, clerical ,script (隶书/隸書 light). Calligraphy artists can write in traditional and
  22. For the first time in England with reforms that included the abolition of, clerical ,celibacy and the Mass and the imposition of compulsory services in English. The
  23. Continued to oppose his ministry. Also, according to Cosmos' chronicle, high, clerical , office was a burden to Albert, and in 994 he offered it to Trachomas who was
  24. The term remains applicable to persons in all states, single or married, clerical ,or lay, and has implications beyond sexual temperance. Etymology The words "
  25. Gardenias) from his father's liaison with another woman. Radio chose a, clerical ,career as did Albert, and took the name Gardenias. Albert was a
  26. From spreading by stating that its followers were enemies of God. These, clerical ,directives led to mob attacks and public executions. In one case in Yard in
  27. Priests serving the Church worldwide. While the consecrated life is neither, clerical ,nor lay by definition, clerics can be members of institutes of consecrated, or
  28. Duke, or count. * Territories in which secular authority was held by a, clerical ,dignitary, such as an archbishop, bishop,or abbot. Such a cleric was a prince
  29. Clergy within society, usually setting the were gilds of the members of the, clerical ,hierarchy parallel to that of the existing hierarchy of nobility, with the
  30. Lewis Carroll's" Jabberwocky" ( formal sword) to the Book of Genesis (the, clerical ,spell 'Blade Barrier' was inspired by the" flaming sword which turned every
  31. May be held, not only by synods and colleges of bishops, but by lay and, clerical ,councils. Further, patterns of authority are subject to a wide variety of
  32. Of chastity. The Roman Catholic Church, has set up various rules regarding, clerical ,celibacy, while some Protestant communities, such as Lutheran and Anglican
  33. The forefront of political debate. Arminian theology contained an emphasis on, clerical ,authority and the individual's capacity to reject salvation, and was
  34. Dogmas of the Catholic Church, but are mutable rules of discipline. See, clerical ,celibacy for a more detailed discussion. Married men may be ordained to the
  35. Orders of ordained ministry: deacon and priest. No requirement is made for, clerical ,celibacy, though many Anglo-Catholic priests have traditionally been bachelors.
  36. That ordination in the historic episcopate is a core element in the validity of, clerical ,ordinations. The Roman Catholic Church does not recognize most Anglican orders
  37. Learned tradition of mythology, legend,and history she inherited from, clerical ,scholars and to the genres and courtly or scholastic subjects of contemporary
  38. Consequence of the intellectual and philosophical conditions of the 1860s,when, clerical ,intolerance was trying to suppress scientific discoveries which appeared to
  39. Was involuntary, the sport of hunting which had led to it was one in which no, clerical ,person could lawfully indulge. The King had to refer the matter to a commission
  40. Inherited by building upon the legacy of earlier kings such as Off as well as, clerical ,writers such as Bede, Alcuin and the other luminaries of the Carolingian
  41. And Aberdeen. Reliable and trustworthy women to perform administrative and, clerical ,tasks were similarly recruited by personal contacts. This has been
  42. Drafted into the U. S. Army in the middle of World War II. Through a series of, clerical ,errors, he never saw battle, but instead was assigned to the U. S. Army
  43. His publications, he noted corruption in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, promoted, clerical , marriage,and attacked the use of images in places of worship. In 1525,Zwingli
  44. Is responsible for the routine administration of the Bundestag, including its, clerical ,and research activities. It consists of the chamber's president (usually
  45. His playfellows should go into training in order to prepare themselves for a, clerical ,career. Solomon speaks of his" fitness for the priesthood ", and calls
  46. In Allen * Karl Joseph von Heel (1809–1893),Roman Catholic theologian, clerical ,historian and bishop * Bruno Heck (1917–1989),Politician of the CDU, former
  47. Centuries, religious freedom independent of the state was unthinkable to both, clerical ,and governmental leaders. Religious liberty was equated with anarchy; Kropotkin
  48. The Treatise. Hume was charged with heresy, but he was defended by his young, clerical ,friends, who argued that—as an atheist—he was outside the Church's
  49. Which initially consisted of around 25–30 officers and a similar number of, clerical ,staff. It was titled the" Government Code and Cypher School ", a cover-name
  50. By the Catholic Church and the various Protestant communities. It includes, clerical ,celibacy, celibacy of the consecrated life, voluntary lay celibacy, and

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