Examples of the the word, dilemma , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A talented player that needed to improve in order to enjoy more success,the, dilemma ,with Valderrama was that he was a talented player that needed to be properly
  2. Be merit-based. The Wall Street Journal noted that the U. S. faced a delicate, dilemma ,in backing a candidate. On the one hand it had advocated for more
  3. Felt confined and dejected. As a devout Jesuit, he found himself in an artistic, dilemma , To subdue any egotism which would violate the humility required by his
  4. Authorities declined to take the next step: treason trials and executions. The, dilemma ,was that tens of thousands of Loyalists were under American control and
  5. 1996) retells Esther's story from her own viewpoint, focussing on the, dilemma ,she faces when compelled to choose between her own survival and that of her
  6. Scholars and is regarded by some as logically unsound and an example of false, dilemma , Lewis's Christian apologetics, and this argument in particular, have been
  7. The actors both emotionally exhausted as Bogart tried to find a way out of his, dilemma , The dialogue, especially in the newly shot scenes, was full of sexual innuendo
  8. Sin, mankind was doomed to be separated from God. This was mankind’s ultimate, dilemma , The solution to this problem was for God to effect another change in human
  9. Voice may also be lost along with his singing career. He offers Daisy a, dilemma , Either the world has its singer, but Daisy loses him; or Daisy regains her
  10. Definition above is subject to a rounding problem called the table-maker's, dilemma ,whereas the modern definition is not. Formal definition A real number an is said
  11. Solution merely pushes the problem up one level, giving rise to a similar, dilemma ,over what dictates God's nature. If God dictates his own nature (and
  12. As well. For an example, see Guess 2/3 of the average. Second, the Prisoner's, dilemma ,presents another potential counterexample. In the Prisoner's Dilemma, each
  13. His firm and steady adherence to the British constitution placed him in such a, dilemma , he would risk all, and,as public duty and public experience taught him, with
  14. Many questions to do with survival and conflict (such as the classic moral, dilemma ,of two people in a desert with only enough water for one to survive) were
  15. Bills aimed to control innovations in worship; but this only made the, dilemma ,more acute, with consequent continual litigation in the secular and
  16. Although approval voting differs from the voting system used in the Burr, dilemma , approval voting can still leave candidates and voters with the generalized
  17. Latinos and Indians was not a new occurrence, but rather a continuation of a, dilemma ,fueled by a complicated mix of class, regional,political, and ethnic
  18. Moral facts unexplained. Proponents of the argument maintain that the Euthyphro, dilemma ,can be adequately resolved. Thomas Aquinas, for example, explains that God
  19. Of deriving morality from self-interest. Since games like the Prisoner's, dilemma ,present an apparent conflict between morality and self-interest, explaining why
  20. Fours with the foreparts of a pig, Dorothy Kent Hill expressed the artist's, dilemma ,: how could an artist depict a man bewitched into a pig other than as a man with
  21. Bodies view change as dangerous unless it is very slow. Leonard discusses this, dilemma ,as the media today only encourages fast change and quick results. The opening
  22. With a policy of wholesale arming of the slaves: Davis underscored the British, dilemma ,:" Britain, when confronted by the rebellious American colonists, hoped to
  23. A new language is one way to solve the" chicken or the egg" causality, dilemma , Installers During the installation of computer programs it is sometimes
  24. Games are symmetric. The standard representations of chicken, the prisoner's, dilemma , and the stag hunt are all symmetric games. Some scholars would consider
  25. The Golden Path. In his vision of the Golden Path, he sees the way out of his, dilemma , He does this by seeking allies within the ancestors for the future
  26. The strong fortifications of Augsburg. Tallard's march, meanwhile,presented a, dilemma ,for Eugene. If the Allies were not to be outnumbered on the Danube, Eugene
  27. Too old, but " geodes" seems too familiar. There are two ways to avoid this, dilemma ,: one is to use the" geodes" in grammatical structures, but show the
  28. Suits them most at the given time, and perhaps Chopin himself faced the same, dilemma , resulting in the variations we have today. TV documentaries In 2010,the
  29. To the Old Testament as a source for his imagery. This culture depicts the, dilemma ,faced by Abraham when Sarah demanded that he expel Hagar and Ishmael. In the
  30. 19.9 %, Le Pen,16.9 %, and Jo spin,16.2 %. A generalized version of the Burr, dilemma ,applies to approval voting when two candidates are appealing to the same subset
  31. This statement,all the Æsir look to one another, finding themselves in a, dilemma , Everyone refused to place their hand in Fenrir's mouth until Tar put out his
  32. Data, a helical structure was not the only possible shape for DNA—so they had a, dilemma , In an effort to clarify this issue, Max Ferdinand Perth later published what
  33. When the Algerian War began in 1954,Camus was confronted with a moral, dilemma , He identified with the peignoirs such as his own parents and defended the
  34. Animal behaviors. These authors look at several games including the Prisoner's, dilemma , Stag hunt, and the Nash bargaining game as providing an explanation for the
  35. To build inexpensive GPS receivers for mass markets, the solution for this, dilemma ,is based on the way sphere surfaces intersect in the GPS problem. It is likely
  36. Console which helps the sound reinforcement during the concerts. Faced with the, dilemma ,of what to do with the empty space left behind by the lack of large amplifier
  37. This does not provide proportional representation and is subject to the Burr, dilemma , among other problems. Other ways of extending Approval voting to multiple
  38. Policy was described by Bullock and Morris as follows:" Part of the US, dilemma ,in the Gulf was that the United States was committed to the territorial
  39. Chess. Many games studied by game theorists (including the famous prisoner's, dilemma ,) are non-zero-sum games, because some outcomes have net results greater or
  40. Inverted and reversed by the eye's lens onto the retina. The solution to this, dilemma ,was not of particular importance to Kepler as he did not see it as pertaining
  41. Then about proper strategies. In 1950,the first discussion of the prisoner's, dilemma ,appeared, and an experiment was undertaken on this game at the RAND corporation
  42. And intelligent design are the only two valid models to explain life, a false, dilemma , Irreducible complexity in the Dover trial While testifying at the Ritzville
  43. Theories of ethics are numerous, most stemming from forms of the Euthyphro, dilemma , Is an action good because God commanded it, or did God command it because it
  44. Enjoy plenty of creative license even though they are center midfielders; the, dilemma ,with Carlos Valderrama was not that he was a talented player that needed to
  45. Price for peace (which indeed happened in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk). The, dilemma ,of whether to withdraw was a great one, and Kerensky's inconsistent and
  46. Apartheid. The popular saying by 'Colored' South Africans to illustrate their, dilemma ,is: In 2008,the High Court in South Africa ruled that Chinese South Africans
  47. Generalities of ethics and the conditions of an ingeniously contrived practical, dilemma , Diderot's interest expressed itself in didactic and sympathetic form. However
  48. To academia as an intellectual (and emotional) refuge. Her personal, dilemma ,becomes entangled with darkly hinted suspicions and prejudices raised by the
  49. Approval voting can still leave candidates and voters with the generalized, dilemma ,of whether to compete or cooperate. While in the modern era there have been
  50. Farley Granger set to star, Laurents was happy to accept the assignment. His, dilemma ,was how to make the audience aware of the fact the three main characters were

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