Examples of the the word, secondly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( secondly ), is the 4948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Responsible for overall camp operation, logistics,education and training; and, secondly , ten to fourteen technical service civilians, including a camp" superintendent
  2. Information to advance their own interests or to damage the company or, secondly , a competitor or foreign government seeks information to advance its own
  3. Firstly on 24 February 1484 in Innsbruck to Duke Sigismund of Austria, and, secondly , on 1497 to Duke Erich I of Braunschweig-Kalenberg. # Georg" her Wartime" ( b.
  4. Of philosophy. Firstly, the science must be a genuine branch of knowledge; and, secondly , it must bear relation to the realm of ideas and impressions commonly known as
  5. To Catalina Juárez Married, who died at Moroccan in 1522 without issue, and, secondly , in 1529 to Dona Juana Ramírez de Arellano de Zúñiga, daughter of don Carlos
  6. Regard, Karl Marx stated that" History repeats itself. First as a tragedy and, secondly ,as a farce. " On their last day in office the old Constituent Assembly rejected
  7. The hope and belief that he would live to celebrate his 100th birthday in 2030;, secondly , and more importantly, to break free of the widespread practice of naming
  8. Had refrained from adding references to his work for the sake of brevity;, secondly , in the introduction, he gave the impression of wanting to" cut out" study of
  9. Of the supervisory board or of the administrative board, as the case may be;, secondly , a model in which the employees are represented by a separate body; and finally
  10. From the French Canadian imperative for cultural and linguistic survival;, secondly , the generally close ties between English Canadians and the British Empire
  11. Argued that long-term coalition between France and Russia had to fall apart, secondly ,Russia and Britain would never get together; finally that Britain would
  12. They had one son and three daughters. After her death in July 1852 he married, secondly ,Norah Crane Blanche, daughter of Sir William Napier, the historian of the
  13. Of caste created a growing resentment firstly against the system itself and, secondly ,against the" Aryan" or" Upper" castes, especially the Brahmins, who were
  14. To pass upon the death of one party in a marriage firstly to the spouse and, secondly ,to the children. Wills and trusts can make alternative provisions for property
  15. Exceptions, some words and phrases which had become archaic were modernized;, secondly , the readings for the Epistle and Gospel at the Holy Communion, which had been
  16. 1205 Eludes de Dampierre SUR Salon, Lord of Chargey-le-Grey, div. 1210,married, secondly ,before 1210 or in September 1210 Raymond-Roupen of Antioch # Alex de Lusignan
  17. 1944,firstly from the Greek root genus (γένος) (birth, race,stock, kind );, secondly ,from Latin -cilium (cutting, killing ) via French -side. In 1933 Remain wrote
  18. Camera Palace,3 December 1892),and had three children. He married, secondly ,at the Dolmabahçe Palace in 1861 to HH Email Baden Effendi (1845 - Dolmabahçe
  19. Of King Frederick I of Denmark, in 1526. They had six children; He married, secondly ,to Anna Maria (1532–20 March 1568),daughter of Eric I, Duke of
  20. Daughter of Theodore Mouflon and a woman of the Kantakouzenos family. Married, secondly ,Eudora Neokaisareitissa. He also had a mistress, Kathara, who was in the
  21. To fight or come to terms before Ballard arrived with reinforcements; and, secondly , to ruin Bavaria as a base from which the French and Bavarian armies could
  22. Service and inserting words indicating a sacrificial intent to the Eucharist;, secondly , as a result of Bishop Rattray's researches into the liturgies of St. James
  23. The old King Hamlet (Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father) and, secondly ,for then succeeding to the throne and marrying Gertrude (the King Hamlet's
  24. From the (adjective-like) ordinal numerals,e.g. първо (firstly),второ (, secondly ,), трето (thirdly),and in some cases from (adjective-like) cardinal
  25. Who first married Louis II de La Mouillé, Governor of Burgundy, and, secondly , Philippe de Bourbon (1499–1557),Seigneur de Busset. Cesare was also father
  26. The degree of deviation from 'normal' justifying the use of 'extreme ', and, secondly , whether the organism prefers the environment or merely tolerates it. In the
  27. Firstly William of Cell. Their only daughter was Anne of Villi. Married, secondly ,Ulrich, Duke of Deck. They had no children. *Hedwig of Poland (1368 – ca. 1407
  28. Of integrable functions is closed under taking linear combinations; and, secondly , the integral of a linear combination is the linear combination of the
  29. Sequential measurements, firstly,total absorption (atomic plus background), secondly , background absorption only, and the difference of the two measurements gives
  30. Muhammed Abdul Nader (4 February 1902 - Montreal,21 April 1919) He married, secondly ,at Ubuntu, Bosphorus, on 1 March 1910 and divorced in 1913 Hungarian
  31. Vileness ', прелест 'loveliness ', болест 'sickness ', любов 'love' ), and, secondly , a much smaller group of irregular nouns with zero ending which define tangible
  32. Found in two major forms: firstly, as a 4-legged bison with a human head, and, secondly , as a being with a man's head and torso attached to the rear legs and tail of
  33. Firstly, by type of final use (final consumption or capital formation) and, secondly , by sectors making the expenditure, whereas the first definition partly follows
  34. Dexterity, and judgment with which its labor is generally applied; and, *, secondly , by the proportion between the number of those who are employed in useful
  35. Enforcement of internal and external security and sovereignty of the State and, secondly , as an overseer and arbiter of government policy. This was used to justify
  36. Considerations: first, the idea of freedom as the absolute and final aim;, secondly , the means for realizing it,i.e. the subjective side of knowledge and will
  37. Lord Merchant, the sycophantic adviser to Queen Elizabeth I in series two and, secondly ,as General Merchant, a blustering buffoon and presumed descendant in series
  38. Come in two levels: firstly, law and order broken down locally within China and, secondly , the sovereignty of China came to be challenged by invaders. Localized disorder
  39. Mortimer attacked the Saxons four times: first enclosing the Saxons in Thant, secondly ,fighting at the river Percent, the third time at Basford, where both Horsey and
  40. In prayer (as in the Litany or Lord's Prayer),other than to say" Amen ";, secondly , that no set prayer should exclude the option of an extempore alternative from
  41. It impossible for consumers to run Windows 95 on a cheaper, non-Microsoft DOS;, secondly , although traces of DOS were never completely removed from the system and MS
  42. In estimating the probability density functions of random variables and, secondly ,in estimating the spectral density function of a time series. In these problems
  43. But continued work is needed, first,to further understand the science and, secondly , to deter­mine its value to energy economics. " On April 10,a group at Texas
  44. 10 September 1167). She married firstly Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, and, secondly , Geoffrey V, Count of Enjoy, having issue by the second. # William Adeline, ( 5
  45. Two things ready: a government for Cuba, because we're going to need one; and, secondly , plans for how to respond to the Soviet Union in Europe, because sure as hell
  46. They had no children. In Dresden on 24 April 1833 Frederick Augustus married, secondly ,with the Princess Maria of Bavaria (Maria Anna Leopold Elisabeth Wilhelmina
  47. With large corporations for inherently being designed as private tyrannies; and, secondly ,the state, because citizens can vote for their state's representatives and
  48. And mass in stringed instruments, and to volume of air in wind instruments; and, secondly ,to composition, by his various suggestions to composers in his Dialog Della
  49. 27 August 1644). Married first Gabriel Between, Prince of Transylvania and, secondly ,Franz Karl of Saxe-Lauenburg. * Joachim Sigismund of Brandenburg (25 July 1603
  50. The current empress, Maria of Albania. First married to Michael VII Donkeys and, secondly ,to Lifeforms III Botanists, she was preoccupied with the future of her son

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