Examples of the the word, sharply , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sharply ), is the 6335 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Plate to improve the odds of throwing out the runner on a ground ball, though a, sharply ,hit grounder is more likely to carry through a drawn-in infield. Batting and
  2. High and relatively regular levels of precipitation in the Amazon contrast, sharply ,with the dryness of the semiarid Northeast, where rainfall is scarce and there
  3. And insurrectionary anarchism),and the democratic process may be, sharply ,criticized within some anarchist tendencies and simultaneously lauded in others
  4. Despite several consecutive years of double-digit economic growth. The finding, sharply ,contrasts with government's official unemployment rate of about 10 percent.
  5. Ann Arbor has increasingly found itself grappling with the effects of, sharply ,rising land values and gentrification, as well as urban sprawl stretching far
  6. The condition for the reproduction of a surface element in the place of a, sharply ,reproduced point — the constant of the sine relationship must also be fulfilled
  7. Professional touring amplifiers often have input and/or output filtering to, sharply ,limit frequency response beyond; too much of the amplifier's potential output
  8. Important to maintain the society. As English distribution of income differed, sharply ,from French, this was not fully understood by Adam Smith who concluded that
  9. In the second section he returns to the topic of hard skepticism by, sharply ,denouncing it.: :"For here is the chief and most confounding objection to
  10. Small and medium-sized business’ entry into manufacturing and thereby, sharply ,deepened social polarization in the republic. Following the advice of economic
  11. Definition instead, they would be apart (plaques in the white matter in MS are, sharply ,delineated, while the inflammation in ADAM is widely disseminated and
  12. Protestantism, has risen, while the proportion of Catholics has dropped, sharply , Soon after Protestantism, Irreligion also have had a rise in Brazil, almost
  13. Of slavery had to be eliminated. Lincoln and the Radical Republicans disagreed, sharply ,on the criteria for these goals. They also disagreed on the degree of federal
  14. The Great Rift Valley. Between Adana and Antalya, the Taurus Mountains rise, sharply ,from the coast to high elevations, reaching altitudes of over north of Adana.
  15. Role by instructing people how to attain happiness. However, Spinoza differed, sharply ,from the Stoics in one important respect: he utterly rejected their contention
  16. With figures in millions of Bruneian Dollars. In the 1970s,Brunei invested, sharply ,increasing revenues from petroleum exports and maintained government spending
  17. Passes harmlessly next to the head. As the opponent's punch arrives, the boxer, sharply ,rotates the hips and shoulders. This turns the chin sideways and allows the
  18. Used to describe its eccentric redundancy and noisy abundance of details, which, sharply , contrasted the clear and sober rationality of the Renaissance. Although it was
  19. 2009,Andalusia has 17.82 percent of the Spanish population. The birth rate is, sharply ,down, as is typical in developed economies, although it has lagged much of the
  20. The ability of al-Qaeda's" brand" to inspire, motivate and instill fear has, sharply ,declined. Characteristic techniques include suicide attacks and simultaneous
  21. The exception is very near absolute zero, where the density of adiabatic drops, sharply ,and they become rare (see Nernst's theorem). The following diagram is a P-V
  22. Have since declined. However, crowds at Ford's Theatre in Washington have grown, sharply , Aristotle (, Aristotélēs) (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and
  23. Stands for. " Per Edmundson, chief editorial writer for Sven ska Dagbladet, has, sharply , criticized politicians who offer" weak excuses" for Muslims accused of
  24. Public service announcement" I Am Autism" for Autism Speaks that was, sharply ,criticized by disability rights groups for its negative portrayal of autism. In
  25. In Spain, the baroque writers are framed in the Silo de Oro. Naturalism and, sharply ,critical points of view on Spanish society are common among such concepts
  26. Dispute over the Duchess Theatre's handling of Damsels in Distress, Ayckbourn, sharply ,criticized both this and the West End's treatment of theater in general, in
  27. Shift in the definition of citizen worked to keep the immigrant population more, sharply ,distinguished politically. *Likewise the status of women seems lower in Athens
  28. In independent Armenia, environmental issues divide society (and scientists), sharply , into those who fear" environmental time bombs" and those who view resumption
  29. October, and will include questions on ethnicity. However, minority groups have, sharply ,criticized Article 20 of the Census law, according to which a $1,000 fine will
  30. The vessel. Bahamian moor Similar to the above, a Bahamian moor is used to, sharply ,limit the swing range of a vessel, but allows it to swing to a current. One of
  31. City. In the past several decades, Ann Arbor has grappled with the effects of, sharply ,rising land values, gentrification,and urban sprawl stretching into outlying
  32. Of" Adoptionism" the Spanish Adoptionist Christology appears to have differed, sharply ,from the Adoptionism of early Christianity. Spanish advocates predicated the
  33. And Scotland. 1995+ the amount of freight carried on the railways has increased, sharply , The railways have become more reliable, and economical. Big Road hauliers such
  34. That protected individual rights. She promoted romantic realism in art. She was, sharply ,critical of most other philosophers and philosophical traditions. The reception
  35. Coast of Fife, leads down the High Street of Wester Aberdeen, before kinking, sharply ,left to cross the railway line, then right again to progress through Easter
  36. Demolish a paper by a professor of geology at the University of Dublin that had, sharply ,criticized Darwin’s comments in the Origin on how hexagonal honey bee cells
  37. Overly graphic and disturbing. (Charlotte was among them. ) Anne also, sharply ,castigated reviewers who speculated on the sex of the authors, and the
  38. They were both simply passed by the assembly. But from 403 BC they were set, sharply ,apart. Henceforth, laws were made not in the assembly, but by special panels of
  39. Usually between two and four (or less often five) cards in each suit) and a, sharply ,limited number of high card points, usually somewhere between 12 and 18 — the
  40. Creation cannot be sustained. They claim that the money supply suddenly and, sharply ,contracts when markets finally" clear ", causing resources to be reallocated
  41. Permanent solution available at the time of his surgery, because it would have, sharply ,limited his physical activity and capacity to exercise. On December 9,2001,he
  42. Plant breeding, pesticides and fertilizers, and technological improvements have, sharply ,increased yields from cultivation, but at the same time have caused widespread
  43. State). A case can be made that discriminatory lines came to be drawn more, sharply ,under Athenian democracy than before or elsewhere, in particular in relation to
  44. Which subtends a finite angle at the system) is, in general, even then not, sharply ,reproduced, if the pencil of rays issuing from it and traversing the system is
  45. Earlier that month. The play was controversial when first published, as it is, sharply ,critical of 19th century marriage norms. Michael Meyer argues that the play's
  46. Will fly. Cocking the boomerang back to ensure a good spin and stepping, sharply ,forward with the left foot, the thrower follows through with their right arm
  47. The 9th century was crucial for the future of Bohemia. The manorial system, sharply ,declined, as it did in Bavaria. The influence of the central Fraganeo-Czechs
  48. Otherwise brilliant and daring work made this painfully obvious. Reviewers were, sharply ,critical on these grounds of both the author and the book. Furthermore, John
  49. Then fell by almost 30 % in 1986. This drop was caused by a combination of, sharply ,lower petroleum prices in world markets and voluntary production cuts in Brunei
  50. To listen to him. It is here that the Our'panic narrative of the incident, sharply ,contrasts with the Biblical story, which blames Aaron for making the golden

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