Examples of the the word, handful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( handful ), is the 4952 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As the world became drier during the Early Jurassic they died out, leaving a, handful ,of relict temnospondyls like Koolasuchus and the modern orders of Lissamphibia.
  2. He sailed to the front, but was shipwrecked; after coming ashore with a, handful ,of companions, he crossed hostile territory to Caesar's camp, which impressed
  3. Gunpoint. Batman convinces Two-Face to use his coin a final time, then tosses a, handful ,of silver dollars as he flips it in midair, causing Two-Face to lose his
  4. Of DOS, an alternative to Review for multi-node BBS. ) In the late 1980s,a, handful ,of BBS developers implemented multitasking communications routines which
  5. Two charges passed in the House (largely with Republican support, but with a, handful ,of Democratic votes as well) were for perjury and obstruction of justice. The
  6. Was generally along party lines, with no Democrats voting guilty, and only a, handful ,of Republicans voting not guilty. Most of the controversy surrounded Marc Rich
  7. Of company directors, computing entrepreneurs, bankers and estate agents, and a, handful ,of teachers ". Clarke said:" the BNP is the only party to take a stand against
  8. Dangerous Areas could sail north to Corfu, leaving only the transports and a, handful ,of lighter warships at Alexandria. Areas refused, in the belief that his
  9. That had declined in importance, had only a small population, and had only a, handful ,of eligible voters),parliamentary constituencies began to diverge from the
  10. By New York City" in The Encyclopedia of New York City (1995),only a, handful ,refer to the Bronx. Ferris's extensive but selective 1995 list mentions only
  11. Crowd attendance could be anything from 200 to 4000,but these days only a, handful ,visitors cheer their side. Big games though, can still attract 2000 people.
  12. A ban on same-sex marriage with 75 % voting yes, and the state is one of a, handful ,with legislation on its books banning abortion in the event Roe v. Wade is ever
  13. Aberdeen's institutes of tertiary education, and since 1929 - other than on a, handful ,of occasions - has been staged at His Majesty's Theatre. The Student Show
  14. Removed from the calendar, and his future veneration was forbidden, though a, handful ,of extremists still promote the narrative as a fact. Current situation A March
  15. In Al-Qaeda ”, and a“ bin Laden lieutenant. ” *Abu Zubaydah is“ one of a, handful ,of men entrusted with running the terrorism network in the event of Osama bin
  16. GLIB) that occurs only in foxes, jackals,Italian wolves, Sloughi dogs and a, handful ,of other quite unrelated rare dogs found mostly in Japan. The presence of the
  17. Attach, with Brian appearing as" Executive Producer ". Regardless, despite a, handful ,of interesting tracks’M. I. U. was largely a contractual obligation to finish
  18. Sputtered material, i. e., the element of interest. Most lamps will handle a, handful ,of elements,i.e. 5-8. A typical machine will have two lamps, one will take
  19. The signing of Larry Toby to the Cleveland Indians. Over the next few years a, handful ,of black baseball players made appearances in the majors, including Roy
  20. Shows like Glee. As a result, a cappella singing is once again growing, with a, handful ,of internationally acclaimed groups (The Idea Of North, Suade,Coco's Lunch
  21. 20th centuries, these amalgamated or were bought by competitors until only a, handful ,of larger companies remained (see railway mania). The entire network was
  22. The Irish piping tradition, which by the mid 20th century had declined to a, handful ,of master players is today alive, well,and flourishing a situation similar to
  23. Changes In his last few months as controller, Johnny Beetling commissioned a, handful ,of new shows that in some ways set the tone for what was to come under Matthew
  24. Progressive Liberal Party and the center-right Free National Movement. A, handful ,of splinter parties have been unable to win election to parliament. These
  25. Of the episodes were presented complete (but without music video segments),a, handful ,of episodes from Seasons 2 and 3 were edited for content similar to their
  26. Have trained mujahideen because Pakistani officials would not allow more than a, handful ,of them to operate in Pakistan and none in Afghanistan; and that the Afghan
  27. Explains that his information came from what he considered the best sources: a, handful ,of Benedict’s disciples who lived with the saint and witnessed his various
  28. Racine, Wisconsin,is the only remaining university facility, although a tiny, handful ,of churches may yet survive in places such as Wichita, Kansas. The large sign
  29. And minimize the Arian conflict as the exclusive construct of Arius and a, handful ,of rogue bishops engaging in heresy, other historians recognize Arius as
  30. Through the 1950s and into the 1960s the Liberals survived only because a, handful ,of constituencies in rural Scotland and Wales clung to their Liberal traditions
  31. Only undefeated wrestler in wrestling history. " Although André had suffered a, handful ,of count out and disqualification losses in WWF, he had never been pinned or
  32. His choice to remain monogamous, While most Baha'is followed ` Abdul'Baha,a, handful ,followed Muhammad ` Ali including such leaders as Mira Java and Ibrahim
  33. In the late 1970s and 1980s. BASIC remains popular to this day in a, handful ,of highly modified dialects and new languages influenced by BASIC such as
  34. Performance. Competitions in duplicate bridge range from small clubs with a, handful ,of tables, to large tournaments such as the World Bridge Championships where
  35. Reduce the discomfort and strain of typing. * Corded keyboards have a, handful ,of keys (one per digit per hand) to type by 'chords' which produce different
  36. Retailers' shelves, Atari Corp. refocused its efforts on its Jaguar console. A, handful ,of games were released during this time, including Battle zone 2000. In 1996
  37. Over to Russia. Even when Japan was granted Southern Sakhalin in 1905,only a, handful ,returned. Japanese census of 1905 counted only 120 Sakhalin Ainu (down from
  38. But the association dissolved after Mill's death in 1873. Wallace wrote only a, handful ,of articles on political and social issues between 1873 and 1879 when, at the
  39. Of the operating system would be possible. In the years that followed a, handful ,of projects formed to recreate Beds or key elements of the OS with the eventual
  40. Was officially retired by Major League Baseball in, but Mo Vaughn was one of a, handful ,of players to continue wearing #42 through a grandfather clause. He last wore
  41. To be God's will. Historian Mark Poll concludes it ranks" among the small, handful ,of semi-sacred texts by which Americans conceive their place in the world ".
  42. 2,500 submissions annually from more than 40 countries and serves as one of a, handful ,of Academy Award–qualifying festivals in the United States. One event that is
  43. From the London slums. Phillip was accompanied by a contingent of marines and a, handful ,of other officers who were to administer the colony. The First Fleet, of 11
  44. It had to compete with the NFL in the draft. But the 1968 Jets had less than a, handful ,of" common draftees ". Their stars were honed in the AFL, many of them since
  45. Invincible, Queen Mary and Indefatigable exploded with the loss of all but a, handful ,of their crews. This was due to the vulnerability of the working chamber, which
  46. Took Nicaea in 1331 and Comedian in 1337. After that, only Philadelphia and a, handful ,of ports remained under Byzantine control in Asia Minor. Earlier Androids III
  47. Used in a ceremonial role until the 4th century, towards the end only a small, handful ,of priests could still read them. As the traditional religious establishments
  48. Coalition army had any armored troops at all, and Wellington had only a, handful ,of lancers. Wellington claimed he had" an infamous army, very weak and
  49. And distribution (claimed by Armenian opposition parties to belonging to a, handful ,of government-linked individuals, one of which -" Mikey Limited" - is owned by
  50. Higher have no stable isotopes. As a rule, there is, for each element, only a, handful ,of stable isotopes, the average being 3.2 stable isotopes per element among

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