Examples of the the word, perl , in a Sentence Context

The word ( perl ), is the 5333 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. My oz = sub It can be used on the command line, like this:, Perl,-e'$, = ","; print sub → (shift) ' number to print out a comma-separated
  2. X) may bear resemblance to variables (the $ symbol indicates variables in, perl , ),they actually refer to the fields of the current record. A special case,$0
  3. Author ID). They may use a web interface at https://pause. perl .org pause., perl , Org, or the PAUSE ftp server to upload files to their directory and delete
  4. The pack () and unpack () operators with the format string" u" - e.g.: -, perl ,-e 'print pack (" u "," Cat" )' #0V%T Decoding base64 with unpack can
  5. The language of Perl is defined by the single implementation (referred to as ", perl ,") and is added to (and in rare occasions taken away from) each new release.
  6. Print sub? sub→ ():" unknown argument\n "; Running this Perl program as, perl , greet -h will produce" hello ", and running it as Perl greet -g will produce "
  7. This Perl program as Perl greet -h will produce" hello ", and running it as, perl , greet -g will produce" goodbye ". Virtual method tables In object-oriented
  8. Sink/no-op backend, analogous to Unix /dev/null ** backers: invokes arbitrary, perl , modules in response to LDAP requests ** back-shell: invokes shell scripts for
  9. Now in the form of Apple Computer's Mac OS X. Instead of using PHP, perl , or Active Server Pages, the entire site runs Apple's NetObjects. Minor was a
  10. Perl equivalent to the above, which prints the whole line from the passed file:, perl ,-NE 'print if m/^^: Or, to print only the username, without the rest of the
  11. A b; PHP: array_diff (a, $b);; R: set diff; Ruby: diff = a - b; Perl: #for, perl , version >= 5.10: @a = grep @a; Crest one is a statutory town in Sauce County
  12. Int main (void) Example in Perl #! /USR/bin/env, perl ,-w use strict; if (fork) else exit (0); # End the parent process. Example
  13. Of AWK in Perl, which supports ranges, indexing columns by negative numbers,a, perl , mode,and more. *gawk is a SourceForge project based on gawk. It extends gawk
  14. States, Matt Mankind wrote" Webex ". Each of these early applications were, perl , scripts which included the full source code available for download. Also in
  15. Referring to the interpreter program itself, the name is often uncapitalized (, perl , ) because most Unix-like file systems are case-sensitive. Before the release of
  16. Base64 with unpack can likewise be accomplished by translating the characters:, perl ,-e' a" Q2F0 "; a ~try#A-Za-z0-9+/\. \_##CD; # remove non-bas64 chars
  17. 4GL programs, as well as multiple JavaScript programs, in part of its own, perl , code and use variable interpolation in the 'here document' to support
  18. 2 if we're expecting a comma to separate arguments my state = 0; #, perl , code we're creating my Perl =' package UserExtention1; sub run_macros ';
  19. First edition of Programming Perl, it was common to refer to the language as, perl , ; Randal L. Schwartz, however,capitalized the language's name in the book to
  20. 1<#) Here are examples in Perl: Look for duplicate words, Perl,-0777 -NE 'print" $.: doubled $_\n" while /\b (\w+)\b\s+\b\1\b/GI' Find
  21. As a DOS batch file, then re-runs itself in Perl: @rem =' --PERL-- @echo off, perl ," %~dpnx0" %* got endosperm @rem '; #! Perl print" Hello, world! \n ";
  22. Most-important and most widely used databases, and it restricted the resulting, perl , executable to using just one database interface at a time. In Perl 5,database
  23. For example, the following Perl one-liner will reverse all the bytes in a file:, perl ,-0777e 'print scalar reverse <>' filename One-liners are also used to show off
  24. To Math ML if the browser supports it, else simple HTML and CSS. LaTe XML is a, perl , utility to convert LaTeX documents to HTML, optionally either using Math ML or
  25. It for non-commercial use, requiring only an acknowledgement and a link to www., perl , Com. Licensing for commercial use is decided on a case by case basis. O'Reilly
  26. What features they're making use of and what the minimum required version of, perl , is. The code on this page requires Perl 5.6.0 which is considered rather old by
  27. SS CLI 2.0 can be downloaded directly from Microsoft downloads and requires, perl , and Visual Studio 2005 running on Windows XP SP2 to compile. Microsoft has not
  28. CR's) Perl -pe's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' input file > output file # Convert to DOS, perl ,-pe's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' input file > output file # Convert to UNIX Perl -PE
  29. 3.1.5 was released 5 November 2009. It contains X11,Emacs, vi,cc, gcc, perl , python, ash,bash, zsh, ftp,ssh, telnet,pine, and over 400 other common Unixes
  30. It currently adds reversibility to GDB, MATLAB,Python (PDB),and Perl (, perl ,-d). It also supports reverse expression watch points, a form of temporal
  31. Development discussions take place primarily on the #parrot channel on IRC., perl , Org. In addition, there are weekly moderated meetings for Parrot and language
  32. Node_id=94783 Class: :Flyweight - implement the flyweight pattern in OO, perl , *http://boost.org/libs/flyweight/index.html Boost. Flyweight - A generic C++
  33. What the minimum required version of Perl is. The code on this page requires, perl ,5.6.0 which is considered rather old by now. Examples What follows are examples
  34. Some Perl design trade-offs and solutions in a 2002 document called" When, perl , is not quite fast enough ". Future At the 2000 Perl Conference, Jon Or want made
  35. Programs start more slowly than similar programs in compiled languages because, perl , has to compile the source every time it runs. In a talk at the startup time is
  36. That" Only Perl can parse Perl ", meaning that only the Perl interpreter (, perl , ) can parse the Perl language (Perl),but even this is not, in general, true.
  37. Parser to resolve ambiguities in the language. It is often said that" Only, perl , can parse Perl ", meaning that only the Perl interpreter (Perl) can parse the
  38. Perl: @rem =' --PERL-- @echo off Perl" %~dpnx0" %* got endosperm @rem '; #!, perl , print " Hello, world! \n "; __END__: endosperm This allows creating Perl
  39. W+)\b\s+\b\1\b/GI' Find Palindromes in /USR/dict/words, Perl,-LNE 'print if $_ EQ reverse' /USR/dict/words in-place edit of
  40. Print if $_ EQ reverse' /USR/dict/words in-place edit of, Perl,-p -i. Bak -e's/\boo\b/bar/g' Many one-liners are practical. For example
  41. In C on an embedded processor, bring it across the network to process in, perl , and finally visualize in Mathematical. The structure and the data remain
  42. Originated by Randal L. Schwartz, in his postings to the newsgroup comp. Lang., perl , (In fact, many of the Japes below are his. ) Examples JAPE program without
  43. CR's) used -e's/\RJ//' input file > output file # DOS to UNIX (removing CR's),Perl,-pe's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r\n/g' input file > output file # Convert to DOS Perl -PE
  44. Blister! Speak your mind! Exeunt List of reserved words As defined in the, perl , implementation
  45. To DOS Perl -pe's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' input file > output file # Convert to UNIX, perl ,-pe's/\r\n|\n|\r/\r/g' input file > output file # Convert to old Mac To
  46. Or space. Some UNIX utilities can use NULL as record separator (e.g., perl , ( requires -0 and \0 instead of \n),locate (requires using -0),find (
  47. Flash. Display. Sprite () is String); // false Meta-Type introspection Like, perl , ActionScript can go further than getting the Class Name, but all the metadata
  48. Print if m/^^: Or, to print only the username, without the rest of the line:, perl ,-ANE '$_ = shift @F; print" $_\n" if /foo/' -F: /etc/passed Common Unix
  49. A0.2; # (2,5,7) @a3.5; # (7,3,8); #should be (3,8,6),Perl,-e '@a = (2,5,7,3,8,6,4); print @a3.5;' @a-3. -1; # (8,6,4);
  50. Result that the Halting Problem is undecidable, and therefore not even, perl , can always parse Perl. Perl makes the unusual choice of giving the user access

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