Examples of the the word, nationalist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nationalist ), is the 6942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Core piece of land in central Anatolia. In response, the leader of the Turkish, nationalist ,movement, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, established the headquarters of his resistance
  2. Support to the Basque nationalist s. Many regional and local, nationalist ,and non- nationalist representatives has waged a campaign for years advocating
  3. His cigars. In the late 1950s,KGB assassin Bogdan Stashynsky killed Ukrainian, nationalist ,leaders LEV Rebel and Stefan Band era with a spray gun that fired a jet of
  4. Young Derive to challenge Comer by replacing his ailing prime minister with a, nationalist , At Cromer's behest, Lord Rose berry, the British foreign secretary, sent him a
  5. De la Swiss" ( 1920). In 1922,the Deutsche Schulman of Vienna, an ethnic, nationalist ," protective" organization of Germans within the Austrian empire, printed
  6. Hand, anthropologists often joined with folklorists and linguists in building, nationalist ,perspectives. Ethnologists in these countries tended to focus on
  7. 1778 – Friedrich Ludwig John, German (Prussian) gymnastics educator and, nationalist ,(d. 1852) *1794 – James Barton Long acre, American engraver (d. 1869) *1807
  8. Party governments adopted that usage officially, while the growing African, nationalist ,movement and its liberal white allies turned to the term" African" instead
  9. S views but held Pasquale Pauli in high esteem and was at heart a Corsican, nationalist , The top students were encouraged to go into the artillery. After graduation
  10. A fight for the conquest of power broke out immediately between the three, nationalist ,movements. The events prompted a mass exodus of Portuguese citizens, creating
  11. Found in Bulgarian music. Most of his early compositions offer a blend of, nationalist ,and late Romanticism elements. Middle years and career (1909–39) Personal
  12. Had clearly failed. The image of the" Turkish yoke" had become fixed in the, nationalist ,mythologies and psyches of the empire's Balkan peoples, and their march toward
  13. Canadian conservationist (d. 1944) *1867 – George William Russell, Irish, nationalist , ( d. 1935) *1868 – George Artist, English actor (d. 1946) *1873 – Kyoto
  14. Opposed the British, but secretly created, supported,and sustained the, nationalist ,movement, which came to be led by Mustafa Kamil. As Kamil's thrust was
  15. Times. None of the country's borders was officially disputed in 1991,although, nationalist ,Bulgarians continue to claim that Bulgaria's share of Macedonia—which it
  16. Of 601,000; its administrative capital and main city, also regarded by many, nationalist ,Basques as the Basques' historical capital, is Pamplona (iTunes in modern
  17. Explosion at Chernobyl '. Environmental issues helped form the basis of the, nationalist ,independence movement when environmental demonstrations subsequently merged
  18. Had been destroyed. To stop the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Albanians by, nationalist ,Serbians in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's province of Kosovo
  19. Lives. In Europe, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Serbian, nationalist ,insurgents (The Black Hand) is blamed for igniting World War I after a
  20. Hockey executive (b. 1941) *2010 – Richard Barrett, American lawyer and white, nationalist ,(b. 1943) *2011 – Main Akhtar, Pakistani actor (b. 1950) Holidays and
  21. Doctrine of tolerance began to lose its potency, creating an opportunity for, nationalist ,elements in the society to spread their influence. Bosnian War (1992–1995).
  22. Found on the site of the altar of Approach Abbey. It had been taken by Scottish, nationalist ,students from its place in Westminster Abbey. *1952 – The Battle of Anti
  23. It may be however a writing mistake. In the 19th century, the Basque, nationalist ,activist Sabine Arena posited an original root euro which, he thought, came
  24. Had experienced brief or long-term social upheaval as groups carried out, nationalist ,uprisings. After most of these attempts at systematic change ended in failure
  25. The Americas. On the other hand, Russia also participated to some degree in the, nationalist ,(cultural and political) movements of Central and Eastern Europe. After the
  26. At the borders of Arabic-speaking countries. * Political: in the modern, nationalist ,era, any person who is a citizen of a country where Arabic is either the
  27. By a Turkish mob in Heraklion, Greece. *1912 – The Kuomintang, the Chinese, nationalist ,party, is founded. *1914 – World War I: The library of the Catholic University
  28. S population. An idea of the central place of the ethnic terms in Basque, nationalist ,politicians is given by the fact that, in Basque, Basques identify themselves
  29. Of the BNP, was welcomed with fascist salutes by members of the Italian, nationalist ,Fora Nova during a trip to Milan. Darby stated that the BNP would look to
  30. President of the Philippines (b. 1933) *2010 – Lolita LeBron, Puerto Rican, nationalist ,(b. 1919) * 2010 – Eric Tin dill, New Zealand rugby and cricket international
  31. Visited the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo,where Bosnian Serb militants of the, nationalist ,group Lleida Bosnia, supplied by the Serbian militant group Black Hand, ambushed
  32. French threefold. The Empire had lost ethnic Italian areas to Piedmont owing to, nationalist ,movements sweeping through Italy, and many Austro-Hungarians perceived the
  33. And economic nationalism, although in comparison with other radical, nationalist ,parties, the BNP focuses less on corporatism. It has called for British
  34. b. 1813) *1903 – Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Puerto Rican educator and, nationalist ,(b. 1839) *1908 – Hiram Bose, Indian freedom fighter (b. 1889) *1919 –
  35. Rate than other parts of Pakistan. Since Pakistan's independence, Baloch, nationalist ,groups and the Provincial government have been in conflict, the Balochistan
  36. African Americans converted to Islam, mainly through the influence of black, nationalist ,groups that preached with distinctive Islamic practices; these include the
  37. Institutions to underwrite needed improvements. Many peasant parties were also, nationalist ,parties, because peasants often worked their land for the benefit of landlords
  38. Cowboy and Texas Ranger (b. 1854) *1920 – Bad Kandahar Talk, Indian, nationalist , leader (b. 1856) *1922 – Donate Bank, Hungarian mechanical engineer (b. 1856
  39. Into being well after the middle of last century, mainly around linguistic, nationalist , or environmental themes and recently smaller ones of some specific liberal
  40. The resignation. The Parliamentary elections in Belgium on 2010 saw the Flemish, nationalist ,N-VA become the largest party in Flanders, and the Socialist Party PS the
  41. In Ireland from Great Britain have left their mark in the form of divided, nationalist ,and unionist communities in Northern Ireland. Millions of people moved to and
  42. The British Empire, France,Italy and the United States would win World War I, nationalist ,movements which had previously been calling for a greater degree of autonomy
  43. Use of torture on protesters of the colonial order. Two such victims were the, nationalist ,leader, Larbi Ben M'Hide, and a young professor of mathematics, Maurice Audio
  44. The political tensions caused by all this culminated on 28 June 1914,when Serb, nationalist ,youth Gavrilo PRINCIP assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
  45. Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). This polarization was also seen in the, nationalist ,community, with the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) vote losing out
  46. To divert attention from economic difficulties in Iran and from a growing, nationalist ,movement, a campaign of persecution against the Baha'is was instituted. An
  47. Their surrounding neighbors. Some Basques, especially in Spain, are strongly, nationalist , identifying far more firmly as Basques than as citizens of any existing state.
  48. The international left-wing anti-globalization position from a strictly, nationalist ,anti-globalization position. Many nationalist movements, such as the French
  49. And would later be interpreted differently by the British, Americans,and, nationalist ,movements. In December 1941,Japan launched, in quick succession, attacks on
  50. Position from a strictly nationalist anti-globalization position. Many, nationalist ,movements, such as the French National Front, are opposed to globalization, but

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