Examples of the the word, kindly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kindly ), is the 8539 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He excelled most men in simplicity of tastes, constancy of attachments, kindly ,playfulness, magnanimity,and mercy. As chief of the church he was able and
  2. To any length. My great thanks, to my well-wishers and friends, who think so, kindly ,of me as to undertake my welfare, but at the same time a most humble request to
  3. Specifically, Carlton increasing its shareholdings. North fans didn't think, kindly ,of either option which made defeating Carlton in the 1999 Grand Final that much
  4. Liquor. " Nowadays, interfering with neighbors' property is not looked upon so, kindly , Nuisance deals with all kinds of things that spoil a landowner's enjoyment of
  5. Property of his enemy. On his arrival at Milan in 612,Columbus met with a, kindly ,welcome from Lombard King Agilely and Queen Theodelinda. He immediately began
  6. S, current during World War II. The original posters showed Bennett himself; a, kindly ,looking old man offering guidance and support to would-be students with the
  7. All my friends and teachers did so, including my own father who certainly was a, kindly ,and humane man. None of us as much as suspected that the word" selection "
  8. If one is faithful according to Omelet’s standards, one will be judged, kindly , Omelet uses it metaphorically, and its precise meaning is extensively
  9. Impressions. " In 1860 he also met and married Eliza Brighten (1813–1900),a, kindly , tolerant Quaker who shared Gosse's intense interest in both natural history
  10. In the Italian government accused the Pope of treating the Red Brigades too, kindly , However, he continued looking for ways to pay ransom for Moro but to no avail.
  11. 3 the king is noted as referring to his loyal knight" Sir Thomas de Roos" in, kindly ,terms as" my old gossip ". Whilst a historical novel of that time the
  12. Of all power. O my Lord, who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly ,vanquish our demon-like desires for fruition activity in this material world.
  13. Issue Viz ran a short strip called" The Nice, Honest Gypsies ", featuring a, kindly ,Gypsy woman selling pegs door-to-door and helpfully returning forgotten change.
  14. Brock did the job and he failed. Recently, however,historians have been more, kindly , measuring him not against Wellington but against his American foes. They judge
  15. Towards them. In 1721 his high reputation for ability, learning,purity, and a, kindly ,disposition secured his election to succeed Clement XI as Pope Innocent XIII.
  16. Is portrayed by Peter Cook in an alternative version of history as a doting, kindly ,man who treats his nephews with affection. He parodies Olivier's Richard III
  17. Later:" Your Lordship congratulation on my succeeding Mr. Ramsay I take very, kindly ,but it is a most miserable office, it is reduced from two hundred to
  18. Who had been Prime Minister, died in 1878,and was remembered by Russell as a, kindly ,old man in a wheelchair. As a result, his widow, the Countess Russell (née
  19. Of heaven; hear me, helper of men, giver of dauntless youth! Shed down a, kindly ,ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive
  20. The Mahaparinibbana Outta (DN 16) ); it is a panegyric for a man who is, kindly , unselfish, popular,and thoughtful toward others. In the long list of the
  21. The revelation left Mrs Summerhouse unmoved.:" What a lovely name," she said, kindly , " Greek,isn't it? " Post World War II:" He, I knew, was not likely to be
  22. The main antagonist of the film, is a strict and stern person and does not take, kindly ,to jokes around him. After Bender insults him numerous times, he gives him two
  23. Ships full of soldiers immediately left for Britain. Northern receives them, kindly , and gives them ample gifts. With their assistance, Vortigern defeats his
  24. Of the son (who looked imposing and stern in contrast to his father's, kindly ,demeanor) with the text" Let me be your big brother. " Speculation has also
  25. Similar language, in his Gettysburg Address in 1863,Lincoln wrote:“ You have, kindly ,adverted to the trial through which this Republic is now passing. It is one of
  26. In Hesiod's Theology, ( 226–232) Strife, the daughter of Night is less, kindly ,spoken of as she brings forth other personifications as her children:: But
  27. The womenfolk at risk of outrages by the Russian troops; mourned the death of ", kindly ,General Sowing" ( to whose wife he had dedicated a composition); damned the
  28. They begged him to have his wounds dressed and eat some food and spoke very, kindly ,to him, he refused. Then quite unexpectedly we were told that he was dead. "
  29. Agile fancy. That first picture persists—a powerful, solid,round-faced fellow, kindly ,and somewhat stolid seeming. " Leisure activities Howard enjoyed listening to
  30. Repeats. " (He uses as evidence the fact that Washing’s lord, unlike the, kindly ,King Duncan of Shakespeare’s play, had murdered his own lord years before to
  31. Can be none that has more natural goodness than the Japanese. They are of a, kindly ,disposition, not at all given to cheating, wonderfully desirous of honor and
  32. The chief who hosted Christopher Columbus and his men, treated them, kindly ,and provided them with everything they desired. Yet the Taints' allegedly "
  33. For $175,to John Dumont of West Park, New York. Although this fourth owner was, kindly ,disposed toward her, his wife found numerous ways to harass Truth and make her
  34. To which Aaron was an ideal priest of the people, far more beloved for his, kindly ,ways than was Moses. Moses was bewailed by“ the sons of Israel” only (). His
  35. Her grandmother, on the other hand, provided day-to-day supervision and, kindly ,discipline. Whether with housework, handiwork,or academics, Grandma Levitt
  36. Your isle of Plops, : :You mighty progeny of Zeus and Leda!: :Show that you are, kindly ,by nature, Castor: :And Poly deuces;: :You who get about on swift-footed horses
  37. To avoid controversy, to allay passion, give full scope to reason and to every, kindly ,feeling. By doing this and encouraging our citizens to engage in the duties of
  38. States:" In accordance with the sacred verse 'God does not forbid you to deal, kindly ,and justly with those who have not fought against you because of your religion
  39. In 1874,an Australian newspaper wrote:" We in Australia did not take, kindly ,to WE. For so big a man, he is surprisingly tenacious on very small points. We
  40. Urges them to return to their Mobile families. She says," May the Lord deal, kindly ,with you, as you have dealt with the dead and with me. " Both Ruth and Boat
  41. On the island of Zakynthos. Here he soon died in such debt that a benefactor, kindly ,paid for his funeral. At the time of his death he was scarcely fifty years of
  42. In the wild for the majority of his life. While the townspeople received him, kindly , it was only a matter of time before word spread and the boy was quickly taken
  43. In Muhammad's society in order to beseech the male audience to treat them, kindly , She quotes" Be good to women; for they are powerless captives (away) in
  44. Involving the origin of his color and abilities and the transformation of, kindly ,scientist Dr. OSI Indoor into the evil Dr. IPO Robotic. Numerous British
  45. The role since Barrymore ". Although" posterity has treated Maurice Evans less, kindly ,", throughout the 1930s and 1940s he was regarded by many as the leading
  46. Under their normal pillow and rolling the person, thus waking them up. He has a, kindly ,nature, and is perhaps a little over-optimistic. At times, he can be a little
  47. Craig Chaotic of Jefferson Starship. Scottish pop band Middle of the Road sung, kindly ,of Sacramento in their 1972 European hit song" Sacramento ". Food Sacramento
  48. With a flutter of black gown instead of white wings, a deprecating, silvery, kindly , gentleman,who regretted in a low voice as he waved me back that ladies are
  49. Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this, kindly , ” The memos were written at the request of Dick Cheney and the Bush White
  50. Soon arise which would produce a better age than that of Pericles. Or more, kindly ,-“ The final aim of all love intrigues, be they comic or tragic, is really of

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