Examples of the the word, monk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monk ), is the 6118 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Notice green birds flying around amongst the pigeons and sparrows. These are, monk ,parakeets that have become a common species with a growing population started
  2. About 960,and in early life entered the monastery of Fleury, where he became a, monk ,and passed the greater part of his life. His chief work is a Historian Franco rum
  3. Was related to a number of other ecclesiastics of the period. After becoming a, monk ,at the monastery at Winchester, he was appointed Abbot of Livestock Abbey in
  4. Of Dayana. It was during this visit that Bennett decided to become a Buddhist, monk ,in the Theravada tradition, travelling to Burma, while Crowley went on to India
  5. He became heir after his older brother James renounced his rights to become a, monk , In 1329,he began a long war with the Republic of Genoa. The city of Safari
  6. Provides a point of divergence is Randall Garrett's" Lord Darcy" series: a, monk ,systemizing magic rather than science, so the use of foxglove to treat heart
  7. Circa first third of the 6th century – probably 26 May 604) was a Benedictine, monk ,who became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in the year 597. He is considered
  8. His letters were received kneeling, as were those of the pope and the king. No, monk ,might sit in his presence, or leave it without his permission, reflecting the
  9. Relationship with Anna Dominic The Anna Dominic year numbering was developed by a, monk ,named Dionysus Exiguous in Rome in 525,as an outcome of his work on
  10. Who was in the service of his second wife. Constantine was forced to become a, monk ,by his nephew Androids III Palaiologos. **Eudora Palaiologina. Only
  11. Were H. B. de Saussure (1740–1799) in the Penning Alps and the Benedictine, monk ,of Dissents Placid us a Speech (1752–1833),most of whose ascents were made
  12. Life Purportedly born in Weston on the outskirts of Bath,Ælfheah became a, monk ,early in life. He first entered the monastery of Elmhurst, but then moved to
  13. He did not embrace the Catholicism of his youth. In 1939, he met with Trappist, monk ,Alexis Press eon a recommendation. Though Carrel was skeptical about meeting
  14. Before the birth of Christ) is found in 1474 in a work by a German, monk , In 1627,the French Jesuit theologian Denis Petal (Dionysus Octavius in
  15. Present, Italian footballer Deaths * 799 – Paul the Deacon, Italian, monk , and chronicler (b. c. 720) *1605 – Tsar Boris Godunov of Russia (b. c. 1551
  16. Etymology has remained the standard derivation of the term. Alfred Strabo,a, monk ,of the Abbey of St. Gall writing in the 9th century, remarked,in discussing
  17. Examples were Nagarjunacharya and Nityanadhiya. Nagarjunacharya was a Buddhist, monk ,who, in ancient times, ran the great university of Arjuna Sugar. His famous
  18. That an abbot should be at least 25 years of age, of legitimate birth,a, monk ,of the house, unless it furnished no suitable candidate, when a liberty was
  19. King Sendai Koala said to the Blessed One," Lord, what is the name of this, monk , ":" His name is Amanda, great king. ":" What a joy he is! What a true joy!
  20. The head of a monastery. At first, it was employed as a respectful title for any, monk , but it was soon restricted by canon law to certain priestly superiors. At
  21. Of the individual will as a goal, are detailed by Caspian and others,e.g. a, monk ,watering a dry stick, day after day, for months, or endeavoring to remove a
  22. 2005 – Joe Raft, American animator (b. 1960) * 2005 – Free Roger, Swiss, monk , and mystic (b. 1915) * 2005 – Vassar Clements, American musician (b. 1928)
  23. Other von Lattice, although it was assumed for many years that the Roman, monk ,John Canaries wrote the first Vita in 999. Another famous biographer of
  24. All Russia * Saint Alexis of Rome, fifth-century eastern saint * Alexis,a, monk ,and saint of Kiev - see Abraham and Onesies of Kiev Other people * Alexios
  25. Referred to as Ambrose of Capaldi, ( 1386 – October 20, 1439) was an Italian, monk ,and theologian, who was a prime supporter of the papal cause in the 15th
  26. To Robert, his early studies and ensuing devotion to the ascetic life of a, monk ,were inspired by a vision of his mother in the presence of Saint Mary. Again
  27. c. 250 BC) at Pataliputra (today's Patna). It was conducted by the, monk ,Moggaliputta-Tissa who was the spiritual teacher of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka.
  28. Sinai ta (of Sinai) – theologian, Father of the Eastern Orthodox Church, monk , priest, and abbot of the monastery at Mt. Sinai (7th century) *Anastasios
  29. Samson Kit, Kenyan athlete (b. 1966) *2005 – Swami Ranganathananda, Indian, monk , ( b. 1908) *2005 – Hail Adkins, Appalachian country, rock and roll, and blues
  30. Leo VI did so in 888. Another calculation had been developed by the Alexandrian, monk ,Innings around the year AD 400,placing the Annunciation on 25 March AD 9 (
  31. In January 1716,Alexei asked his father for permission to become a, monk , Still, Peter did not despair. On the 26 August 1716 he wrote to Alexei from
  32. Test pilot (b. 1912) * 1979 – Sampson Silvers, Russian Orthodox Christian, monk ,and wonder-worker (b. 1898) *1980 – Youth Joyce, British actress (b. 1927)
  33. The Enlightened one. The face and figure of the Buddha here as well as of the, monk ,seem to be echoes of the heavy physical types of Gandhara art of northwest
  34. Correctness later writers sometimes preface Shared with words such as ", monk ," (such as in the Chick parody tract http://esr.ibiblio.org/? P=135" Who will
  35. Alexios' dying hours. These included: Pre First Crusade * Actor, a Byzantine, monk ,who claimed to be the emperor Michael VII. He presented himself to Robert
  36. Churches in the years before the conquest. Alfred encouraged Fol card,a, monk ,of Canterbury, to write the Life Saint John of Beverley. This was part of
  37. Princess is suffering from the shock of hearing that her husband has become a, monk , Some great master paints the sad drama. Notice the bent head of the princess
  38. Rupert Ambrose (Ambrose) () (ca. 730 – 784) was a Frankish Benedictine, monk , He became abbot of San Vicenza on the Volcano in South Italy in the time of
  39. Europe from Arab mathematics at the end of the 10th century by the Benedictine, monk ,Herbert of Cadillac, but it was only after Leonardo Piano (also known as
  40. In triumph and Androids II was forced to abdicate. He died as a, monk ,in 1332. Family On 8 November 1273 Androids II married as his first wife Anna
  41. To a Mongol general near Tabriz. In Tabriz, André de Longjumeau met with a, monk ,from the Far East, named Simeon RayBan ATA, who had been put in charge by the
  42. The Miracle anti Benedict, the first book of which was written by another, monk ,of Fleury named Adrenal. This also appears in the ACTA sanatorium. Simon, who
  43. The death of both parents and was briefly taken in by an anonymous brother,a, monk ,in Padua, and then for unknown reasons in 1765 or 1766 he became the ward of a
  44. Usually staffed by lay-brothers, sometimes under the supervision of a single, monk , Westminster Abbey is another example of a great Benedictine
  45. He combined in himself the complexity of a king and a simplicity of a Buddhist, monk , Because of these reasons he is known as the emperor of all ages and thus
  46. Expert Jonson, Icelandic footballer Deaths * 849 – Alfred Strabo, German, monk , and theologian *1258 – Theodore II Mascaras, Emperor of the Empire of Nicaea
  47. Killing is carried out by Hashshashin. *1253 – Nichiren, a Japanese Buddhist, monk , propounds Nam Moho Range KO for the very first time and declares it to be
  48. Altar. A Life of Saint Ælfheah in prose and verse was written by a Canterbury, monk ,named Osborn, at Lanfranc's request. The prose version has survived, but the
  49. Regions in the south provide good habitats for the endangered Mediterranean, monk ,seal. Some of the most significant bird species found in the country include
  50. Sanctorum. Simon, who died about 1010,must be distinguished from Simon,a, monk ,of Saint-Germain-des-Pres, who wrote De miracles anti German, and a

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