Examples of the the word, hug , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hug ), is the 6405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Naku is used for mutual action (example: Mary'a" to hug "; Mary'snaky" to, hug ,each other" ), and -CHK is a progressive, used for an ongoing action (e.g.
  2. Snowman, referring to Bugs Bunny, saying," I will name him George, and I will, hug ,him and pet him and squeeze him. " The line" Tell me about the rabbits" has
  3. Was hug ged her daughter" in order to show that Mary and her daughter shared a, hug , Intransitive verbs can be passivized in some languages. In English
  4. Where the forensic investigation discovers that the victim was killed by a, hug ,from a uniform robot. The robot violated both the First Law and the Fourth
  5. Composed of molten volcanic ash too heavy to go up into the atmosphere, so they, hug ,the volcano's slopes and travel far from their vents during large eruptions.
  6. Aaron's all-time record. Bonds greeted his son, Nikolai,with an extended bear, hug ,after crossing home plate. Bonds greeted his teammates and then his wife, Liz
  7. Abundant body hair, and commonly facial hair. * A bear hug is typically a tight, hug ,that involves wrapping one's arms around another person, often leaving that
  8. Said," Often the kids would have flies all over them, but she would just go, hug ,them. I had never seen that. Other people had a certain amount of hesitation
  9. I walked into the room she would stand up and come over and shake my hand and, hug ,me and say 'Mr. Aguilar it is so wonderful to see you again. ' With stars, it
  10. Clone -- About a created super soldier who is childlike and most likely to, hug ,someone. *Come Back Mrs. Noah -- Housewife gets stranded on a space station.
  11. 20, 2011. Two men posing as Taliban representatives approached him to offer a, hug ,and detonated their explosives. At least one of them hid the explosives within
  12. Terms are derived from immigrant groups or are just local inventions: * Bunny, hug ,: elsewhere hoodie or hooded sweat shirt (mainly in Saskatchewan, but also in
  13. Jimmy possesses Gillian again. Sally goes back inside to console her. They, hug , but Jimmy (as Gillian) begins to lick her saying he's feeling" very into
  14. Was the first to greet him (as Trotsky's wife recalled," with a bear, hug ,and immediately began to tell them about a public library which stayed open
  15. Of which destroyed the Angkor kingdom 700 years ago. Laos' biggest cities all, hug ,the Mekong as does Vietnam's largest city and financial hub, Ho Chi Minh City
  16. Call for during the course of an episode, resulting in an enthusiastic group, hug , Sometimes when the Teletubbies sit down, fall over, or touch their bottoms
  17. Of characters in t, and is denoted st. For example, if Σ, s bear, and t, hug , then st bear hug and ts = bugbear. String concatenation is an associative, but
  18. Later Galarraga told reporters Joyce apologized to him directly and gave him a, hug , The sportsmanship demonstrated by Galarraga and Joyce earned them both
  19. Came up once, behind a frightened young audience member, grabbed him in a bear, hug , and whispered this in his ear, while the whole band chanted and played along
  20. Loving words I love you (each denoted by an x, often used with 'o' to mean a, hug ,: e.g. box, oxo).::: :* XXX (album),a 1999 album by the rock band ZZ Top:::
  21. From completing a pass. During the race, the 'lead out' rider may choose to, hug ,the measurement line on the inside of the track, giving him the shortest path
  22. The meal that Ted tried to cook the first morning after Joanna left. They, hug ,in a very tender moment as they both know this is their last breakfast together
  23. Can run to when things get too overwhelming, ready to greet him with a warm, hug , As a running gag, Alice Mitchell has a phobia of snakes. (Another running gag
  24. Angry as the Teletubbies get. But perhaps the most common exclamation is" Big, hug , " Which one or more of the Teletubbies will invariably call for during the
  25. Tourist Minister Isaac Herzog invited her to Israel, Abdul responding with a, hug , adding," I will come; you have helped me make a dream come true. " Legal
  26. Career and parties with celebrities. " He walked up the driveway, went in to, hug ,his wife and then just fell over," said Lonnie Napier, vice president of
  27. But in an negative–absolutize language like Tribal," I" in the transitive I, hug ,him would take the negative case, but the" I" in I was hug ged would take the
  28. The track, giving him the shortest path around the track, or he may choose to, hug ,the sprinter's line, a red line 85 cm up track, to force his opponent to come
  29. Is part of the child-rearing culture of Japan. Japanese mothers are expected to, hug ,and indulge their children, and children are expected to reward their mothers
  30. Sextet: Riconosci in quest amplest RNA made –" Recognize a mother in this, hug ,"). All leaveand the Countess, alone,ponders the loss of her happiness (
  31. In Last. Surrounding islands Many islands, islets,and rocks, hug ,the coast of Crete. Many are visited by tourists, some are visited only by
  32. To commit suicide" ); -Baku is used for mutual action (example: Mary'a" to, hug ,"; Mary'snaky" to hug each other" ), and -CHK is a progressive, used for an
  33. Sitting, their tummies touch the ground, bump into their tummies, or have a big, hug , they jingle. At the beginning of each episode the sun rises, with this scene
  34. They take subjects, and so the subject of a transitive verb (" I" in I, hug ,him) is also the subject of the intransitive passive construction (I was
  35. Her for the last few minutes of her life. Outside, Patricia and the President, hug ,and comfort each other. On July 4,David devises a plan to use the repaired
  36. The top of the pyramid clearing up a cloudy stormy sky. The girls embrace in a, hug ,and the video ends. Live performances The group debuted the song on their
  37. And fare can be purchased on the bus. For short trips," Xe OM" ( literally,", hug ,vehicle" ) motorcycle taxis are available where the passenger sits at the rear
  38. After the exchange of the Kanji, PLUR etiquette generally requires ravers to, hug ,to show the new bond they have created. Footnotes Monocoque (or) is a
  39. Garrett's understated" Broadway Baby" – you just want to pick her up and, hug ,her. Polly Bergen stops everything cold with" I’m Still Here," bringing a
  40. Spotted him, and by chance occurrence, she called out his name and rushed to, hug ,him. This action tipped off the Allied troops, resulting in his capture, trial
  41. Such as a heavy build, abundant body hair, and commonly facial hair. * A bear, hug ,is typically a tight hug that involves wrapping one's arms around another
  42. Eared locals can detect from word usage (soda versus pop, hoodie versus bunny, hug ,) where one originated," Down east," east of (Salt Ste. Marie and beyond
  43. Reportedly never spoke off the field from that moment until the famous" bear, hug ," in Yankee Stadium on Lou Gehrig Day in 1939. Ruth and Claire regularly
  44. Polish-American accent (she has the first accent I've ever wanted to, hug ,), and she plays the flashbacks in subtitled German and Polish. There is hardly
  45. On a regular schedule, and that they should not pick them up, kiss them, or, hug , them,because that would not prepare them to be strong and independent
  46. D. C. Wolfman Jack said that night," I can't wait to get home and give Lou a, hug , I haven't missed her this much in years. " Wolfman had been on the road
  47. And fare can be purchased on the bus. For short trips," Xe OM" ( literally,", hug ,vehicle" ) motorcycle taxis are available where the passenger sits at the rear
  48. Greeting) phrase, which may be followed by cheek to cheek contact, quick, hug , or the loose handshake. Pious Muslim women rotate their hands from a vertical
  49. Installment of the Toyota Memorable Moments advertising campaign, and the, hug ,is captured in Jamie Cooper's painting the Game That Made Australia
  50. Evert; however, with King hampered by a neck injury sustained during a bear, hug ,with a friend the day before the match, Evert won 6–1,6–0,including the last

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