Examples of the the word, dedication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dedication ), is the 6337 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sing folk songs to the children in her care. This sparked his life-long, dedication ,to folk music. From 1907 he also began to be influenced by the French composer
  2. Anti-Communist" crusades" openly express their admiration for the, dedication ,and discipline the Communist cause calls forth. Epistemic bias It is possible
  3. Casualties in the three-day battle. That November, President Lincoln used the, dedication ,ceremony for the Gettysburg National Cemetery to honor the fallen Union
  4. With even white Southerners in agreement. The high point came in 1922 with the, dedication ,of the Lincoln Memorial on the Mall in Washington. In the New Deal era liberals
  5. Years of the oracle would carry us back to the year 488 BC as the date of the, dedication ,of the precinct and the outbreak of hostilities. This inference is supported by
  6. Irrational and backward, claiming that it conflicted with the Party's, dedication ,to science as the way of progress. Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong later
  7. Poor deceased Kit Marlowe ". So too did the publisher Edward Blunt, in the, dedication ,of Hero and Leander to Sir Thomas Bellingham. Among the few contemporaries
  8. Modern Koblenz Germany). At this spot, there were local altars inscribed as a, dedication ,to Agrippina:“ IN HONOR OF AGRIPPINA’S PUERPERAL ”, puerperium means
  9. Maldives) in 1993. Given the rugged terrain of Ngaliema and Want, and the, dedication ,of extensive tracts to agriculture on all three islands, population pressures
  10. Benedictine monks from Also Abbey. It was consecrated in 1197 with a, dedication ,to the deceased Saint Thomas Becket, whom the king had met at the English court
  11. Of the Holy Apostles built by Constantine with a new church under the same, dedication , This was designed in the form of an equal-armed cross with five domes, and
  12. That water baptism is an outward symbol that a person has made an unconditional, dedication ,through Jesus Christ to do the will of God. They consider baptism to constitute
  13. The list of gifts given to the artisan in exchange for the bronze, and a, dedication , The relative points of reference these vessels provide have enabled historians
  14. In the race, and wins. His coach Sam Mussolini is overcome that the years of, dedication ,and training have paid off with an Olympic gold medal. Now Abrahams can get on
  15. What is expected of members of the religion and to demonstrate sincere, dedication ,to the faith. Most baptisms among Jehovah's Witnesses are performed at
  16. As they traveled between Dresden and Vienna, and librettos were printed with, dedication ,to them. The premiere could not be arranged in time, however,so the opera The
  17. Work to Cuthbert, apparently a student, for he is named" beloved son" in the, dedication , and Bede says" I have labored to educate you in divine letters and
  18. Exiles in the first year of Cyrus the Great (538 BCE) and the completion and, dedication ,of the new Temple in Jerusalem in the sixth year of Darius (515 BCE),the
  19. Ten chapters: chapters 1-6,covering the period from the Decree of Cyrus to the, dedication ,of the Second Temple, are told in the third person; chapters 7-10,dealing with
  20. Baptizer, In circumstances of extended isolation, a qualified candidate's, dedication ,and stated intention to become baptized may serve to identify him as a member
  21. His Twitter page," Thanks WikiLeaks, for leaking your donor list ... That's, dedication , " Adrian Lamp reported to U. S. Army authorities that Specialist Bradley
  22. As being spoken by God after the princes of the Twelve Tribes had brought their, dedication ,offerings into the newly reared Tabernacle:“ Say to thy brother Aaron: Greater
  23. Spoken by key figures at major transition points: Solomon's speech at the, dedication ,of the Temple is a key example. The sources have been heavily edited to meet
  24. Of the Peripatetic school and lectured on Peripatetic philosophy. Alexander's, dedication ,of On Fate to Septimius Severus and Caracalla, in gratitude for his position at
  25. Tabernacles. In the second year the foundations of the Temple are laid and the, dedication ,takes place with great rejoicing. *4. Letter of the Samaritans to Artaxerxes
  26. The year before Marathon, viz. the thirty years that were to elapse between the, dedication ,of the precinct to Abacus and the final victory of Athens (Herod. v. 89). As
  27. Both playing bandy and being a spectator requires great fortitude and, dedication , A" bandy briefcase" is the classic accessory for spectating - it is
  28. Many of Thomas' writings were condemned as heretical in 1270 and 1277,but his, dedication ,to the use of philosophy to elucidate theology was so thorough that he was
  29. Writing him anew ... I still have before me the little volume of Pelosi with a, dedication ,in Boria's cursive hand, the words flying off the pages like cranes: "
  30. Past and present for the unveiling of a monument at the aircraft and the, dedication ,as a whole. A third AC-130A,AF Serial No. 54-1630,is on display in the Cold
  31. Imperial family could attend services without passing through the streets. The, dedication ,took place on 26 December 537 in the presence of the emperor, who exclaimed,"
  32. Each associated with a particular saint, though not always the same one as the, dedication ,of the church. Various kinds of religious houses existed in medieval Cornwall
  33. The capstone, which was set in place on December 6,1884,in an elaborate, dedication ,ceremony, was the largest single piece of aluminum cast at the time, when
  34. The first returnees from Babylon); Nehemiah, aided by Ezra, oversees the, dedication ,of the walls and rebuilt city. *13. After 12 years Nehemiah returns to Susan; he
  35. Quoted speech in American history. The Gettysburg Address was delivered at the, dedication ,of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,on the
  36. By Sufi mystics like Arabia al-Adawiyya who paid attention to the difference in, dedication ,to Allah and dedication to people. 13th century Turkish Sufi poet Runs Eyre
  37. In 682,and Bede probably transferred to Narrow with Celerity that year. The, dedication ,stone for the church has survived to the present day; it is dated 23 April 685
  38. By Nehemiah, a Jew who is a high official at the Persian court, and the, dedication ,of the city and its people to God's laws (Torah). The events take place in
  39. Quoted speech in American history. It was an iconic statement of America's, dedication ,to the principles of nationalism, equal rights, liberty,and democracy. At the
  40. Of the Axum Talbot are kept in every Ethiopian church, each with its own, dedication ,to a particular saint, the most popular of these include Mary, George and
  41. Bruce and claimant to the throne of Scotland, he is inspired by Wallace's, dedication ,and bravery. * Brendan Gleeson as Amish Campbell. Wallace's childhood friend
  42. Designed by Julie Beckman and Keith Baseman, was completed on schedule for its, dedication ,on September 11, 2008. In keeping with standard airline procedure after
  43. For people to offer funeral sacrifices to honor their late relatives. As a, dedication ,to Agrippina, Caligula set aside the Circus Games to honor the memory of his
  44. August 10 BC in Duodenum to Nero Claudius Dress and Antonia on the day of the, dedication ,of the altar to Augustus at the Sanctuary of the Three Gauls. He had two older
  45. As a legend, this story relates to the founding of the culture. The Pilgrims ', dedication ,to their cause in spite of the hardships renders the foundation of the country
  46. Was awarded the prize of the skin. She hung it in a sacred grove at Tea as a, dedication ,to Artemis. Mel eager was a hero of Aetolia. King Census had him gather heroes
  47. Its battle to control its public image, broadcasting the Navies temple, dedication , appearances on Larry King Live, and so on. The church in the media: *Official
  48. A university. The University has been shaped by their spirit of hard work and, dedication ,to the principles that everyone should have access to university regardless of
  49. Nanny Lid Dose from Transylvania sing folk songs, sparking Bartok’s lifelong, dedication ,to folk music (Stevens 1993,22). When criticized for not composing his own
  50. Al-Adawiyya who paid attention to the difference in dedication to Allah and, dedication ,to people. 13th century Turkish Sufi poet Runs Eyre explained this philosophy

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