Examples of the the word, hijack , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hijack ), is the 9077 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of any particular security screening failure, but because using box cutters to, hijack ,planes and then flying them into buildings had never been seriously considered
  2. Massacre: At least 37 are killed and more than 70 are wounded when Al Fatah, hijack ,an Israeli bus, prompting Israel's Operation Litany. *1983 – Pakistan
  3. For the execution of the current step (by these partners). For a follow to, hijack , they must be sure that the lead will understand or at least guess the follow
  4. 2000,British Airways Flight 2069 from Gatwick Airport to Nairobi experienced a, hijack ,attempt whilst flying over Sudan. A Kenyan student with a mental illness burst
  5. San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge. * February 21 – Peruvian revolutionaries, hijack ,a Ford Trimotor airplane and demand that the pilot drop propaganda leaflets
  6. The hostages (notably Operation Entente). History The first recorded aircraft, hijack ,took place on February 21, 1931,in Arequipa, Peru. Byron Richards, flying a
  7. And other goods to that nation. * 1972 – Four Black September terrorists, hijack ,SABENA Flight 571. Israeli Salary Metal commandos recapture the plane the
  8. And David Cottingley, who was tracking Flight 175,noted," we might have a, hijack ,over here, two of them. " Calls Flight attendant Robert Feynman, as well as two
  9. For the flight. Finally, on the plane, a terrorist pulls a gun and tries to, hijack ,the thing. Basil is so angry he overcomes the terrorist and when the pilot says
  10. At U. C. Davis, who was then working at the C. D. C. *1977 – Four Palestinians, hijack ,Lufthansa Flight 181 to Somalia and demand release of 11 members of the Red
  11. The authority to recruit and support Contra rebels in Nicaragua. *1985 – Gunmen, hijack ,Egypt Flight 648 while en route from Athens to Cairo. When the plane lands
  12. For smartphone applications. Some wiretapping and eavesdropping techniques, hijack ,the audio input and output providing an opportunity for a 3rd party to listen
  13. Air Force One - Action film starring Harrison Ford. A group of terrorists, hijack ,Air Force One and hold the president's family and staff hostage. A Secret
  14. Of his. Brainier revealed that Lois bot was an unwilling pawn in his bid to, hijack ,Luthor's quest. Author then replied that he had anticipated this for some time
  15. Was preparing for attacks in the USA, including the training of personnel to, hijack ,aircraft. U. S. officials called Awake an" example of al-Qaeda reach into "
  16. CIA. In January 2010 Indian authorities notified Britain of an al-Qaeda plot to, hijack ,an Indian airline or Air India plane and crash it into a British city. This
  17. An attacker who is able to eavesdrop a TCP session and redirect packets can, hijack ,a TCP connection. To do so, the attacker learns the sequence number from the
  18. Being found guilty of mutiny and treason. ** Iraqi expatriates seeking refuge, hijack ,a Sudanese airliner en route from Khartoum to Amman. * August 28 – Their Royal
  19. Outside the Pakistan Ordnance Factories in Was, Pakistan. * August 22 – Pirates, hijack ,German, Iranian,and Japanese cargo ships off the coast of Somalia, in seven
  20. 22 – Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion incident – unknown perpetrators, hijack ,the signal of WGN-TV for about 20 seconds, and WTTW for about 90 seconds, and
  21. 7:50. He was seated in 12A,adjacent to Midway who was in 12B. Moved helped to, hijack ,the plane and assisted Hand Hangout in crashing the plane into the Pentagon at
  22. CCS) approved it. The main points of the policy are * Any attempt to, hijack ,will be considered an act of aggression against the country and will prompt a
  23. In Dubai. The passengers were released earlier in Malta. Everyone survived the, hijack , *On 15 December 1989,KLM Flight 867,a Boeing 747-400,PH-BFC flew through a
  24. Of the episode. He appears in a" Pigs in Space" segment as a pirate trying to, hijack ,the spaceship Swine trek, and also helps Gonzo restore his arms to" normal "
  25. By a German patrol boat. The" survivors" could then kill the German crew and, hijack ,the ship, thus obtaining the required information. Much to the annoyance of
  26. Self-titled album popularly known as the White Album. * November 24 – 4 men, hijack ,Pan Am Flight 281 from JFK International Airport, New York to Havana, Cuba. *
  27. Safely, but was arrested two days later. * Frederick Hangman used a handgun to, hijack ,an Eastern Airlines 727 in Allentown, Pennsylvania in May, demanded $303,000
  28. By a single gunman in United States history. * August 22, 2008 – Somali Pirates, hijack ,German, Iranian,and Japanese cargo ships off the coast of Somalia, in seven
  29. A new account to resume scamming. E-mail hijack ing/friend scams Some fraudsters, hijack ,existing e-mail accounts and use them for advance-fee fraud purposes. The
  30. Were also depicted as always raising their Jolly Roger flag when preparing to, hijack ,a vessel. The Jolly Roger is the traditional name for the flags of European and
  31. freestanding land structure opens to the public. ** Palestinian extremists, hijack ,an Air France plane in Greece with 246 passengers and 12 crew. They take it to
  32. Kathmandu airport went on high alert after threats that Bin Laden planned to, hijack ,a plane from there and crash it into a target in New Delhi. In 2002 U. S.
  33. Communist guerrillas kill 3 rubber planters in Malaya. ** Three armed men, hijack ,the Cathay Pacific passenger plane Miss Macao and shoot the pilot; the plane
  34. A false segment that looks like the next segment in the stream. Such a simple, hijack ,can result in one packet being erroneously accepted at one end. When the
  35. This as well, and proposes to the Administrator that he help the Families, hijack ,the colony starship New Frontiers, so they can escape. A member of the Families
  36. Of Tutsis begin in Kigali, Rwanda. * 1994 – Auburn Calloway attempts to, hijack ,FedEx Express Flight 705 and crash it to insure his family with his life
  37. Attacks in the United States of America, including the training of personnel to, hijack ,aircraft. Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri organized an al-Qaeda congress on June 24
  38. By pirates at the time of the encounter. In December 2008,pirates attempted to, hijack ,a US-based luxury cruising vessel, Nautica, but the vessel sped to safety. Yet
  39. can't see any reply packets, the sequence number must be guessed in order to, hijack ,the connection. The poor implementation in many older operating systems and
  40. Member of the New York Cosmos. * October 13 – German Autumn: Four Palestinians, hijack ,a Lufthansa Airlines flight to Somalia and demand the release of 11 Red Army
  41. After 12 years in orbit. * 1970 – Nine terrorists from the Japanese Red Army, hijack ,Japan Airlines Flight 351 at Tokyo International Airport, wielding samurai
  42. Helicopter attacked the pirates by firing on them, forcing them to abort the, hijack ,attempt and escape from there. The claimed to have destroyed a pirate“ mother
  43. Alliance against the Pakistani-backed Taliban. During the course of the, hijack ,of Indian Airlines Flight 814 in 1999,the Taliban requested recognition by
  44. Mr. Brown (Peter Malaria),who is later arrested. ** Six armed passengers, hijack ,a Romanian passenger plane and force it to fly to Vienna. ** Christie's
  45. Human Environment is held in Stockholm, Sweden * June 8 – Seven men and 3 women, hijack ,a plane from Czechoslovakia to West Germany. * June 9 – The Black Hills flood
  46. 1983 – Maze Prison escape: 38 republican prisoners, armed with 6 handguns, hijack ,a prison meals truck and smash their way out of the Maze prison. It is the
  47. In the worst industrial disaster in history. * December 4 – Hezbollah militants, hijack ,a Kuwait Airlines plane and kill 4 passengers. * December 14 – Nigeria
  48. Shouting" bang" as they do so. Samuel Back is on his way to the airport to, hijack ,a plane, which he plans to crash dive into the White House. He records a
  49. Republic of China adopts its current constitution. *1984 – Hezbollah militants, hijack ,a Kuwait Airlines plane, killing four passengers. *1991 – Journalist Terry A.
  50. Technology, and in" Chosen Realm ", a group of alien religious extremists who, hijack ,the ship is unaware of it to the point that when Archer, choosing himself when

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