Examples of the the word, ms , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ms ), is the 2464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. When" tripped ", it locks up solidly (typically in milliseconds or tens of, ms ,) and rotates the driven member just one full turn. If the trip mechanism is
  2. The Cm3+ ion and the ligands via changes in the half-life (of the order ~0.1, ms , ) and spectrum of the fluorescence. There are a few reports on absorption of
  3. The edges. *Smearing and ghosting artifacts caused by slow response times (>8, ms , ) and" sample and hold" operation. *Only one native resolution. Displaying
  4. Seek time Average seek time ranges from 3 ms for high-end server drives, to 15, ms , for mobile drives, with the most common mobile drives at about 12 ms and the
  5. Name IERS/> Thus the sidereal day is shorter than the stellar day by about 8.4, ms , Name seidelmann1992/> The length of the mean solar day in SI seconds is
  6. No interleaving being used. Seek time Average seek time ranges from 3, ms , for high-end server drives, to 15 ms for mobile drives, with the most common
  7. To 15 ms for mobile drives, with the most common mobile drives at about 12, ms , and the most common desktop type typically being around 9 ms . The
  8. Decay with three alpha lines at 9.88,9.83,and 9.75 MeV and a half-life of 52, ms , In the recent syntheses of 271 m,GDS additional activities have been observed.
  9. LEO I's clock speed was 500 kHz, with most instructions taking about 1.5, ms , to execute. To be useful for business applications, the computer had to be able
  10. And 30 milliseconds, whereas English /p t k/ have Vote of about 60,70,and 80, ms , Korean has been measured at 20,25,and 50 ms for and 90,95,and 125 for.
  11. From transfer from the 22Ne nuclei to the 254Es target. In addition, a 5, ms , SF activity was detected in delayed coincidence with nobelium K-shell X-rays
  12. Can be sent much more quickly than by trying to encode numbers as long (100, ms , per digit) tone sequences. This results in faster call setup times. Also, a
  13. Is more latency and jitter introduced that is usually in the range of 2 to 10, ms , or about 2 to 10 MIDI commands. Some comparisons done in the early part of the
  14. Data rate for all 8 channels is 270.833 bit/s, and the frame duration is 4.615, ms , The transmission power in the handset is limited to a maximum of 2 watts in
  15. First HDD had an average seek time of about 600, ms , and by the middle 1970s HDDs were available with seek times of about
  16. The Ark; and as a punishment, seventy of them (fifty thousand seventy in some, ms , ) were smitten by the Lord (1 Sam. 6:19). The Bethshemites sent to
  17. And more forward tongue position of the palatal clicks. Consequently, takes 50, ms , longer to pronounce than, the same amount of time required to pronounce.
  18. Physics of blue phase mode LCD's suggest that very short switching times (~1, ms , ) can be achieved, so time sequential color control can possibly be realized
  19. From the water ". Another suggestion has connected the name with the Egyptian, ms , as found in Thutmose and Ra-messes, meaning " born" or" child ". Biblical
  20. For example" m. s" is the symbol for" meters multiplied by seconds ", but ", ms ," is the symbol for milliseconds. *No periods should follow the symbol unless
  21. Drives at about 12 ms and the most common desktop type typically being around 9, ms , The http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/storage/storage_350.html first
  22. Used. Latency is very high; round-trip time (RTT) is typically about 600-700, ms , and often reaches 1 s. GPRS is typically prioritized lower than speech, and
  23. Ford's Trans Project has developed a system which starts the ignition in 400, ms , saving a significant amount of fuel on city routes, and there are other
  24. The ground state decays by 10.30 MeV alpha emission with a half-life of 2.0, ms , The isomeric state is placed at 300 key above the ground state and decays by
  25. Lines of 10.28,10.22 and 10.10 MeV have been observed. Half-lives of 42 ms ,21, ms , and 102 ms have been determined. The long-lived decay is associated with alpha
  26. And is referred to as" twist. " The duration of the tone should be at least 70, ms , although in some countries and applications DTMF receivers must be able to
  27. Carry a bandwidth up to 236.8 bit/s (with end-to-end latency of less than 150, ms , ) for 4 time slots (theoretical maximum is 473.6 bit/s for 8 time slots) in
  28. Motor to move the heads, and as a result had sought times as slow as 80–120, ms , but this was quickly improved by voice coil type actuation in the 1980s
  29. A half-life of 144.4 days. The least stable is 138Dy with a half-life of 200, ms , Isotopes that are lighter than the stable isotopes tend to decay primarily by
  30. From two (Willia ms on & Blench 2000),three (Ethnologue),to eight (Blench, ms ,). Tag oi has a noun-class system like the Atlantic–Congo languages—apparently
  31. earth's rotation speed increased in 1999,so the mean solar day has become 1, ms , shorter and fewer leap seconds have been needed after year 2000. Announcement
  32. Vote of about 60,70,and 80 ms . Korean has been measured at 20,25,and 50, ms , for and 90,95,and 125 for. Although most aspirated obstructs in the world's
  33. Later changed to 258Db,presuming that the decay of bohrium was missed. The 2, ms , SF activity was assigned to 258Rf resulting from the 33 % EC branch. The GSI
  34. Among the books of Charles Nicholson, labelled in English" Transcribed from, ms , In possession of the Red Mr EDM. Calla my who bought it at the decease of Mr
  35. Isomer decays by emission of an 10.03 MeV alpha particle with a lifetime 7.2, ms , The other decays by emitting an alpha particle with a lifetime of 1.63 s. An
  36. With recovery times comparable to those of SONNET rings of less than 50, ms , MPLS and multicast was for the most part an after-thought in MPLS
  37. Which were measurable by an atomic clock. But the solar day becomes 1.7, ms , longer every century due mainly to tidal friction (2.3 ms /CY, reduced by 0.6
  38. By voice coil type actuation in the 1980s,reducing seek times to around 20, ms , Seek time has continued to improve slowly over time. Some desktop and laptop
  39. About http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/storage/storage_3350.html 25, ms , Some early PC drives used a stepper motor to move the heads, and as a result
  40. Spontaneous fission (SF). They discovered two SF activities, one with a 1-2, ms , half-life and one with a 5 s activity. Based on the results of other cold
  41. And 10.10 MeV have been observed. Half-lives of 42 ms ,21 ms and 102, ms , have been determined. The long-lived decay is associated with alpha particles
  42. And F wave persistence. The minimal F wave latency is typically 25-32, ms , in the upper extremities, and 45-56 ms in the lower extremities. F wave
  43. Alpha lines of 10.28,10.22 and 10.10 MeV have been observed. Half-lives of 42, ms , 21 ms and 102 ms have been determined. The long-lived decay is associated with
  44. Expected (which prevented laser detection on all frames with less than 400, ms , exposure times) all contributed to the reduction of the number of successful
  45. The ground state and decays by 10.57 MeV alpha emission with a half-life of .75, ms , Physical production yields The tables below provides cross-sections and
  46. Shape, amplitude and latency. Properties F wave properties include: * latency (, ms ,) - period between F wave and initial stimulation F wave measurements Several
  47. F wave latency is typically 25-32 ms in the upper extremities, and 45-56, ms , in the lower extremities. F wave persistence is the number of F waves obtained
  48. Divisible by g. Conversely, any multiple m of g can be obtained by choosing u, ms ,and v CT, where s and t are the integers of Bézout's identity. This may be
  49. Range of 176 to 180. The radioactive isotopes' half-lives range from only 400, ms , for 153Hf,An old (obsolete) name for a variety of zircon containing
  50. Then at a rate corresponding to an increase in the solar day length of 1.7, ms , per century (see leap seconds). International Atomic Time (TAI) was set

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