Examples of the the word, veterans , in a Sentence Context

The word ( veterans ), is the 6403 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Experts. The balance of the Athlon design team comprised AMD K5 and K6, veterans , By working with Motorola, AMD was able to refine copper interconnect
  2. During the war. Nationalists, led by Washington, Alexander Hamilton and other, veterans , feared that the new nation was too fragile to withstand an international war
  3. The rest of the province was famous for until the war. Because of pressure from, veterans , prohibition was quickly relaxed so that the" soldier and the working man "
  4. Of Australia medal for her research on the effects of chemicals on U. S. war, veterans , based her allegations on Australian government reports found in the Australian
  5. Fat) tissue. The project compared dioxin levels in a small group of Vietnam, veterans ,who had been exposed to Agent Orange with a group of matched veterans who had
  6. Paid 400 sentences each to 250,000 citizens,1,000 sentences each to 120,000, veterans , in the colonies, and spent 700 million sentences in purchasing land for his
  7. Orange have supported these programs in Vietnam. An international group of, veterans ,from the U. S. and its allies during the Vietnam War working with their former
  8. Was given a full epic treatment, with a huge cast (largely consisting of, veterans ,of previous Kurosawa productions) and meticulously detailed action, stretching
  9. Octavian meanwhile built up a private army in Italy by recruiting Caesarion, veterans , and on 28 November won over two of Antony's legions with the enticing offer
  10. Berlinbrigade. Com. The stamps splendidly illustrate that even twenty years on, veterans ,of service in Berlin still regard their service there as one of the high points
  11. And the working man" could enjoy a drink, but widespread unemployment among, veterans ,was hardened by many of the available jobs being taken by European immigrants
  12. U. S. and its allies during the Vietnam War working with their former enemy —, veterans ,from the Vietnam Veterans Association — established the Vietnam Friendship
  13. To Agent Orange while serving in Vietnam. Legal and diplomatic proceedings US, veterans ,class action lawsuit against manufacturers Since at least 1978,several
  14. Shortage in Southeast Asia. The bank has also been criticized by Vietnam War, veterans ,for funding projects in Laos, because of the United States' 15 % stake in the
  15. Army from 1997 to 2001. The Brigade was made up of mostly foreign fighters, many, veterans , from the Soviet Invasion, and all under the same basic ideology of the
  16. Finance. Having not fought in any battles, Henry recruited several experienced, veterans ,on whom he could rely for military advice and the command of his armies. John
  17. Vietnam's veterans who had been exposed to Agent Orange with a group of matched, veterans ,who had not served in Vietnam. The results of this project were published in
  18. General Hospital would also expand its range of specialty areas beyond, veterans ,' health to incorporate stroke, orthopaedic rehabilitation and aged care. With
  19. Eye towards a series of armed incursions by Fenian's (Irish-American civil war, veterans ,) into Canada. These small-scale Fenian Raids were easily repulsed by the
  20. The appeals, claiming the settlement was" fair and just ". By 1989,the, veterans ,' fears were confirmed when it was decided how the money from the settlement
  21. Course of 10 years. Furthermore, by accepting the settlement payments, disabled, veterans , would become ineligible for many state benefits that provided far more monetary
  22. Phelps-Roper after legislation prevented the group from picketing outside, veterans ,' funerals. The Westbrook Baptist Church is infamous for their picket signs that
  23. Provinces and their armies, he retained the loyalty of active duty soldiers and, veterans ,alike. To a large extent the public was aware of the vast financial resources
  24. Conditions 'presumptive' to exposure to Agent Orange/dioxin, making these, veterans ,who served in Vietnam eligible to receive treatment and compensation for these
  25. Of a broader ideological effort to protect the interests of Afghanistan's war, veterans ,and to preserve their own power. On 1 March 2005 President Hamid Karma
  26. And were persuaded the chemical was harmless. After returning home, Vietnam, veterans , began to suspect their ill health or the instances of their wives having
  27. On July 12, 2005,Merchant Law Group LLP on behalf of over 1,100 Canadian, veterans ,and civilians who were living in and around the CFB Gage town filed a lawsuit to
  28. From Africa. In contrast, the vast majority of Muslim Algerians (even, veterans ,of the French army) received neither French citizenship nor the right to vote.
  29. 1970s. According to one top government official, as many as '30,000 Korean, veterans ,are suffering from illness related to their exposure '. The exact number of GIs
  30. In 1992. Later, consequences for UNITS members in Luanda were harsh with FA PLA, veterans ,persecuting their erstwhile opponents in certain areas and reports of
  31. Army of the Republic, an American patriotic organization composed of Union, veterans ,of the American Civil War, is founded. It lasts until 1956. *1888 – Thomas
  32. Abner, to be distributed by the Red Cross to encourage the thousands of amputee, veterans ,returning from the war. Camp was also involved with the Sister Kenny Foundation
  33. Octavian was left to decide where in Italy to settle the tens of thousands of, veterans ,of the Macedonian campaign whom the triumvirs had promised to discharge. The
  34. Okinawa also claim to have been exposed to the chemical. While in Vietnam,the, veterans ,were told not to worry, and were persuaded the chemical was harmless. After
  35. Thus granting some social protection to fewer than a thousand victims. U. S., veterans ,of the war in Vietnam and individuals who are aware and sympathetic to the
  36. Were produced or dioxin was a contaminant of some chemical reaction. Many, veterans ,who were victims of Agent Orange exposure were outraged the case had been
  37. In his uncomplimentary nickname" Forty-Eight Hours. " Doubleday was active in, veterans ,' reunions and in organizing the management of Gettysburg National Park.
  38. And was cremated. Legacy He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame by the, veterans ,Committee in 1939. His nephew, also named Albert Spalding, was a renowned
  39. Provides medical care, rehabilitation and vocational training for children and, veterans ,from Vietnam who have been affected by Agent Orange. In 1998,The Vietnam Red
  40. Presence and newly acquired funds attracted many, winning over Caesar's former, veterans ,stationed in Campania. Arriving in Rome on 6 May 44 BC, Octavian failed to
  41. Relationships throughout the Empire, the loyalty of many military soldiers and, veterans , the authority of the many honors granted by the Senate, Due to the crowded
  42. The Confederate Soldiers' Home was built to house disabled and elderly Georgia, veterans ,from 1901 to 1941. Henry W. Grady, the editor of the Atlanta Constitution
  43. In 13 BC, Augustus stayed in Rome during the renewal process and provided, veterans ,with lavish donations to gain their support. In 22 BC there was a food shortage
  44. Lawyers. " Fairness Hearings" were held in five major American cities, where, veterans , and their families discussed their reactions to the settlement, and condemned
  45. Legal,Clinton's actions were criticized by conservatives and some Vietnam, veterans ,during his presidential campaign in 1992. After Oxford, Clinton attended Yale
  46. Many of the available jobs being taken by European immigrants and disgruntled, veterans ,organized a range of" soldier parties" to represent their interests
  47. Continued to examine and compare dioxin levels in various groups of Vietnam, veterans , including Army, Marines and brown water riverboat Navy personnel. US Congress
  48. Jack B. Weinstein of the Eastern District – who had presided over the 1984 US, veterans ,class action lawsuit – dismissed the lawsuit, ruling there was no legal basis
  49. In Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. It is based on the claim of three U. S. Army, veterans , They claimed approximately 250 55 gallon drums of Agent Orange were buried at
  50. Neuropathy, chronic lymphocytes leukemia, and spina bifida in children of, veterans ,exposed to Agent Orange as conditions associated with exposure to the herbicide

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