Examples of the the word, mutation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mutation ), is the 5531 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To genetic causes that are highly heritable but not inherited: that is,the, mutation ,that causes the autism is not present in the parental genome. Several lines of
  2. The rise of political Islam during the 1980s and afterwards provided a new, mutation ,of Islamic anti-Semitism, which gave the hatred of Jews a religious component.
  3. Argument.; Dennett's reply from natural selection: Suppose that, by some, mutation , a human being is born that does not have Searle's" causal properties" but
  4. Though modern Breton lost the nasal mutation of Welsh, it also has a 'hard ', mutation , in which voiced stops become voiceless, and a 'mixed' mutation , which is a
  5. But the antioxidant effects of uric acid have led researchers to suggest this, mutation ,was beneficial to early primates and humans. Studies of high altitude
  6. Right ventricular cardiomyopathy): Cardiomyopathy caused by a genetic, mutation ,of the desmosomes that connect monocytes.::; Restrictive cardiomyopathy:
  7. Change according to grammatical context. As in Breton, there are four types of, mutation ,in Cornish (compared to three in Welsh and two in Irish),Manx and Gaelic.
  8. SOD1 cases. In people of Scandinavian extraction there is a relatively benign, mutation ,called D90A which is associated with a slow progression. In Japan, the H46R
  9. 1670,could have provided the selection pressure that raised the frequency of a, mutation ,to the level seen today that prevent HIV from entering macrophages that carry
  10. Defect in the breed's myostatin gene is maintained through linebreeding. This, mutation ,also interferes with fat deposition, resulting in very lean meat. The, even
  11. The variable domains of the heavy and light chains undergo a high rate of point, mutation , by a process called somatic hyper mutation (SHM). SHM results in
  12. Tumor-specific antigens (SAS) and, in general, result from a tumor-specific, mutation , More common are antigens that are presented by tumor cells and normal cells
  13. Can change into uracil (spontaneous deamination). This can lead to a point, mutation ,if not repaired by the DNA repair enzymes such as uracil glycosylase, which
  14. Then with older mothers; two potential explanations are the known increase in, mutation ,burden in older sperm, and the hypothesis that men marry later if they carry
  15. Verb form called the verbal noun or verb noun *frequent use of vowel, mutation ,as a morphological device,e.g. formation of plurals, verbal stems, etc. *use
  16. ALSO database). In North America, the most commonly occurring, mutation ,is known as A4V and occurs in up to 50 % of SOD1 cases. In people of
  17. Behaviors. Cats have relatively few taste buds compared to humans. Owing to a, mutation ,in an early cat ancestor, one of two genes necessary to taste sweetness may
  18. This is accomplished by marking objects as they are allocated and during, mutation , maintaining the various sets. By monitoring the size of the sets, the system
  19. And therefore may act as a carcinogen, since cancer is often linked to, mutation , However, a number of false-positives and false-negatives are known. The test
  20. The level seen today that prevent HIV from entering macrophages that carry the, mutation ,(the average frequency of this allele is 10 % in European populations). It is
  21. Although it can vary from white to black. The Belgian Blue has a natural, mutation ,of the gene that codes for myostatin, a protein that counteracts muscle growth.
  22. People. The loss of melanin in white people is thought to have been caused by a, mutation ,in one letter out of 3.1 billion letters of DNA. Hair The texture of hair in
  23. Either by a family history of MND or by testing positive for a known genetic, mutation ,associated with the disease. The following genes are known to be linked to ALS:
  24. Their brood using nymphs and silkworm feces, and ate them. A fortunate genetic, mutation ,of carp led to the emergence of goldfish during the Tang Dynasty. Japanese
  25. Has a 'hard' mutation , in which voiced stops become voiceless, and a 'mixed ', mutation , which is a mixture of hard and soft mutation s. Vocabulary; Some words that
  26. Albino rabbits were historically used for Frieze toxicity testing. The yellow, mutation ,in fruit flies is their version of albinism. The incidence of albinism can be
  27. Domesticated almonds are not toxic; Jared Diamond argues that a common genetic, mutation ,causes an absence of glucoside amygdala, and this mutant was grown by early
  28. Has four initial consonant mutation s: though modern Breton lost the nasal, mutation ,of Welsh, it also has a 'hard' mutation , in which voiced stops become
  29. Inheritance as would mutation s at a single locus. For example, suppose a, mutation ,at a chromosome position x is responsible for a recessive trait in a diploid
  30. Likely inherited normal DNA from one parent and DNA with the Marconi syndrome, mutation ,from the other parent. Although this Benji is unlikely to develop Marconi
  31. Resistance, P. Aeruginosa easily develop acquired resistance either by, mutation ,in chromosomally-encoded genes, or by the horizontal gene transfer of
  32. Mechanisms of resistance to chloramphenicol: reduced membrane permeability, mutation ,of the 50S ribosomal subunit and elaboration of chloramphenicol
  33. First time in the patient (sporadic form: Scud). In the hereditary form,a, mutation ,occurs in the gene for PRP, PRNP. Ten to 15 percent of CJD cases are inherited.
  34. To an antibiotic. The primary cause of antibiotic resistance is genetic, mutation ,in bacteria. However, genes that confer resistance can be transferred between
  35. Forms protein aggregates. People can also acquire CJD genetically through a, mutation ,of the gene that codes for the prion protein (PRNP). This occurs in only 5–10
  36. In the Bible may be the origin of J2” said Kopecks. According to the observed, mutation ,rates, certain J2 haplotypes found on FT DNA database projects share a common
  37. Expression — hetero chromatin — promoter — enhancer — operon ** mutation — point, mutation ,— crossover — recombination — plasmid — transpose **molecular genetics: DNA
  38. Pathogen can be seen as an environmental pressure; those bacteria which have a, mutation ,allowing them to survive will live on to reproduce. They will then pass this
  39. To successive microsporogenesis. * The Asparagus appear to be unified by a, mutation ,affecting their telomeres (a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a
  40. With a slow progression. In Japan, the H46R mutation is most common. G93A,the, mutation ,used to generate the first animal model (and by far the most widely studied)
  41. For the IBM Stretch computer. It is a respelling of bite to avoid accidental, mutation ,to bite. The size of a byte was at first selected to be a multiple of existing
  42. Notable being that the entire system must be suspended during collection; no, mutation ,of the working set can be allowed. This will cause programs to 'freeze '
  43. Of the other Insular Celtic languages. These include: *Initial consonant, mutation , The first sound of a Cornish word may change according to grammatical context.
  44. 9 by cleavage to begin the cascade cascade that leads to apoptosis. Since a -/-, mutation ,in the APAF-1 gene is embryonic lethal, a gene trap strategy was used in order
  45. Is 10 % in European populations). It is suggested that the original single, mutation ,appeared over 2,500 years ago and that persistent epidemics of a hemorrhagic
  46. High frequency of cross-eyes in white tigers.; White cats: True albinism (a, mutation ,of the tyrosine gene) is quite rare in cats. Much more common is the
  47. Points, among others. This pattern is the result of a temperature sensitive, mutation ,in one of the enzymes in the metabolic pathway from tyrosine to pigment, such
  48. England (the people),England, and English, all showing signs of vocalic, mutation ,and later developing into the dominant forms. Early history Angles under other
  49. Called D90A which is associated with a slow progression. In Japan, the H46R, mutation , is most common. G93A,the mutation used to generate the first animal model (
  50. e. g., ceftazidime,ceftriaxone, or lifetime). Rather than arising by, mutation , they represent examples of plasmid acquisition of beta-lactamase genes

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