Examples of the the word, penetration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( penetration ), is the 8535 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have legs in relation to the clitoris which may also be accessible through anal, penetration , Stimulation of the clitoris, G-Spot,or both, during anal sex may help some
  2. 1939–1941. These operations were dependent on surprise penetration s (e.g. the, penetration ,of the Ardennes forest region),general enemy unpreparedness and an inability
  3. This is why temperate phages are not suitable for phage therapy. Attachment and, penetration ,To enter a host cell, bacteriophages attach to specific receptors on the
  4. Acidosis increases the volume of distribution because of enhancement of tissue, penetration ,of salicylates. When small doses (less than 250 mg in an adult) are ingested
  5. Harpoon in which the head took a horizontal position in the animal after, penetration , and the throwing-lance used to kill large animals. The
  6. For Russia, and 17 % for Ukraine. * According to Internet World Stats, Internet, penetration , in June 2010 was 47.5 %. For comparison, Internet penetration in Ukraine
  7. Anus and the rectum due to their vulnerability. It is generally understood that, penetration ,can be painful. Experts say that as social mores ease, more young heterosexuals
  8. Strategic location on the Rhine River, which formed a natural barrier to easy, penetration ,into the German heartland from the west. The Allied ground advance into Germany
  9. Mechanism of“ diffuse noxious inhibitory control ”. Indeed, superficial needle, penetration ,is a common technique in many authentic traditional Japanese acupuncture styles
  10. The war progressed, Allied armies began using combined arms formations and deep, penetration ,strategies that Germany had used in the opening years of the war. Many Allied
  11. Right-handed or orthodox boxers lead with the left foot and fist (for most, penetration ,power). Both feet are parallel, and the right heel is off the ground. The lead
  12. a million (2007) Telephones – mobile cellular: 9.87 million (2007) (110 %, penetration ,rate) Telephone system: * General assessment: an extensive but antiquated
  13. And momentum of an offensive. There was less emphasis on combined arms, deep, penetration , or concentration. In short, their philosophy was not too different from that
  14. Many of the daughter products emit gamma-rays and neutrons which have a long, penetration ,depth. If consumed, americium is excreted within a few days and only 0.05 % is
  15. Carbon by heating wrought iron in charcoal for long periods of time, but the, penetration ,of carbon was not very deep, so the alloy was not homogeneous. In 1740
  16. Destroy the enemy advance in detail. Holding the flanks or“ shoulders” of a, penetration ,was essential to channeling the enemy attack, and artillery, properly employed
  17. Another in single deck games. In games with more decks of cards, casinos limit, penetration ,by ending the shoe and initiating a reshuffle when one or more decks remain
  18. Afghanistan tell of soldiers shot as many as seven times in the chest without, penetration , Dragon Skin body armor is another ballistic vest which is currently in
  19. Has declined. = Communications in Burkina Faso are limited due to the low, penetration ,of electricity, even in major cities. Use of telecommunications is extremely
  20. Couples have had anal sex at least once, and 10 percent regularly have anal, penetration , " Female to male (pegging) Pegging is a sexual practice in which a woman
  21. That spreads the force over a wider area to reduce the risk of injury or limit, penetration , Arrows designed to pierce armor in the Middle Ages would use a very narrow and
  22. Sham acupuncture:" Weak physiologic activity of superficial or sham needle, penetration ,is suggested by several lines of research, including Acts showing larger
  23. Of the coherence of a quantum state. In 1953,Brian Pipped, motivated by, penetration ,experiments, proposed that this would modify the London equations via a new
  24. The USAF Strategic Air Command (SAC) began moving its bombers to low-level, penetration ,before the U-2 downing. This tactic greatly reduces radar detection distances
  25. For the man via his penis. While each person's sphincter muscles react to, penetration ,differently, the anal sphincter in general has delicate tissue that can tear
  26. Enforced at local council level. Other states of Australia have their own skin, penetration ,acts. New Zealand Traditional/lay acupuncture is not a regulated health
  27. Expulsion of a magnetic field from the superconductor and the variation of the, penetration ,depth (the extent of the screening currents flowing below the metal's surface
  28. Up the Lymph estuary in Kent, the Anglo-Saxons were able to limit their, penetration ,to the outer frontiers of Wessex and Mercia. Alfred's burial system was
  29. Emissions into two types: alpha and beta (now beta minus),based on, penetration ,of objects and ability to cause ionization. Alpha rays could be stopped by thin
  30. Diversified microfinance sector. Data from 2003 by the Central Bank stated a, penetration ,rate of microfinance services of almost 60 percent. In 2006 the Ministry of
  31. Use a narrow tip (" broad head" ) that widens further, to facilitate both, penetration ,and a large wound. Hunting Using archery to take game animals is known as
  32. Primarily responsible for scoring points via cuts to the basket and dribble, penetration ,; on defense seeks rebounds and steals, but sometimes plays more actively #
  33. Supplemented the remaining modified Blue Steel missiles using a low-level, penetration ,followed by a pop-up maneuver to release the weapon at Forty-eight live
  34. Activity in the lower Congo River region threatened to undermine orderly, penetration ,of tropical Africa, the Berlin Conference of 1884–85 sought to regulate the
  35. The likelihood that 30–70 % of shells would not have passed the standard, penetration ,test specified by the admiralty. New shells were designed, but did not arrive
  36. Internet-users. * The International Telecommunications Union showed Internet, penetration ,(Internet users per 100 population) in 2009 at 27 % for Belarus,42 % for
  37. The woman to enjoy anal intercourse with much less discomfort compared to anal, penetration ,by itself. When accompanied by one or more of the other stimuli, women who had
  38. Resistance) of the super bugs to the antibiotic used and high tissue, penetration ,as well as broad spectrum activity against" good bacteria ". In the case of
  39. Of GDP, the external debt remained constant between 2004 and 2005. Broadband, penetration ,rate Individuals using computer and internet Telephones – main lines in use:
  40. Planning caused delays. Allied forces deployed to the flanks of the German, penetration , and as soon as the skies cleared, Allied aircraft were again able to attack
  41. Sex and mutual masturbation, is conceived as resting solely on penile-vaginal, penetration , Since the early 1990s," technical virginity" has been popular among
  42. It reproduces the Meissner effect and the calculations of specific heats and, penetration ,depths appeared in the July 1957 article
  43. Delay, a choice of proximity heights of burst, time and a choice of foliage, penetration ,depths. A new type of artillery fuse will appear soon. In addition to other
  44. Which probably fell apart and gave way to Feudalism only with Frankish, penetration ,into the region in the late 9th century. The Slavic tribes also brought their
  45. See, hear,or speak. She was later to say that Bell dedicated his life to the, penetration ,of that" inhuman silence which separates and estranges. " Several influential
  46. Stats, Internet penetration in June 2010 was 47.5 %. For comparison, Internet, penetration , in Ukraine was 33.7 %, in Romania 35.5 %, Russia 42.8 %, and Serbia 55.9 %.
  47. In 1980,the B-1 resurfaced as the B-1B version with the focus on low-level, penetration ,bombing. It entered service in 1986 with the USAF Strategic Air Command as a
  48. The rectal mucous membrane provides insufficient natural lubrication for sexual, penetration , Researchers say adequate lubrication, relaxation,and communication between
  49. Number climbs to 42.05 main lines/1000 in Ouagadougou, but still a very low, penetration ,rate. The Suriname government, in its telecommunications development strategy
  50. Co-ordination and Allied air superiority. The most notable attempt to use deep, penetration ,operations in Normandy was at Mort ain, which exacerbated the German position in

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