Examples of the the word, brace , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brace ), is the 8537 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A brace that is made from steel bars, which are set into strong resin. This, brace ,has been molded to his right arm, is approximately 46 centimeters long and
  2. By Andy Paley and engineered by Daniel Levi tin). These were followed up with a, brace ,of pop efforts (It's Time for Jonathan Rich man and the Modern Lovers, and
  3. Teach in times of battle as wearing" a sling over his shoulders, with three, brace ,of pistols, hanging in holsters like bandoliers; and stuck lighted matches
  4. Long and weighs just under 1 kilogram. TV presenter Mark Nicholas who tried the, brace ,himself, confirmed that" There is no way an arm can be bent, or flexed, when
  5. Follow the Small man design, which replaces fan brace s with a much lighter balsa, brace ,attached to the back of the sound board with carbon fiber. The balsa brace has
  6. Without the brace . They were not bowled quite so fast because the weight of the, brace ,restricts the speed of Muralitharan's shoulder rotation, but the spin was
  7. And the accident led NASCAR to mandate the" Earnhardt Bar ", a metal, brace ,located in the center of the windshield that reinforces the roof in case of a
  8. String and prevent clothing from catching the bow string. The brace r does not, brace ,the arm, the word comes from the armory term" Brossard ", meaning an armored
  9. US sanctions and ordered large amounts of troops and vehicles into the area to, brace ,for war. Bill Clinton secretly recruited Carter to undertake a peace mission to
  10. Issue the acronym Before C Programming Language. BCPL was the first, brace ,programming language, and the brace s survived the syntactical changes and have
  11. Brace attached to the back of the sound board with carbon fiber. The balsa, brace ,has a honeycomb pattern and allows the (now much thinner) sound board to
  12. God" handball) and England was out of the competition. Linker also scored a, brace ,against Paraguay in the second round of the tournament. Linker combined with
  13. Brace. " All three balls reacted in the same way as when bowled without the, brace , They were not bowled quite so fast because the weight of the brace restricts
  14. Is specified by the value of the next tower to its right (as indicated by a, brace ,). The Antarctic (or) is the region around the Earth's South Pole, opposite
  15. Could generally cope with only one variant anyway. Because the bracket and, brace ,characters of ASCII were assigned to" national use" code points that were
  16. Of the equations. Systems of equations are usually grouped with a single open, brace ,on the left. In elementary algebra, in particular in linear algebra, methods
  17. Of osteomyelitis and a failed operation to correct it. Goebbels wore a metal, brace ,and special shoe because of his shortened leg, but nevertheless walked with a
  18. Meeting in London's Queen's Hall. The aims of this organization were" to, brace ,the spirit of the nation, that the people of Great Britain, knowing that they
  19. One woman who was said to have been cured of spinal cancer threw away her, brace ,and ran across the stage at Kuhlman's command; her spine collapsed the next
  20. These circumstances, Bridges,finding the poem an appropriate hymn text to ", brace ,the spirit of the nation to accept with cheerfulness all the sacrifices
  21. The door – as he would in a match. Then he bowled the same three balls with a, brace ,that is made from steel bars, which are set into strong resin. This brace has
  22. Shoulder muscles, particularly of the left arm that is used to hold the bow to, brace ,against the pull on the bowstring. Among the men who died on the ship it was
  23. At the time, the gunner had to be located somewhat behind the weapon, steadying, brace , with the other hand, hence the name" hand gun" became synonymous with the "
  24. Again showed he could bowl all his deliveries including the door with an arm, brace ,that prevents any straightening of his elbow. Orthopediatrician Dr Man deep
  25. The X3 committee made other changes, including other new characters (the, brace ,and vertical line characters),renaming some control characters (SOME became
  26. On the day of the hunt. Beagles may also be employed individually or in a, brace ,(a pair). As hunting with Beagles was seen as ideal for young people, many of
  27. Speeds, it still appeared as if he straightened his arm, even though the, brace ,makes it impossible to do so. His unique shoulder rotation and amazing wrist
  28. In the club's 2–0 win in Liverpool, in the second match),adding another, brace ,four days later, as the Reds hammered C. D. National 6–1,in the domestic
  29. Fired directly upon a battalion of Chinese infantry; the Marines were forced to, brace ,themselves against their howitzers, as they had no time to dig them in. The
  30. Sensors are fitted to each side of the forward fuselage, with a diagonal, brace ,below it. With the loss of 59-1465,KC-135A 58-0126 was modified to this
  31. Arm brace In July 2004 Muralitharan was filmed in England, bowling with an arm, brace ,on. The film was shown on Britain's Channel 4 during the Test against England
  32. A traditional shell does not produce the same output echo eye # eye When, brace ,expansion is combined with wildcards, the brace s are expanded first, then the
  33. Of Muralitharan's shoulder rotation, but the spin was still there. With the, brace ,on, there still appeared to be a jerk in his action. When studying the film at
  34. Into boards. Molded doors are commonly used as interior doors. A ledge and, brace ,door is a door made from multiple vertical planks fixed together by two
  35. Two horizontal planks (the ledges) and kept square by a diagonal plank (the, brace ,). A wicket door is a pedestrian door built into a much larger door allowing
  36. Air conditioning dryer lines are routed differently to clear the front frame, brace ,on the drivers side. The 944 Turbo S wheels, known as the Club Sport design
  37. That" There is no way an arm can be bent, or flexed, when it is in this, brace , " All three balls reacted in the same way as when bowled without the brace .
  38. Stiffer suspension package with M2 specific rates, polished aluminum strut, brace , upgraded exhaust by HKS, intake system,1.6L motor with new aggressive pistons
  39. System as an exit code indicating successful execution. The closing curly, brace ,indicates the end of the code for the main function. Data types C has a static
  40. Bear 10 machine guns coming and four going, in addition to the 75 mm cannon,a, brace ,of eight rockets and 3,000 lb (1,360 kg) of bombs. " The B-25H also featured
  41. His off-break was 12.9 degrees at 59.03 mph (99.45 km/h). Bowling with an arm, brace ,In July 2004 Muralitharan was filmed in England, bowling with an arm brace on.
  42. As many as 15,the working trial requires an evaluation of one or two brace s. A, brace ,is called a collar. The couples should be tested on at least 2 to 5 rabbits (
  43. Underwent arthroscopic surgery. She was forced to remain six weeks with a thigh, brace , followed by eight to twelve weeks of rehabilitation, which caused The Onyx
  44. Renaissance The first depictions of the compound crank in the carpenter's, brace ,appear between 1420 and 1430 in various northern European artwork. The rapid
  45. And typical hunt terrain. While local hunters will at times use one dog or a, brace , and frequently packs of 6-8 or as many as 15,the working trial requires an
  46. After which, complete with a permanent disability and wearing a back, brace , he left the Marine Corps. He passed his stockbroker is exam and took a
  47. The character" more sturdy" than previous versions. For some, the wires, head, brace , and throat microphone of the previous masks were eschewed, with explanation
  48. Portugal so Hurst and Hunt continued up front, and England won 2–1 thanks to a, brace ,from Bobby Charlton, the second of which was set up by Hurst. As the final
  49. List indicates that the main function takes no arguments. The opening curly, brace ,indicates the beginning of the definition of the main function. The next line
  50. The slide, Renold Schalke designed the tuning-bell trumpet. Removing the usual, brace ,between the bell and a valve body allows the use of a sliding bell; the player

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