Examples of the the word, novell , in a Sentence Context

The word ( novell ), is the 9397 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wife came from a higher social stratum, and one of his poems was presented to a, novell , consistori (new consistory),probably the Consistory de Barcelona, founded
  2. 1989. Awards * 2000 - PRI Alphard du Miller Album Stranger for graphic, novell ," Passage en deuce ", Festival de BD, Angoulem, France * 2000 - PRI Du Radio
  3. Unto me according to thy word" in the KJV). Arnau's final religious poem, Un, novell , fruyt, exit de la Oaxaca, is a gloss on the Nativity as described in the first
  4. Novella" is novel and" novel" is roman. * In Swedish," short story" is, novell , and " novel" is roman, while " novell a" is Ottoman, literally meaning "
  5. Sabbath before and under the Law and under the Gospel, briefly vindicated from, novell , and heterodox assertions, Cambridge,1641; an attempt to prove the Sabbath a
  6. Of Stockholders (1999),together with Lars Lundquist. Articles *” Agape ”, novell , i: Anna Draw (red) Tillsammansmat (2007) " Agape ", short story in: Anna
  7. Story" is novell a and" novel" is Roman. * In Estonian," short story" is, novell , and " novel" is Roman. A novell a is usually called lühiromaan (" short novel
  8. Free SDK available at http://developer. novell .com developer., novell , Com Gibberish (sometimes Gibberish) is a language game or secret language
  9. De la region Valencias en EU alchemist. Que Nora EU la plum salute d'un sol, novell , Per an oftener novel glories an España tots an RNA EU, germans, vingeu. JA en
  10. Though not released abroad. This film was the cinematographic adaptation of a, novell , of the Austrian writer Albert Stiffer. The Another couple of years later the
  11. Soviet horror movies Via (Via or Spirit of Evil; 1967) adaptation of Gogol's, novell , directed by George Kropachyov, where he played a young seminars Home Brutus

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