Examples of the the word, cardiac , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cardiac ), is the 5533 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shine, Indian cricketer (d. 1955) * 1925 – Pierre Grinding, French Canadian, cardiac ,surgeon (d. 2006) *1927 – Rosalynn Carter, First Lady of the United States
  2. It is seldom symptomatic until the rate drops below 50 beat/min. It may cause, cardiac ,arrest in some patients, because those with bradycardia may not be pumping
  3. The mineral that depolarizes the cell, proliferating the action potential. In, cardiac ,muscle, sodium influx commences an action potential, but during potassium
  4. Surgeons, cardiothoracic and cardiovascular, who are surgeons who perform, cardiac ,surgery via sternotomy — open operative procedures on the heart and great
  5. Periodic contraction (squeezing) of the muscle cells that is caused by the, cardiac ,pacemaker located in the sinoatrial node. The study of the electrical aspects
  6. That no pulse is felt because of an ineffective cardiac output which causes, cardiac ,arrest.; Sudden cardiac death: Sudden cardiac death is a concept of natural
  7. And suicidal ideation. Side effects Contraindications Amphetamine elevates, cardiac ,output and blood pressure making it dangerous for use by patients with a
  8. Survey, the most common causes of death were cancer (31 %),old age (20 %), cardiac , ( 10.5 %),and urologic (5 %). Morbidity and health concerns Major health
  9. Hemorrhage in particular. However, post-launch data indicated increased risk of, cardiac ,and cerebrovascular events with these drugs; this is probably due to an
  10. One classification of VT such that no pulse is felt because of an ineffective, cardiac ,output which causes cardiac arrest.; Sudden cardiac death: Sudden cardiac death
  11. i.e. pertaining to the womb),for raising blood pressure and increasing, cardiac ,output. The activity of Castor has been credited to the accumulation of
  12. Controlled trial found insignificant benefit from aspirin in the reduction of, cardiac ,events; however there was a significant reduction in stroke. Subgroup analysis
  13. Disrupts this rhythm sufficiently to cause cardiac arrest. Treatment of, cardiac ,arrest includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation
  14. In proper contraction of the heart. There are several conditions that can cause, cardiac ,arrest.; Asystole (" flat line" ): Asystole refers to the absence of
  15. Create the diacritic notch displayed in the aortic pressure curve during the, cardiac ,cycle as these reflected waves push on the aortic semilunar valve. With age
  16. Cardiac output which causes cardiac arrest.; Sudden cardiac death: Sudden, cardiac ,death is a concept of natural death rather than a specific medical condition.
  17. Because of an ineffective cardiac output which causes cardiac arrest.; Sudden, cardiac ,death: Sudden cardiac death is a concept of natural death rather than a
  18. Used primarily to treat hypertension, although they may also be prescribed for, cardiac ,failure, diabetic nephropathy, renal disease, systemic sclerosis, left
  19. Clinical trials. The ACE inhibitor enalapril has also been shown to reduce, cardiac ,cathexis in patients with chronic heart failure. Cathexis is a poor prognostic
  20. There is little evidence that very tight blood sugar control actually improves, cardiac ,risk, although improved sugar control appears to decrease other undesirable
  21. Resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation depending on the exact cause of, cardiac ,arrest. Disorders of the myocardium (muscle of the heart); Cardiomyopathy:
  22. Movement of blood and fibrillation disrupts this rhythm sufficiently to cause, cardiac ,arrest. Treatment of cardiac arrest includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation (
  23. At New York Hospital before dying in his sleep from a sudden post-operative, cardiac ,arrhythmia. Prior to his diagnosis and operation, Warhol delayed having his
  24. Arteriolar resistance and increase venous capacity; increase cardiac output, cardiac ,index, stroke work, and volume; lower endovascular resistance; and lead to
  25. Artery disease, this can mean risk factor management that is carried out during, cardiac ,rehabilitation, a 4-phase process beginning in hospital after MI, angioplasty
  26. As a muscle stimulant, whereas higher doses affect the nervous system, causing, cardiac , irregularities,tremors, weakness,anxiety, dyspnea and paralysis. This may be
  27. Dogs, all other factors being equal. In the UK various cancers, followed by, cardiac ,problems, seem to be the most frequent causes of premature death. Like its
  28. Can be caused by a variety of conditions including blood loss, infection,poor, cardiac ,output. ** Atherosclerosis reduces the flow of blood through arteries, because
  29. 238Pu,a more suitable radioisotope for thermoelectric generators such as in, cardiac ,pacemakers. The alternative routes to 238Pu use the (n, γ ) reaction of 237Np
  30. Septum that separates the aorta and pulmonary artery is derived from, cardiac ,neural crest. This contribution of the neural crest to the great artery smooth
  31. Therefore, lower arterioles resistance and increase venous capacity; increase, cardiac ,output, cardiac index, stroke work, and volume; lower endovascular resistance;
  32. Knock-out leads to a severe brain malformation. A cascade 8 knock-out leads to, cardiac ,failure and thus embryonic lethality. However, with the use of creator
  33. There are several causes of sudden cardiac death, and it is distinct from, cardiac ,arrest.; Ventricular fibrillation: Ventricular fibrillation is fibrillation of
  34. Started to improve but contracted pneumonia on January 24. He suffered a fatal, cardiac ,arrest the next day. He died in his home in Miami Beach, Florida,surrounded by
  35. To prevent bloat. Less common are cardiac problems including cardiomyopathy and, cardiac ,arrhythmia disorders. A controversy exists as to the presence of progressive
  36. The study of the electrical aspects is a subfield of electrophysiology called, cardiac ,electrophysiology and is epitomized with the electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). The
  37. Hospital after two days. He continued to take two shots of Clean daily, and a, cardiac ,catheterization procedure to repair the hole in his heart was scheduled for 5
  38. The plaques flush with the wall of the artery without any scientific proof. On, cardiac ,catheterization their coronary arteries appear smooth-walled and normal, though
  39. Sodium influx commences an action potential, but during potassium efflux,the, cardiac ,monocyte experiences calcium influx, prolonging the action potential and
  40. Rather than a specific medical condition. There are several causes of sudden, cardiac ,death, and it is distinct from cardiac arrest.; Ventricular fibrillation:
  41. Consumption of alcohol, including beer, is associated with a decreased risk of, cardiac ,disease, stroke and cognitive decline. The long term health effects of
  42. Factor into limitations to amount and extent of upper body exercise. Generally, cardiac ,exercise (treadmill, walking,etc.) are approved for rehabilitation
  43. Of medicine are called cardiologists. Cardiologists should not be confused with, cardiac ,surgeons, cardiothoracic and cardiovascular, who are surgeons who perform
  44. A heart attack to reduce the risk of another heart attack or of the death of, cardiac ,tissue. The main undesirable side effects of aspirin taken by mouth are
  45. Larger epicardial vessels * No inducible coronary artery spasm present during, cardiac ,catheterization * Characteristic ischemic ECG changes during exercise testing *
  46. The combined effects of cocaine and opiates," but coronary artery disease and, cardiac ,hypertrophy (an enlarged heart) were also contributing factors. In 2005,José
  47. Patients with heart failure. This action may reduce the prevalence of malignant, cardiac ,arrhythmias, and the reduction in sudden death reported in large clinical
  48. Balloon pump (IAP): A balloon placed in the thoracic aorta to supplement, cardiac ,output from the heart.:; Ventricular assist device: Internal pump to supplement
  49. Should be used with caution in patients with: * Aortic valve stenosis or, cardiac ,outflow obstruction * Hemodialysis with high-flux polyacrylonitrile membranes
  50. Hours after eating, as the most reliable way to prevent bloat. Less common are, cardiac ,problems including cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrhythmia disorders. A

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