Examples of the the word, symposium , in a Sentence Context

The word ( symposium ), is the 4947 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2007,the American Chemical Society (ACS) meetings also include" invited, symposium ,(s) " on cold fusion. An ACS program chair said that without a proper forum
  2. For about 60 percent of NASA's total $5.2 billion budget. In 2009,NASA held a, symposium ,on project costs which presented an estimate of the Apollo program costs in
  3. By the scientific community, and which abstracts are issued as. In this, symposium , Edward Ballard and co-workers showed with a computer calculation how the
  4. On this date, the authorities in Bialystok opened a new Zamenhof Center, and a, symposium , honoring Zamenhof was held in New York featuring talks by Aria Parent
  5. At this time, even as it made the move from stone to papyrus: the Greek, symposium , Many" symbolic" epigrams combine symbolic and funerary elements they tell
  6. Attack by a rogue state. US plans for Central European site During 1993,a, symposium ,was held by western European nations to discuss potential future ballistic
  7. Types necessary to make the mobility of the plates on the globe work out. * A, symposium ,on continental drift was held at the Royal Society of London in 1965 which must
  8. 1970. In December 1977 the New York Academy of Sciences organized the first, symposium ,on Chaos, attended by David Rule, Robert May, James A. Yoke (coiner of the
  9. Ions produced. History The term was coined by Marc Wilkins in 1994 in the, symposium ,:" 2D Electrophoresis: from protein maps to genomes" in Saint, Italy,and was
  10. In public schools was unconstitutional. Demise was part of that group at a, symposium ,at Southern Methodist University in Dallas in March 1992,before they came to
  11. In 1999 he organized such a symposium , and in April 2000,he organized a larger, symposium ,entitled" Spiritual Robots" at Stanford University, in which he moderated a
  12. Critics were scandalized by Warhol's open embrace of market culture. This, symposium ,set the tone for Warhol's reception. Throughout the decade it became more and
  13. Principle" first appeared in Brandon Carter's contribution to a 1973 Kraków, symposium ,honoring Copernicus's 500th birthday. Carter, a theoretical astrophysicist
  14. T. Tyler began in June 1956 in Los Angeles. On January 23, 1957,Earle held a, symposium ,reviewing gynecologic and contraceptive research on Enid through 1956 and
  15. Symposium on Wearables Computers (ISC) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The, symposium ,was a full academic conference with published proceedings and papers ranging
  16. Received his second doctorate (PhD). In 1936,at an international scientific, symposium ,on instinct, Lorenz met his great friend and colleague Nikolas Bergen.
  17. Kennedy and Reed identify shortcomings in it. In a Musical Times 1957 centenary, symposium ,on Elgar led by Vaughan Williams, by contrast, several contributors share Eric
  18. November 14, 2003,a documentary about Shakur entitled co-sponsored an academic, symposium ,entitled" All Eye on Me: Tupac Shakur and the Search for the Modern Folk Hero
  19. Supported continental drift) and Ken Career. This was immediately followed by a, symposium ,in Tasmania in March 1956. In this symposium , the evidence was used in the
  20. For the parasail industry. ASIA organized the first parasail operators, symposium ,in January 2011,numerous parasail operators attended, along with various
  21. From Par wan Province of Afghanistan, as the nation hosted an international, symposium ,that drew scientific and religious leaders. The construction of one of the
  22. Plutarch discussed a series of arguments based on questions posed in a, symposium , Under the section entitled" Whether the hen or the egg came first ", the
  23. Khoisan linguistic relationships. " In African Hunter-gatherers (international, symposium ,), Franz Portland and Trainer Losses,407-430. Space UND Geschichte in Africa
  24. Note based on his December 1972 letter to Lats is for publication in a, symposium ,on the issue of the scientific status or not of neoclassical economics. Legatos
  25. Teacher, from Master Chan That. That Hand returned to the US in 1966 to lead a, symposium ,in Vietnamese Buddhism at Cornell University and to continue his work for peace
  26. Discussions of the topic. At Indiana University in 1999 he organized such a, symposium , and in April 2000,he organized a larger symposium entitled" Spiritual Robots
  27. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took. " During a, symposium ,held for centenarian Albert Hoffmann," Hoffmann revealed that he was told by
  28. On Khoisan reconstruction. " In African Hunter-Gatherers (international, symposium ,), edited by Franz Portland & Trainer Losses,105-130. Space UND Geschichte in
  29. As it applies to IR. *: * The National Bureau of Standards sponsored a, symposium ,titled" Statistical Association Methods for Mechanized Documentation. "
  30. And paraphilias to be forms of psychosexual infantilize. In a 1951, symposium , discussing psychiatrist Benjamin Karpman's paper" The Sexual Psychopath,"
  31. Valuable historical testimonials. One shows a group of men reclining at a, symposium ,while another shows a young man diving into the sea. Roman wall paintings, such
  32. FBI) published a handbook entitled Serial Murder which was the product of a, symposium ,held in 2005 to bring together the many issues surrounding serial murder
  33. Future hosted Engelbart's Unfinished Revolutionists://unrev.stanford.edu/,a, symposium ,at Stanford University's Memorial Auditorium, to honor Engelhardt and his ideas
  34. From Ms. Beckman Chadaga's paper delivered at Columbia University's 2000, symposium ," Art, Technology,and Modernity in Russia and Eastern Europe" )
  35. With an article in Der Spiegel comparing Singer's positions to Nazism. The, symposium ,was eventually cancelled and Singer's invitation consequently withdrawn. A
  36. Debunker of UFO myths and a top-notch piano salesman. He is one of the, symposium ,organizers and chairmen. *" Turban" ( Rama Joan) is a mystic who wears a
  37. For dealing with this topic. Recently (July 2005),in an international, symposium ,an evolution of the above concept of fast solar sailing has been discussed. A
  38. In 2007 the American Chemical Society followed suit, hosting an annual invited, symposium ,on cold fusion for the first time in many years. Water memory Jacques
  39. This was immediately followed by a symposium in Tasmania in March 1956. In this, symposium , the evidence was used in the theory of an expansion of the global crust. In
  40. Attitude changed over the next 50 years, until 1997,when at the Vatican, symposium ,of that year, Pope John Paul II rejected the Christian roots of anti-Semitism
  41. In August 2007,the American Chemical Society held a, symposium ,at its biannual national meeting to honor Hoffmann's 70th birthday. He also
  42. At the Moon base. Following on a whim a sign advertising a" flying saucer, symposium ,", Paul and Margo fall in with a group of intellectuals, dreamers,charlatans
  43. Theory to many phenomena. In 1979,Albert J. Libber, during a, symposium ,organized in Aspen by Pierre Rosenberg, presented his experimental observation
  44. Writings – 'The Lion and the Unicorn' – and his contribution to Gollancz's, symposium ,The Betrayal of the Left that he does not hold with the Communist Party nor
  45. In Mathematics are also named in his honor. On February 28, 2003,Yale held a, symposium ,on the centennial of his death. Rutgers University has a
  46. Helicopter was first described publicly as the" Ka-50" in March 1992 at a, symposium ,in the United Kingdom. The helicopter was publicly unveiled at the Mosaeroshow
  47. That" The high point of Sagan's treatment of the UFO question was the AAAS's, symposium ,in 1969. A wide range of educated opinions on the subject were offered by
  48. Drift: by Keith Run corn in a paper in 1956,and by Warren Carey in a, symposium ,held in March 1956. The second piece of evidence in support of continental
  49. The same year, Peter Singer was invited to speak in Marburg at a European, symposium ,on" Bioengineering, Ethics and Mental Disability. " The invitation was
  50. Knowledge Dialogue Honorary Board, and Scientist in Residence for the 2008, symposium , organized in Crans-Montana (Switzerland). * Distinguished Lecturer

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