Examples of the the word, outreach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outreach ), is the 4955 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Network of scientists committed to debunking junk science through media, outreach , lobbying, and developing joint strategies to participate in town meetings or
  2. In the late 19th century. Committed to community, Iowa State pioneered the, outreach ,mission of being a land-grant college through creation of the first Extension
  3. Mars Arctic Research Station (FEARS) since 2002 * TMS-SD provides public, outreach ,events to classrooms, libraries,museums and other organizations throughout the
  4. Denominations still believe it is their duty to engage in what they refer to as, outreach ,to" unbelieving" Jews. Eastern Orthodox views Eastern Orthodox Christianity
  5. Its founding director, Foster Armstrong, the Center expanded on the existing, outreach ,and public service activities of Kent State's architecture school, focusing
  6. Within government, usually by participating in electoral campaigns, educational, outreach , or protest actions. Parties often espouse an expressed ideology or vision
  7. Its liberal enemies; Evangelicalism downplayed liberalism and emphasized, outreach ,and conversion of new members While some conservative evangelicals believe the
  8. Jurisdictions have attempted to mitigate some of these issues through community, outreach ,programs and community policing to make the police more accessible to the
  9. Beliefs held by some Lubavitcher's about their past leader, and several of their, outreach ,tactics and theology make them controversial in other orthodox groups. *The
  10. Society. It lists five" ingenious concepts" of his that became the new, outreach ,directions of the group in their incognito travels to revive the populace
  11. The world with a high concentration of LDS tends to be reflected. Meetings and, outreach ,programs are held regularly and have become part of Latter-day Saint culture.
  12. People how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse. The effort was part of an, outreach ,campaign hoping to utilize popular culture to educate the public about
  13. Particularly the Chased movement—the largest and most influential Jewish, outreach ,movement today promoting Judaism and morality to Jews and gentiles has a
  14. Dance scene. Students, faculty,and staff are involved in over 50 educational, outreach ,and public service programs through the MIT Museum, Edgerton Center, and MIT
  15. Time teaching undergraduate and graduate classes. Most universities also have, outreach ,programs including public telescope time and sometimes planetariums as a public
  16. Basin. The institute seeks to integrate research, education and community, outreach ,in a multidisciplinary approach to women’s health. Named for Bush's mother
  17. Members pay a yearly membership fee. The activities of the MS NL are focused on, outreach ,through conferences (national and European),exhibits, events,and media
  18. Letters (called" witnessing" ) became the COG's predominant method of both, outreach ,and support for the next five years. The Children of God ended as an
  19. Or extensions to existing ones, and the development and implementation of, outreach ,services and reading-enhancement services (such as adult literacy and children
  20. S Human Services Department operates the Jackie Robinson Center, a community, outreach ,center that provides early diabetes detection and other services. In 1997,a
  21. During this time the Sisters of Charity, a Christian organization, offered, outreach , support to the prostitutes. The area subsequently enjoyed a slow revival. House
  22. Relations with the former Warsaw Pact countries. In 1993 and 1995 it made, outreach ,efforts into Western Europe, as well as implementing a joint venture law in
  23. Programs in the eastern half of the state while" U of L" does all medical, outreach ,in the state's western half. The state's sixteen public two-year colleges
  24. Resource for undergrad and grad students, and also conducts educational, outreach ,programs for high school students and teachers. Works *Flash! Seeing the Unseen
  25. Councils have been allocated $45,000 each per year for administration, outreach ,and approved neighborhood projects. Crime and safety Los Angeles has been
  26. LDS Church has a Jerusalem Center in Israel, which serves as the base of LDS, outreach ,efforts in Israel. There has been some controversy involving Jewish groups who
  27. Further with other countries on manned exploration. Education and cultural, outreach ,The ISS crew provide opportunities for students on Earth by running
  28. Lubavitcher is a branch of Hasidic Judaism widely known for its emphasis on, outreach ,and education. The organization has been in existence for 200 years, and
  29. From the undergraduate student body to university officials. USG seeks to, outreach ,to and work for the students at The Ohio State University. *Council of Graduate
  30. Gesellschaft, and the French Society DES Neurosciences. Public education and, outreach ,In addition to conducting traditional research in laboratory settings
  31. Facilitates the advancement of the Internet through information and educational, outreach , These services are grouped in three areas: Registration, Organization,and
  32. In Barnard's residence halls, while the student-run Earth Coalition works on, outreach ,initiatives such as local park clean-ups, tutoring elementary school students
  33. Women's Center strives for excellence in research, education and community, outreach , Popularity and style Laura Bush's approval ratings have consistently ranked
  34. 1983 under the sponsorship of the Urban University Program, which supports the, outreach ,and community service efforts of Ohio's state universities working in urban
  35. Sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth, outreach , international relations, environmental issues, and other programs. Purpose The
  36. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/63/6/32036418.pdf Strategy for enlargement and, outreach ,", May 2004. An antacid is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity.
  37. A number of summer schools, conferences,workshops, public lectures, and, outreach , activities aimed primarily at junior mathematicians (from the high school to
  38. All had major effects on Jewish cultures. There have also been non-coercive, outreach ,and missionary efforts such as the Church of England's Ministry Among Jewish
  39. Admit ignorance about exactly how the Egyptians built the pyramids. Inter-faith, outreach ,Supporters of intelligent design have also reached out to other faith groups
  40. Of Directors. Glover has continued to support Ithaca Hours through community, outreach ,to present, most notably through the Ithaca Health Fund (now incorporated as
  41. From Sarah Lawrence College, after having taught there for 38 years. Public, outreach ,After he returned from his trip to India and Japan in 1956,Campbell felt that
  42. It also practices involvement with non-orthodox Jews that extends beyond ", outreach ,(Kirov) " to continued institutional relations and cooperation; see further
  43. With Jonah Goldberg opining that" MTV serves as the Democrats' main youth, outreach ,program. " Fight For Your Rights In the 1990s and early 2000s,MTV promoted
  44. Efforts. In preparation for the United States 2010 Census, a marketing and, outreach ,plan, called 2010 Census Integrated Communications Campaign Plan (ICC)
  45. The future. There are also plans to upgrade the former visitor center into" an, outreach ,center promoting space and space science for visitors, including local
  46. Schools split duties related to the medical field," UK" handles all medical, outreach ,programs in the eastern half of the state while" U of L" does all medical
  47. Makers. Whenever possible, it cooperates with other associations or science, outreach ,organisms, which permits to reinforce its action and reach a wider public.
  48. They value it greatly and are deeply committed to it. Similarly, compassionate, outreach , and volunteer workers' " love" of their cause may sometimes be borne not of
  49. States, save it was better trained, armed with the Carissa enabling it to, outreach ,its competitors and stave off enemy cavalry, and wore far lighter armor
  50. What TF termed their" Consider the Poor" ( CTP) ministries. Expanding their, outreach ,beyond evangelization, members began providing material aid to the poor and

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