Examples of the the word, treasurer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( treasurer ), is the 6338 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. State for foreign affairs (1710–15) and Robert Harley (Earl of Oxford) lord, treasurer ,and prime minister (1711–1714). Swift recorded his experiences and thoughts
  2. Crew and Sandwich by-election,2008 on 22 May 2008. He is the party's current, treasurer ,and has contested several General elections and council elections for the OMR LP
  3. Youth and student groups. The Council is made up of the chair of CND,the, treasurer , 3 vice-chairs,15 directly elected members, a representative of each of the
  4. Financially broke after the Granada campaign, the monarchs left it to the royal, treasurer ,to shift funds among various royal accounts on behalf of the enterprise.
  5. Not accept these gestures. Another political crisis occurred in 1524,when the, treasurer ,of Geneva Bernard Boulez, a supporter of Savoy rule, was accused by the Grand
  6. By Norman Vikings in 996. Rebuilt beginning in 1014,by Here de Buzançais, treasurer ,of Saint Martin, both to accommodate the crowds of pilgrims and to attract them
  7. López (vice president),Alan Pol (secretary),and José Milan Soto (, treasurer ,). Academies 2011 was organized by KDE España, was sponsored by Google and
  8. Labor member for Lapland in 1969 and came to prominence as the reformist, treasurer ,of the Hawks Labor government, which came to power at the 1983 election. After
  9. Summer, he took a trip to see the mines for himself, and he afterwards became, treasurer ,of the enterprise. Over the winter of 1866 and early 1867,mining operations
  10. Was still alive, the accounting error was discovered and that last surviving, treasurer ,was acquitted. This was perfectly legal in this case, but an example of the
  11. The first comprehensive set of rules. At the final meeting, the first FA, treasurer , the representative from Black heath, withdrew his club from the FA over the
  12. Herald and Boston Journal In October 1917,John H. Higgins, the publisher and, treasurer ,of the Boston Herald bought out its next door neighbor The Boston Journal and
  13. His worksand was inspired to pursue a career in Architecture after a, treasurer ,clerk noticed his tendency to sketch and wander around Manchester to view
  14. Lou Not was Chairman of Mobil at the time of the merger and Walter Arnhem was, treasurer , When Exxon Corporation merged with Mobil Corporation in 1999,the newly merged
  15. Board at Philadelphia. As part of the fledgling nation's government, he was, treasurer ,of the Continental Loan Office in 1778; appointed judge of the Admiralty Court
  16. Melbourne weekend presenter Jennifer Kate, the late Steve Irwin and former, treasurer ,Peter Costello. The following table shows membership numbers since 1998: Major
  17. Cambridge, where he read history and economics. Whilst at Cambridge, he was, treasurer ,of the Cambridge University Socialist Society, and canvassed for the Labor
  18. Mayor,Chicago's two other citywide elected officials are the clerk and the, treasurer , The City Council is the legislative branch and is made up of 50 aldermen, one
  19. Attending meetings for fifty years, and functioning successively as counselor, treasurer , and secretary, overseeing in 1761 the installation of Salon exhibitions. His
  20. Mr. Wick later founded Wick Communications Company. * Ira J. McDonald, treasurer ,of the former Havelock, Nebraska Letter boxing is an outdoor hobby that combines
  21. Radio as the most accurate news source in the country. South Australian state, treasurer ,Kevin Foley accused ABC Radio of right-wing bias in February 2008 for its
  22. S collegium musicum. After May 1712 Telemann also served as administrator and, treasurer ,of the Has Brussels, administrator of a charitable foundation, and organizer
  23. Board consists of representatives of the employees. The CEO, president, treasurer , and other titled officers are usually chosen by the board to manage the
  24. In contemporary documents as an assessor (cabins),and as the city, treasurer , He probably perished in the plague that visited Haarlem in 1439-1440; his
  25. Of the Board and the company. This title is often concurrently held by the, treasurer ,in a dual position called secretary- treasurer ; both positions may be
  26. Of a historically significant bureaucrat such as a central bank governor, treasurer ,or finance secretary. For example, Reserve Bank of India governor James Braid
  27. On behalf of the Salon, simultaneously arranging the exhibitions and acting as, treasurer , resulted in a diminution of productivity in painting, and the showing of
  28. Of those age 65 or over. Government The government consists of a mayor, a clerk, treasurer ,and a city council. The mayor and clerk is elected in citywide vote. The city
  29. To stand again, but the branch honorary secretary John E Morris and the branch, treasurer , Gareth Sheehan (also known as" Spread" ) elected to have the famous
  30. Großsteinbeck. " His father, John Ernst Steinbeck, served as Monterey County, treasurer , John's mother, Olive Hamilton, a former school teacher, shared Steinbeck's
  31. Was appointed as governor. At the age of 26,Cortés was made clerk to the, treasurer ,with the responsibility of ensuring that the Crown received the Quito, or
  32. In mid-1484,Francis was incapacitated by illness and while recuperating, his, treasurer , Peter Lands, took over the reins of government. Lands reached an agreement
  33. The Labor Party's victory in the March 1983 election, Keating was appointed, treasurer , a post he held until 1991. Keating succeeded John Howard as treasurer and was
  34. Council of elected commissioners, a tax assessor, clerk,court clerk, treasurer , and sheriff. While each municipality operates as a separate and independent
  35. Branch are the Secretary of State (Jon A. Hosted),auditor (Dave Most), treasurer , ( Josh Manuel),and attorney general (Mike DeWine). The intermediate-level
  36. Line with one wheel off, but we have crossed the line. " Keating's tenure as, treasurer ,and prime minister is often criticized for high interest rates and the 1990s
  37. Vice president),Alan Pol i Gonzalez (secretary),and José Milan Soto (, treasurer ,). In addition, KDE España is the official representative of KDE e. V. in Spain
  38. Clerk-magistrate, county auditor, landfill office, register of deeds, county, treasurer , coroner, emergency management, highway superintendent, public welfare, state’s
  39. Party organization to the head of the secretariat, Philipp Bowler, the party, treasurer ,Franz Xavier Schwarz and business manager Max Mann. The party had a capable
  40. Who were High Commissioners to the United Kingdom; Arthur Madden, who was, treasurer ,under another prime minister, Robert Menzies and Kevin Rudd who became Julia
  41. Has declined sharply over the past eight decades, according to the church's, treasurer ,J. Edward Regard. Though the Church is prohibited by the Manual from
  42. Public reputation. Persistent rumors about the activities of the party, treasurer ,Michael Ashcroft furthered this impression. At the same time, a series of
  43. Treasurer, a post he held until 1991. Keating succeeded John Howard as, treasurer ,and was able to use the size of the budget deficit to attack the former
  44. Under Pope Clement III (1187–91) and Pope Palestine III (1191–98) he was, treasurer ,of the Roman Church, notably compiling the Fiber Census. Acting
  45. Suggested that Bruce Kent might be a crypto-communist. MI5 also suspected its, treasurer , Cathy Ashton, of being a communist sympathizer. Current CND Support for CND
  46. Chapter in Rouen, finally as archdeacon. At the same time he was appointed, treasurer ,of the church of St. Martin in Tours by Louis IX, an office he held until he
  47. And was able to use the size of the budget deficit to attack the former, treasurer , and question the economic credibility of the Liberal-National coalition. That
  48. Board of directors. The committee consists of a president, vice president, treasurer , secretary and three members-at-large. The president is the only officer to
  49. Brown became a professor of Physics at the University, and John Brown served as, treasurer ,from 1775 to 1796. In 1804,a year after John Brown's death, the University
  50. Held as necessary. The board consists of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer , and members. Current board are Albert Stars Cid (president),Alejandro

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