Examples of the the word, stain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stain ), is the 4951 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. These cool lilies may our loves remain, : Perfect and pure, and know not any, stain ,;: And be our hearts, from this thy holy hour, : Bound each to each, like flower
  2. In their entirety, including cell body, dendrites,and axon. Without such a, stain , brain tissue under a microscope appears as an impenetrable tangle of
  3. Diderms). The Chloroflexi have a single layer, yet (with some exceptions), stain , negative. Two related phyla to the Chloroflexi, the TM7 clade and the
  4. The aged statesman to death. For his share in this judicial murder a deep, stain ,rests on the memory of Passes. He afterwards became the confidential
  5. For use in differentiating collagen from other fibers is Masson's trichome, stain , Synthesis Amino acids Collagen has an unusual amino acid composition and
  6. That stain Gram-negative. In addition, in all bacteria stain ed using the Gram, stain , the age of the culture may influence the results of the stain . Examples
  7. To Canadians" how wrong he believed the government to be. A grapefruit-sized, stain ,remains on the original document; restoration specialists opted to leave most
  8. Pink) in standard H&E slides. The dye methyl violet may be used to, stain ,the collagen in tissue samples. The dye methyl blue can also be used to stain
  9. Capsules are not marked by ordinary stain and can be detected by special, stain , The capsule is antigenic. The capsule has antiphagocytic function so it
  10. Are stain ed pink by the counter- stain . There are four basic steps of the Gram, stain ,: * applying a primary stain (crystal violet) to a heat-fixed (death by heat
  11. Microbiology lab. Some organisms are Gram-variable (that means, they may, stain ,either negative or positive); some organisms are not susceptible to either
  12. But the incident seems to have been resolved quickly and did not leave a, stain ,on Chaucer's reputation. It is not known if Chaucer was in the City of London
  13. Or hyaluronic acid as in streptococci. Capsules are not marked by ordinary, stain ,and can be detected by special stain . The capsule is antigenic. The capsule has
  14. And the class Negativities, which includes Selenomonas and which, stain ,Gram-negative. Pathogenesis Most pathogens in humans are Gram-positive
  15. Widely varying responses that do not follow their phylogenetic groups. The Gram, stain ,is not an infallible tool for diagnosis, identification,or phylogeny, and it
  16. As formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, and lipids with osmium tetroxide. *Negative, stain ,– suspensions containing fine biological material (such as viruses and
  17. To step down as commissioner, citing his" glacial response" to the" growing, stain ,on baseball. " Selim was previously the team owner and team president of the
  18. Addition of Her to alkenes. Ethidium bromide, EtBr, is used as a DNA, stain ,in gel electrophoresis. * Bromine, like chlorine, is used in maintenance of
  19. Wilhelm II rejected this authoritarian measure, responding " I do not wish to, stain ,my reign with the blood of my subjects. " Instead of condoning repression
  20. And especially of the Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramón y Canal, the new, stain ,revealed hundreds of distinct types of neurons, each with its own unique
  21. And the Orthodox Church define sin more or less than a" macular," a spiritual, stain ,or uncleanliness that constitutes damage to man's image and likeness of God.
  22. In stæin to seen. This is reflected in runic inscriptions where the older read, stain ,and the later skin. There was also a change of Au as in Bauer into ø as in Dr
  23. From French: in Portuguese, as well as in Spanish," Manchu" means ", stain ,", while the word for sleeve is" manga" - which prompts an early phonetic bad
  24. Which results from wetting skin with the metal, may appear as a gray skin, stain , Germanium () is a chemical element with the symbol Ge and atomic number 32.
  25. On as he was leaving the city of Barnum. The oath of the envoy:" This, stain ,will be washed away with blood! " Was fulfilled during the Second Punic War.
  26. Red or pink. Gram-positive organisms are able to retain the crystal violet, stain ,because of the high amount of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram-positive
  27. First step in the identification of a bacterial organism, and is the default, stain ,performed by laboratories over a sample when no specific culture is referred.
  28. In 107 (93.0 %) of 115 vaginal specimens positive for BV diagnosed by Gram, stain , The Affirm VIII test has a sensitivity of 87.7 % and specificity of 96 % and
  29. That do not retain crystal violet dye in the Gram stain ing protocol. In a Gram, stain ,test, a counter stain (commonly afraid) is added after the crystal violet
  30. In contrast to Gram-negative bacteria, which cannot retain the crystal violet, stain , instead taking up the counter stain (afraid or fuchsia) and appearing red
  31. Bacteria a pink or red color. Some bacteria, after stain ing with the Gram, stain , yield a Gram-variable pattern: a mix of pink and purple cells are seen. The
  32. Screen from Bio-Rad or Dark Reader from Clare Chemicals. A blue excitable, stain ,is required, such as one of the SBR Green or Gel Green stain s. Blue light is
  33. Thickness during growth coincides with an increase in the number of cells that, stain ,Gram-negative. In addition, in all bacteria stain ed using the Gram stain , the
  34. Either negative or positive); some organisms are not susceptible to either, stain ,used by the Gram technique. In a modern environmental or molecular microbiology
  35. Fluoresce under ultraviolet light, while protein may be visualized using silver, stain ,or Cassie Brilliant Blue dye. Other methods may also be used to visualise
  36. America! America!: God shed His grace on thee, : 'Til selfish gain no longer, stain ,: The banner of the free.: And crown thy good with brotherhood, : From sea to
  37. Stain the collagen in tissue samples. The dye methyl blue can also be used to, stain ,collagen and immunohistochemical stain s are available if required. The best
  38. Collagen and immunohistochemical stain s are available if required. The best, stain ,for use in differentiating collagen from other fibers is Masson's trichome
  39. A purple/blue color while a Gram negative results in a pink/red color. The Gram, stain ,is almost always the first step in the identification of a bacterial organism
  40. Fuchsin is sometimes substituted for afraid since it will more intensely, stain ,anaerobic bacteria, but it is much less commonly employed as a counter stain .
  41. Criteria. The Hay/Son criteria are defined as follows: compared the Gram, stain ,using the Nu gent criteria and the DNA hybridization test Affirm VIII in
  42. Decolorization step is critical and must be timed correctly; the crystal violet, stain ,will be removed from both Gram-positive and negative cells if the decolorizing
  43. There are four basic steps of the Gram stain : * applying a primary, stain ,(crystal violet) to a heat-fixed (death by heat) smear of a bacterial
  44. Chief in India. ... I should do my utmost to exterminate the Race upon whom the, stain ,of the late cruelties rested ... proceeding, with all convenient dispatch and
  45. Using the Gram stain , the age of the culture may influence the results of the, stain , Examples Gram-positive bacteria Gram-positive bacteria have generally a single
  46. Goes through glass or plastic gel platforms. SBR Green I is another DSNA, stain , produced by Nitrogen. It is more expensive, but 25 times more sensitive, and
  47. For stain ing cells. Particularly critical was the invention of the Golgi, stain , which (when correctly used) stain s only a small fraction of neurons, but
  48. This increase in contrast significantly reduces, or even eliminates the need to, stain , Sectioned samples generally need to be thinner than they would be for
  49. In his short report the observation that the Typhus bacillus did not retain the, stain , Uses Gram stain ing is a bacteriological laboratory technique used to
  50. Serve to maintain the finished separation, so that a post electrophoresis, stain ,can be applied. DNA Gel electrophoresis is usually performed for analytical

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