Examples of the the word, patience , in a Sentence Context

The word ( patience ), is the 4946 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Protagonist may still be a pot-smoking, highly sexual cynic with no respect or, patience ,for traditional moral authorities, in his later bestsellers like Whispers or
  2. First),and that the overlays" are sometimes so stubborn as to tempt one's, patience ,". Innovations *Intellivision can be considered the first 16-bit game console
  3. He would watch regularly. He also enjoyed playing card games, particularly, patience , Both light and dark sides of his character were evident in his fondness for
  4. Theological niceties presented in the other books require a certain amount of, patience ,and knowledge to appreciate. Purgatory, the most lyrical and human of the
  5. For he will render to every man according to his works: to those who by, patience ,in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal
  6. Hitting below .200 in April. Manager Terry Franconia stuck with him and his, patience ,paid off as Pedro finished the first half over .300. On the mound, Josh
  7. Of life, the vanity of wealth and struggle, the joy of simple pleasures, patience ,in time of trouble, and avoidance of extremes '. In his detached, intellectual
  8. He might retire to undertake other profitable ventures. Free finally lost, patience ,with Ruth, and decided to trade him. However, he was effectively limited to two
  9. Star ". (2:18-29) #### Praised for their works, love,service, faith,and, patience , #### Admonished to repent for allowing a" prophetess" to promote sexual
  10. 1:2), patience in good works (1:22-25), patience under provocation (3:17), patience , under oppression (5:7), patience under persecution (5:10); and the ground
  11. His commanders, while not being open to criticism or objections. He had little, patience ,for sub-commanders who did not do their jobs properly. Only three weeks after
  12. Got under way. After British complaints the French government lost, patience ,with Charles and in December 1748 he was seized on his way to the Opera and
  13. At suspiciously convenient times. The only person Basil consistently exhibits, patience ,and decent manners towards is old and senile Major Owen, a veteran officer of
  14. 5:7), patience under persecution (5:10); and the ground of their, patience ,is that the coming of the Lord drawing nigh, which is to right all wrong (5:8
  15. Said to radiate for others from the Bodhisattva. The emphasized perfection is, patience ,(). #Radiant: This Bhūmi is called" radiant ", because it is said to be like
  16. Which he teaches them as Christians is patience , patience in trial (1:2), patience , in good works (1:22-25), patience under provocation (3:17), patience under
  17. To coordinate and free breathing & vocal production. Freedom, efficiency and, patience ,are the prescribed values. Proscribed are unnecessary effort, self-limiting
  18. Areas of cognitive function. Indeed, most games require a great deal of, patience ,and focus from the player, and,contrary to the popular perception that games
  19. As the obedient wife of her tyrant husband who“ would not only acquiesce with, patience ,to divorce, but would obey, if it was his pleasure, in endeavoring to persuade
  20. D' Seville,Calvin's pseudonym for these letters. Eventually, Calvin lost, patience ,and refused to respond; by this time Serves had written around thirty letters
  21. It did. The second place they came to be the home of a wealthy man. He had no, patience ,for his visitors and chased them away with the admonition that they should get
  22. That Arnold was not his child. Schwarzenegger has said his father had" no, patience ,for listening or understanding your problems. " In later life, Schwarzenegger
  23. Nicknames, Basil is terrified of her. There is only one time that he loses, patience ,and snaps at her. Basil:" Shut up,I'm fed up. ", Sybil:" Oh you've done it
  24. Is patience , patience in trial (1:2), patience in good works (1:22-25), patience , under provocation (3:17), patience under oppression (5:7), patience under
  25. London to assert his government's authority in his capital. The British lost, patience ,as result of an action secretly ordered by Collins. He had Henry Hughes Wilson
  26. 5:4). The great lesson which he teaches them as Christians is patience , patience ,in trial (1:2), patience in good works (1:22-25), patience under
  27. Power with international legitimacy. But such measures require a lot of, patience , This is the central thesis of his 2006 work America at the Crossroads. In a
  28. Of Wallace's iconoclastic opinions in the ensuing years would test Darwin's, patience , they remained on friendly terms for the rest of Darwin's life. Over the years
  29. A meditation upon the Apocalypse. In her view, what Revelation has to teach is, patience , Patience is the closest to perfection the human condition allows. Her book
  30. And multiplayer games. Card games for one player are known as solitaire or, patience ,card games. (See list of solitaire card games. ) Generally speaking, they are
  31. Eccentricity, not his lust, that drives the plots. The events test what little, patience ,Basil has to breaking point, sometimes causing him to all but have a total
  32. Romans. Irish wolfhounds are often favored for their loyalty, affection, patience , and devotion. Although at some points in history they have been used as
  33. As you will see, in a cold and sinister beauty. It was created with rage and, patience , Besides, the proof of its positive worth is in all the ill that they speak of
  34. Patience under provocation (3:17), patience under oppression (5:7), patience , under persecution (5:10); and the ground of their patience is that the coming
  35. Also generated a great deal of conflict. As a radical functionalist, he had no, patience ,with the aesthetic program, and forced the resignations of Herbert Bayer
  36. From the anxiety they have so long experienced, since they think it tries their, patience ,too much to wait for an old man's death ". The precise year of Hannibal's
  37. Element to tone production. The right embouchure, developed with" time, patience , and intelligent work ", will produce a beautiful sound and a correct
  38. Be liars; Hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans. Having persevered and possessing, patience , #### Admonished to" do the first works" and to repent for having left their
  39. What she swallowed, and suffered severe stomach pains, which she bore with, patience ,as another penance. She was buried in the cemetery of Santa Maria copra Minerva
  40. Oppression (5:4). The great lesson which he teaches them as Christians is, patience , patience in trial (1:2), patience in good works (1:22-25), patience under
  41. Life (2:11–3:13); (3) he adduces the example of Christ and other motives to, patience ,and holiness (3:14–4:19); and (4) concludes with counsels to pastors and
  42. Work in St. Nicholas magazine in December 1873. Beau demonstrated accuracy and, patience ,as a scientific illustrator, creating drawings of fossils for Edward Drinker
  43. Are smart;: They waste our time with quibbles and quarrels, : Destroying our, patience ,as well as our morals, ::: And making us all talk ROT. In The Frogs, composed
  44. Secured. Larry was sacked after the Sixth Test after the selectors finally lost, patience ,with Australia's lack of success and dour strategy. Larry was not informed of
  45. Aged men) be sober, serious,restrained, and sound in faith, in love, and in, patience , ”:“ As is typical of the Pastorals, the morality here urged is in no sense
  46. It was a difficult time for everyone involved, Pei later reflected with, patience ,on the experience. " Going through this trial toughened us," he said. " It
  47. Highest Greenlandic council, the Landsrådene, as a participant) recommended, patience ,and no radical reform of the system. Two years later, the first step towards a
  48. In the daily lives of Christians though they may not be aware of it, and that, patience ,for deliverance from the daily trials of life is warranted when the glories of
  49. McCartney Embassy. He could not meet Lord McCartney, but exhorted him to, patience ,in two letters, explaining that" this world is the reverse of our own ". He
  50. There he picked up the elements of Latin. Gradually, and by dint of infinite, patience ,and concentration, the young peasant became master of many languages, and began

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