Examples of the the word, thigh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thigh ), is the 8622 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At North Sentinel Island. One of the islanders shot the film director in the, thigh ,with an arrow. The following year, European visitors were repulsed with arrows.
  2. The walking muscles on the first and second segments of its legs, called the, thigh ,and drumstick, respectively. The wings are also eaten, usually (in the United
  3. Lower limb – everything below the inguinal ligament, including the hip,the, thigh , the knee, the leg, the ankle, and the foot. Internal organs (by region) Head
  4. The first wife of Charles Cotes worth Pinckney. Ham is a cut of meat from the, thigh ,of the hind leg of certain animals, especially pigs. Nearly all hams sold today
  5. Bent with the shins in a vertical position. The back should be parallel to the, thigh ,while maintaining an upright posture. The arms and shoulders should be extended
  6. When sitting, right-handed players can balance the instrument on the right, thigh ,or like classical guitar players, the left. Balancing the bass on the left
  7. Underwent arthroscopic surgery. She was forced to remain six weeks with a, thigh ,brace, followed by eight to twelve weeks of rehabilitation, which caused The
  8. S entry entitled" Golden Thigh ": Pythagoras is said to have had a golden, thigh , which he showed to Basis, the Hyperbola priest, and exhibited in the
  9. Shorter than Italian white armor doublets, which could extend to the upper, thigh , In late fifteenth century Italy this also became a civilian fashion. Men who
  10. By blocking the end of the bell, usually with the foot or inside the left, thigh , Low A key however were not limited to just the baritone saxophone. For a
  11. He rushed at it, but the animal was too fast and slashed him in the right, thigh , Despite being gored by the boar, Odysseus still hit his mark and stabbed the
  12. Caused by the distant effects of the ballistic pressure wave originating in the, thigh , The results of Unison et al. were confirmed and expanded upon by a later
  13. Male clothing/protective gear. In International kickboxing, where kicks to the, thigh ,are allowed using special low-kick rules, use of Thai shorts instead of long
  14. Neural injury to the brain. In analysis of experiments of dogs shot in the, thigh ,they report highly significant (p < 0.01),easily detectable neural effects
  15. Between the standing and sitting positions. Balancing the bass on the right, thigh ,provides better access to the neck and fretboard in its entirety, especially
  16. Skull, Lindow III to a" fragmented headless body ", and Window IV to the upper, thigh ,of an adult male, possibly that of Window Man. After the discovery of Window
  17. Of overlap with the jacket. Most are equipped with suspenders. *Knee-length or, thigh ,high socks which cover knee and thigh s *Shoes with flat soles and reinforcement
  18. Blasted her. Zeus took the child and completed its gestation sewn into his own, thigh , Another variation is when Hera persuades Female to force Zeus to show himself
  19. Or like classical guitar players, the left. Balancing the bass on the left, thigh ,usually positions it in such a way that it mimics the standing position
  20. In an accident, but rather than have vaginal sex, he penetrates a wound on her, thigh ,that she received in the crash. Finally, the book asks why we, as an
  21. Tikki et al. reports abdominal pressure changes produced in pigs hit in one, thigh , Asimov et al. report on injuries to the nerve trunk from gunshot wounds to the
  22. Match, opponents grip each other by sash belts wrapped around the waist and the, thigh , attempting to throw their competitor to the sandy ground of the ring. The
  23. Of two stars in the Plow / Big Dipper which was known to Egyptians as the, thigh , It is thought that a vertical alignment between these two stars checked with a
  24. Can be legally applied to" turkey ham" if the meat is taken from the turkey, thigh , If the ham has less than 20.5 % but is at least 18.5 % protein, it can be
  25. S physical geometry that contribute to seating posture include torso, arm, thigh , and leg length, and overall rider height. Legal definitions and restrictions A
  26. Where Window Man was found. Nearly three months later, on 12 September, a right, thigh ,was discovered in the peat on the bucket of a digger. The proximity of
  27. Bag on a stick. He folded the bag and tucked it into a pocket on his right, thigh , He removed the TV camera from the MESA, made a panoramic sweep, and mounted it
  28. That a significant pressure wave reaches the brain of pigs shot in the, thigh , These scientists observed apnea, depressed EEG readings, and neural damage in
  29. As the Simba in northern Namibia. In some African cultures, for example,the, thigh ,is regarded as highly sexualized and never exposed in public, but breast
  30. Bullet impact. They observed changes in EEG readings from pigs shot in the, thigh , A follow-up experiment by Unison et al. implanted high-speed pressure
  31. Targets but for a single one. The Multiple Kick usually targets the face, thigh , and chest, but in turn can be a multiple chest attack which is useful for
  32. Sometime during the initial uprising Linda was shot in the right upper, thigh ,and found refuge in a basement, hiding with a group of Saudi, Uzbek,and
  33. Being cooked or served. Turkey ham, a boneless product made from pressed turkey, thigh ,meat, is a popular low-fat alternative to traditional ham in the US. Spiral
  34. Safe houses in Faisalabad, Pakistan. During his apprehension he was shot in the, thigh , the testicle, and the stomach with rounds from an AK-47 assault rifle. He was
  35. Being taken to Camp Rhino on December 7,2001,the bullet still within his, thigh , When Linda arrived at Camp Rhino he was stripped, and he was restrained to a
  36. The lower segments of the leg (shin and foot) were relatively longer than the, thigh , These differences suggest that younger Allosaurus were faster and had
  37. Tissue from other parts of the patient's body, such as the back, buttocks, thigh , or abdomen. This procedure may be performed by leaving the donor tissue
  38. Once seduced by a" white boy" who gave her a jewel, and who Geffen laid her, thigh ,over. Odin says that Loki must be insane to make Geffen his enemy, as her
  39. The Talmud contains the expression bar each Mouthe fetus is as the, thigh ,of its mother,' i.e., the fetus is deemed to be part and parcel of the
  40. 1500 lb) is a closer estimate for individuals represented by the average-sized, thigh ,bones he has measured. Using the subadult specimen nicknamed" Big Al "
  41. Stuart and three other lieutenants chased one down, whom Stuart wounded in the, thigh ,with his pistol. The Cheyenne turned and fired at Stuart with an old-fashioned
  42. Bursts of activity such as, for chickens, flying. Thus, the chicken's leg and, thigh ,meat are dark while its breast meat (which makes up the primary flight muscles
  43. Pierre Create, mistook Lewis for an elk and fired, injuring Lewis in the, thigh , Once reunited, the Corps was able to return home quickly via the Missouri
  44. Three legs of Mann" (),a trillion of three legs conjoined at the, thigh , The Manx trillion, which dates with certainty to the late 13th century, is
  45. That Pythagoras gleamed with a supernatural brightness; that he had a golden, thigh ,; that Basis came flying to him on a golden arrow; that he was seen in
  46. Because of this," to this day the people of Israel do not eat the sinew of the, thigh ,that is on the hip socket" (). This incident is the source of the mitzvah of
  47. Did just in La Crosse were the two high school girls ... whose abdomen and, thigh ,had Presley's autograph. " The second Milton Berle Show appearance came on
  48. Too large to belong to any known species. He therefore concluded it to be the, thigh ,bone of a giant human similar to those mentioned in the Bible. In 1699,Edward
  49. Somewhat of a supernatural figure, attributing to him such aspects as a golden, thigh , which was a sign of divinity. According to Muslim tradition, Pythagoras was
  50. Being sawed that he did not overpower Jacob, he touched Jacob on the sinew of his, thigh ,(the GID Manasseh, גיד הנשה),and as a result, Jacob developed a limp (

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