Examples of the the word, severely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( severely ), is the 4953 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. British had to fight their way north into North Carolina and Virginia, with a, severely ,weakened army. Behind them much of the territory they had already captured
  2. In community life. " The court added that" confinement in an institution, severely ,diminishes the everyday life activities of individuals, including family
  3. In the slave trade. One night a terrible storm battered his vessel so, severely ,that he became frightened enough to call out to God for mercy, a moment that
  4. Migration from Gordon, ( the capital of Phrygia),after an earthquake which, severely ,damaged that city around that time. In Phrygia tradition, King Midas was
  5. Notetaker, Mathesius, contains the story of a 12-year-old boy who may have been, severely ,autistic. Luther reportedly thought the boy was a soulless mass of flesh
  6. Forces),Sharon became a platoon commander in the Alexandrina Brigade. He was, severely ,wounded in the groin by the Jordanian Arab Legion in the first Battle of Lat run
  7. Affects several aspects of people’s lives, when it is prolonged and when it, severely ,compromises people’s chances of regaining their rights and of reassuring their
  8. Managed to stay one step ahead, and crushed all opposition; as he always dealt, severely ,with dissidence in landaus. Despite all this turmoil in landaus, Abd
  9. S-Phrases:, The ammonia vapor from concentrated ammonia solutions is, severely ,irritating to the eyes and the respiratory tract, and these solutions should
  10. 1990 to 42.1 % in 1997. In developing nations, access to essential medicines is, severely ,restricted by lack of resources and poverty. Traditional remedies, often
  11. And news sources began reporting on the incident within minutes. The impact, severely ,damaged an area of the Pentagon and ignited a large fire. A portion of the
  12. Quantum noise (caused by the quantum movements of ions). Ambient noise may be, severely ,reduced – but never to zero – by using cryogenically cooled parametric
  13. With the people. He was generous to the poor; it was his custom to comment, severely ,in his preaching on the public characters of his times; and he introduced
  14. A witty piece of detective writing in The Red House Mystery (although this was, severely ,criticized by Raymond Chandler for the implausibility of its plot). But once
  15. In 1933 and 1934 under manager Bill McKenzie, but Fuchs' revenue was, severely ,depleted due to the Great Depression. Looking for a way to get more fans and
  16. In church and, according to the legend, predicted that Vršovci would be, severely ,persecuted. After the tragedy he could not stay in Bohemia and escaped from
  17. On Athens and Eritrea for supporting the revolt. The Ionian revolt had, severely ,threatened the stability of Darius's empire, and the states of mainland Greece
  18. The developing drama was shown on television. Because electrical power was, severely ,limited, no more live TV broadcasts were made; TV commentators used models and
  19. Time and the war have taken their toll on the road surfaces, leaving many, severely ,potholed, littered with broken asphalt. In many areas drivers have established
  20. To produce an amicable pair, two consecutive Habit numbers must be prime; this, severely ,restricts the possible values of n. A generalization of this is Euler's rule
  21. Because the Bahá'í Faith's activities in many Muslim countries has been, severely ,suppressed by authorities. Dharma and Taoist The religions of Hinduism
  22. To treat acute malnutrition. As a result, the global mortality rate of, severely ,malnourished children under the age of five has been reduced from 25 % to 5 %.
  23. Of slavery, along with Lincoln's Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico naval blockades, severely ,decreased any chance that either the United Kingdom or France would enter the
  24. scholar's den. " The prisoners were forbidden to write memoirs, and mail was, severely ,limited and censored. However, as a result of an offer from a sympathetic
  25. Go to it with this impression will be surprised to find it eminently serious, severely ,moral, and withal rather heavy ". The suffragist (i.e. moderate reformer, as
  26. Itself (i.e. efficacious antidepressant effect can cause those that are, severely ,depressed, to the point of severe psychomotor inhibition, are rendered more
  27. However, these mechanical systems were slow, the images were dim and flickered, severely , and the image resolution very low. Camera systems used similar spinning discs
  28. Britain over the next two years, threatening an invasion of Great Britain and, severely ,testing British military strength with campaigns in Europe. Spain's
  29. And R-12. In most countries the manufacture and use of CFCs has been banned or, severely ,restricted due to concerns about ozone depletion. In light of these
  30. In revenge on October 10, 1924,provoking a gang war. In 1925 Torrid was, severely ,injured in an attack by the North Side Gang; he turned over his business to
  31. Schloss with Nazi Germany, it still survives today. Hungary, however,was, severely ,disrupted by the loss of 72 % of its territory,64 % of its population and most
  32. Carved sculptures. The town was often afflicted by malaria, and suffered, severely ,from famine in 1868-1869 and 1896-1897. The state acceded to the Government of
  33. Are of geological importance, and the various grove structures offer habitat to, severely ,endangered bird species. Sports The soccer team of 1921-founded VFR Allen is
  34. Which was being used as a gunpowder magazine, was hit by artillery fire and, severely ,damaged. In subsequent years, the Acropolis was a site of bustling human
  35. Other a combination of prose and alliterating verse. The latter manuscript was, severely ,damaged in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the authorship of the verse has
  36. Citizens when holding an office served the people and could be punished very, severely , All of them were subject to a review beforehand that might disqualify them for
  37. Weapon. * 1953 – The islands of Zakynthos and Catalonia in Greece are, severely ,damaged by an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. *1960 – Echo 1A
  38. And unfaithful lovers, rallied together to form a nation from which men were, severely ,reduced, to prevent them from regaining power. They and Queen Hippolyta were
  39. Tourist and a Yemeni hotel worker. Seven others, mostly Yemenis, were, severely , injured. Two fatwas are said to have been appointed by the most theologically
  40. Which also featured South Africa. The Australian touring party had been, severely ,weakened by a dispute between the board and players that caused Clem Hill
  41. And Stern technique, an anchor is set off each the bow and the stern, which can, severely ,limit a vessel's swing range and also align it to steady wind, current or wave
  42. Strength, though the large we non the left side of his nose caused him to be, severely ,mocked by his contemporaries. He always sat for photographs and portraits with
  43. Journal of practical chemistry, from 1870 to 1884),Kobe was sometimes so, severely ,critical of the work of others, especially after about 1874,that some wondered
  44. Its regulations narrowed" substantially limits" to" significantly or, severely ,restricts ". In 2008,effective January 1,2009,the ADANA broadened the
  45. His paintings underwent a parallel procedure. The figures appear isolated, are, severely , attenuated,and are the result of continuous reworking. Subjects were
  46. Coughs and colds during the winter of 1848, and it was Emily who next became, severely ,ill. She deteriorated rapidly over a two-month period, persistently refusing
  47. By widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, and, severely , restricted interests and highly repetitive behavior. Unlike with autism, people
  48. Imperia, Lydia,Nubia, Ethiopia and others. Downfall,627-605 BC Assyria was, severely ,crippled following the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 BC — the nation descending
  49. On Human Nature, and they subsequently confiscated his book and punished him, severely ,for reading it. According to William Robert Scott," The Oxford of Smith's

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