Examples of the the word, substantive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( substantive ), is the 6404 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Life of the nation ". Permissible derogation under article 15 must meet three, substantive ,conditions: # there must be a public emergency threatening the life of the
  2. Anionic groups in the dyes and cationic groups in the fiber. Acid dyes are not, substantive ,to cellulose fibers. Most synthetic food colors fall in this category. Basic
  3. Of the Miranda defective statement could not be offered by the prosecution as, substantive ,evidence, but the gun itself and all related forensic evidence would not be
  4. April. He made his way back to Russia on 4 May. Upon his return, Trotsky was in, substantive ,agreement with the Bolshevik position, but did not join them right away.
  5. Suffix -of (a) or -eV (a) ). Contemporary patronymics, however,have a, substantive ,suffix -ICH for masculine and the adjective suffix -Na for feminine. For
  6. Responsibility rules, as well as the possibility of other differences in, substantive ,and procedural law. Some countries grant licenses to non-resident lawyers, who
  7. Market economy status under U. S. trade law. This change in status recognized, substantive ,market economy reforms in the areas of currency convertibility, wage rate
  8. Policies were preventing, rather than stimulating, growth and development. No, substantive ,reform was introduced, however,until 1986 when the government announced its "
  9. fuell'd entrails,"" his con-sorted Eve,"" roses bushing round. " (, substantive ,used as verb).; 7. Vocabulary Archaic words from Chaucer, Spenser and
  10. Defense staff. An agreement signed in September 1996,which is one of the, substantive ,peace accords, mandated that the mission of the armed forces change to focus
  11. Those of tribune of the plebs and censor. He was consul until 23 BC. His, substantive ,power stemmed from financial success and resources gained in conquest, the
  12. S development strategy. Under Ravalomanana, these investments produced, substantive ,economic growth, but the benefits were not evenly spread throughout the
  13. Are aspects of procedural law. Other legal technicalities deal with aspects of, substantive ,law, that is, aspects of the law which articulate specific criteria that a
  14. Laudanda est means,“ The speech is to be praised. ” In such constructions a, substantive ,in dative may be used to name the agent of the obligation (datives actors)
  15. Daphne du Married (in her biography of Bacon),have argued there is no, substantive ,evidence to support claims of involvement with the Rosicrucian's. Frances Yates
  16. Rule, a Miranda-defective statement cannot be used by the prosecution as, substantive ,evidence of guilt. However, the Fifth Amendment exclusionary rule applies only
  17. Sandman, charged in the old style with sabers and most were killed. The last, substantive ,and successful classical cavalry charge of the war - and the final such
  18. Philosophy took a shift from the supernatural to the natural. Thus, substantive ,critiques of dualism became common. The first significant argument against
  19. Of Winchester suggests. George Stiller attributes to Smith" the most important, substantive ,proposition in all economics" and foundation of resource-allocation theory.
  20. Serving in Turkey and Gibraltar, in 1922 Alexander's temporary rank was made, substantive ,when he was appointed to command the 1st battalion of his regiment, and in
  21. The text is supplemented by the addition of decoration. The earliest surviving, substantive ,illuminated manuscripts are from the period AD 400 to 600,primarily produced
  22. Of Shannon airport. Since the Green Party entered government, there has been no, substantive ,change in government policy on these issues, which meant that Damon Ryan
  23. Public and behind-the-scenes support. The U. S. strongly supports the six, substantive ,and three procedural accords, which,along with the signing of the December 29
  24. And voting materials into several indigenous languages (see summary of main, substantive ,accords). Racial stratification is complex and fluid in Guatemalan politics
  25. And, in addition, exercises oversight of the executive branch on issues of both, substantive ,policy and routine administration. This check on executive power can be
  26. With a state's other obligations under international law In addition to these, substantive ,requirements the derogation must be procedurally sound. There must be some
  27. University, a founder and popularizer of personal idealism, presented it as a, substantive ,reality of persons, the only reality, as known directly in self-consciousness.
  28. Populace. " The second group of factors Above identified derived from the, substantive ,nature of the problems the Continental Congress confronted after 1783
  29. And philosophy,i.e. it is a tautology or truism. However, building a, substantive ,argument based on a tautological foundation is problematic. Stronger variants
  30. A fleet as large as the Royal Navy's at that time. United States In 1899 the, substantive ,rank of commodore was discontinued in the United States Navy and United States
  31. Months in 1917 when he was an acting lieutenant-colonel while still only a, substantive ,captain, as well as for nearly all the time between November 1917 and the end
  32. And the motivation for the constitution, and several articles containing the, substantive ,provisions. The preamble, which is omitted in some constitutions, may contain a
  33. Logical form (the conclusion is identical to the premise) and not because a, substantive ,claim is made and supported by observation of reality. As such, they are
  34. Spice Lisp, NIL,and S-1 Lisp) to create successor dialects to Mac lisp, with, substantive , influences from the Scheme dialect as well. This version of Common Lisp was
  35. They avoided personal attacks. However, some felt Kemp failed to counter, substantive ,attacks. In the final October 9,1996, Vice Presidential Debate against Al Gore
  36. National conservative grouping. European political commentators had often noted, substantive ,ideological differences between the party and its colleagues, whose strongly
  37. Measures to reduce tensions. They followed that with an agreement on opening, substantive ,discussions on the dispute. Notably, both Guatemala and Belize are
  38. A battalion in the British Army of the Rhine, before reverting to his, substantive ,rank of captain (brevet major) in November 1919. He wrote up his experiences
  39. Which is often permitted, and active euthanasia, which is not, is not, substantive ,(or that the underlying principle–the doctrine of double effect–is
  40. To historical research (Laden or Auffassung),and was not providing any, substantive ," theory of history" or" grand philosophy of history ", let alone a "
  41. Distinction by function of the two versions of BE verbs traditionally labelled, substantive ,(or existential) and copula *suffixed pronominal supplements, called
  42. Power of attorney executed by a civil law notary, while avocados represent the, substantive ,claims of the litigant through trial advocacy. Essentially, Procuradores are
  43. Of physics who have studied the issue find no evidence that she made any, substantive ,contributions. Marriages and children In early 1902,Einstein and Milena Magic
  44. Arts Research Group at Queensland University of Technology. A concept (, substantive ,term: conception) is a cognitive unit of meaning—an abstract idea or a mental
  45. On the more favorable form of regulation. While nations often strive for, substantive ,harmony to facilitate cross-national distribution, philosophical differences
  46. Onto the fiber. Basic dyes are also used in the coloration of paper. Direct or, substantive ,dyeing is normally carried out in a neutral or slightly alkaline dye bath, at or
  47. Statement that begins" for every element of \var nothing" is not making any, substantive ,claim; it is a vacuous truth. This is often paraphrased as" everything is true
  48. Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Award recognizes individuals who have made, substantive ,contributions to the humanitarian field through philanthropy, public awareness
  49. And rational inquiry is not mere logic-chopping. It is a most serious and, substantive ,effort to locate in trivialities the fundamental principles of the revealed
  50. National patent laws in anticipation of the entry in force of the CPC. A more, substantive ,harmonization took place at around the same time to take account of the

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