Examples of the the word, distinguished , in a Sentence Context

The word ( distinguished ), is the 6119 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Isles, however,the term" Anglican Church" came to be preferred; as it, distinguished ,these churches from others that claimed an episcopal polity; although some
  2. Uninhabited valleys of this island; this is how Jove rewarded the men who had, distinguished ,themselves through their virtues, because through virtue they had acquired
  3. Of the people of the adjoining valleys even when Alpine travelers (as, distinguished ,from Alpine climbers) began to visit these valleys. The two men who first
  4. The elder, Classical Latin: AGRIPPINA•GERMANIC,14 BC – 18 October 33) was a, distinguished ,and prominent granddaughter of the Emperor Augustus. Agrippina was the wife of
  5. To hospitality are divided into three groups,--one for the reception of, distinguished ,guests, another for monks visiting the monastery, a third for poor travelers
  6. Initiated a full-fledged inquiry into the question of being, in which he, distinguished ,between essence (Maria) and existence (Used). He argued that the fact of
  7. Interactions between the many parts (cells, genes ) of an organism, but are, distinguished ,by the ability of each individual to reproduce indefinitely without an absolute
  8. And connected the nervous system to motion and sensation. Theophilus also, distinguished ,between veins and arteries, noting that the latter pulse while the former do
  9. Or organization at a national level. The ALP during its early years was, distinguished ,by its rapid growth and success at a national level, first forming a minority
  10. Member of highly diverse social circles that included Bohemian street people, distinguished ,intellectuals, Hollywood celebrities and wealthy patrons. Warhol has been the
  11. A variety of artworks and objects, especially small carvings. The two kinds are, distinguished ,from one another readily, because of differences in their relative hardness.
  12. A fellow traveler (he never formally joined the Communist Party). As a, distinguished ,writer sympathizing with the cause of communism, he was invited to tour the
  13. To understand them. Speakers from the different states of Austria can easily be, distinguished ,from each other by their particular accents (probably more so than Bavarians)
  14. From one generation or“ school” to another. Other varieties of style may have, distinguished ,between arbitrary groups within a culture, perhaps defining status, gender
  15. Past century, however,that amateur astronomy has become an activity clearly, distinguished ,from professional astronomy, and other related activities. Amateur astronomy
  16. Involve practitioners as much as professional philosophers. Applied ethics is, distinguished ,from normative ethics, which concerns what people should believe to be right
  17. Right and left of the common entrance of the monastery,---the hospital for, distinguished ,guests being placed on the north side of the church, not far from the abbot's
  18. Up in Ames * Dan Gable, U. S. Olympic gold medalist, NCAA wrestling champion;, distinguished ,coach; and ISU alumnus * Michael Gartner, former president of NBC News; retired
  19. Antisemitism. According to William Nichols, religious antisemitism may be, distinguished ,from modern antisemitism based on racial or ethnic grounds. " The dividing line
  20. Electrons are fermions ruled by the Pauli exclusion principle and cannot be, distinguished ,from the other electrons in the atom. Moreover, it sometimes happens that the
  21. He is commemorated in the Valhalla temple, a monument near Regensburg to the, distinguished ,figures of German history. Until 1800,Babelsberg was a municipality belonging
  22. Approximately 40 A. D. Discords described production of asphalts (as, distinguished ,from piss asphalt and naphtha): (1655 Goodyear translation). The 'Judaicum
  23. Doctor universalism. Among his very numerous works two poems entitle him to a, distinguished ,place in the Latin literature of the Middle Ages; one of these, the De plant
  24. Of 7000 active drivers. The sport is split into three basic" divisions" –, distinguished ,by the rules regarding car-contact during racing. The most famous championship
  25. Court has directed further proceedings in the trial court. The mandate is, distinguished ,from the appeal court's opinion, which sets out the legal reasoning for its
  26. Such a southerly latitude. Flora and fauna Although a small country, Albania is, distinguished ,for its rich biological diversity. The variation of geomorphology, climate and
  27. Other form of sustenance, nectar. The two terms may not have originally been, distinguished ,; though in Homer's poems nectar is usually the drink and ambrosia the food of
  28. Jurisdiction take jurisdiction of matters decided by lower courts. It is, distinguished ,from judicial review, which refers to the court's overriding constitutional or
  29. And religions. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness. Altruism can be, distinguished ,from feelings of loyalty and duty. Altruism is a motivation to provide a value
  30. Phrase primum Capet," the first head ", originally meaning the oldest or most, distinguished ,senator whose name would appear first on the senatorial roster; in the case of
  31. The amount of land that is potentially cultivable. As such, it has to be, distinguished ,from" agricultural land ", which,according to FAO definition, additionally
  32. Change, but how and why do they change into new and well-defined species, distinguished ,from each other in so many ways; why and how they become so exactly adapted to
  33. Atonement for past mistakes, or presented as a" career honor" to recognize a, distinguished ,nominee's entire body of work. Associated events The following events are
  34. In 1162 Albert accompanied Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Italy, where he, distinguished ,himself at the storming of Milan. In 1164 Albert joined a league of princes
  35. Attempt; # To commit a violent injury; # Upon another. Simple assault can be, distinguished ,without the intent of injury upon another person. The violation of one's
  36. Lost much of their special religious character, and become great lords, chiefly, distinguished , from lay lords by celibacy. Thus, we hear of abbots going out to hunt, with
  37. Was brought to Europe by the Crusaders. In French" Amber Gris" was then, distinguished ,from" Amber June ": Amber Gris (gray amber) was ambergris; Amber June (
  38. The genus Prunes, it is classified with the peach in the subgenus Amygdala, distinguished ,from the other subgenera by the corrugated shell (endear) surrounding the
  39. Can often occur without an identifiable triggering stimulus. As such, it is, distinguished ,from fear, which is an emotional response to a perceived threat. Additionally
  40. From the cell body of a neuron, the other type being dendrites. Axons are, distinguished ,from dendrites by several features, including shape (dendrites often taper
  41. For the sake of noble actions, not for the sake of living together. " This is, distinguished ,from modern approaches, beginning with social contract theory, according to
  42. Of the population. From the ethnic point of view, three main groups have to be, distinguished , each speaking a Bantu language: the Ovimbundu who represent 37 % of the
  43. Racial, economic and political. The Roman Catholic historian Edward Flannery, distinguished ,four varieties of antisemitism: *political and economic antisemitism, giving as
  44. Was found, which seems to lack clinical relevance and cannot be clearly, distinguished ,from bias. Whether needling at acupuncture points, or at any site, reduces pain
  45. Purpureapetala) or red (Acacia leprosy Scarlet Blaze). Acacia flowers can be, distinguished ,from those of a large related genus, Albizia, by their stamens which are not
  46. Figure of the Carolingian Renaissance, in which three main periods have been, distinguished ,: in the first of these, up to the arrival of Alcuin at the court, the Italians
  47. 27:21. A more formal calling soon followed (Exodus 28:1). Aaron and his sons, distinguished ,from the commoners by their sacred functions, were also to receive holy
  48. As words rather than letter by letter. Syllabic abbreviations should be, distinguished ,from portmanteaus. Usage Different languages Syllabic abbreviations are not
  49. Groups or to test various other focused hypotheses. Follow-up tests are often, distinguished ,in terms of whether they are planned (a priori) or post hoc. Planned tests
  50. Government expresses to you our sense of the world's loss in the death of your, distinguished ,husband. It will ever be a source of pride to our country that the great

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