Examples of the the word, bull , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bull ), is the 4583 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This approval of slavery was reaffirmed and extended in the Romanus Pontiff, bull ,of 1455 (also by Nicholas V). These papal bull s came to serve as a
  2. And one who expresses bearish sentiment is a bear. Its opposite is a, bull ,market, and bull ish sentiment from bull s. * In gay slang, the term" bear "
  3. And favors given to the Roman Catholic Church were compensated. In the papal, bull ,Manifests Probate, Pope Alexander III acknowledged Alfonso as King and
  4. With a number of prolific younger artists, who were dominating the ", bull ,market" of '80s New York art: Jean-Michel Bassist, Julian Schnabel, David
  5. Calves are produced by artificial insemination (AI). By this method each, bull ,can serve very many cows, so only a very few of the purebred dairy male calves
  6. And closed down; those involved with the school had to sign a 1656 papal, bull ,condemning the teachings of Jansen as heretical. The final letter from Pascal
  7. As well as in gland secretions of male muskoxen (Vibes mochas) or Asian, bull ,elephants (Elephant Maximus). Benzoic acid is present as part of historic acid
  8. Although Pope Clement VI tried to protect them by the July 6,1348,papal, bull ,and an additional bull in 1348,several months later,900 Jews were burned
  9. Thrown before the conclusion of the ride. Rodeo clowns are also referred to as, bull ,fighters and cowboy protection within rodeo circles. Rodeo clowns usually work
  10. Believe – they be caught in the commission of the crime. *St. Pius V in the, bull ,Hebraeorum gens (26 February 1569) did not reference blood libel, but he did
  11. Of refinement in the Neo-Assyrian period. One prominent example is the winged, bull ,Amass, or shed that guard the entrances to the king's court. These were
  12. J. Braun, Liturgische Demanding, p. 453). The first undoubted instance is the, bull ,by which Alexander II in 1063 granted the use of the mite to Celsius, abbot
  13. Or bull calf is expected to put on about per month. A nine-month-old steer or, bull ,is therefore expected to weigh about. Heifers will weigh at least at eight
  14. Middle of his forehead, the trident, and the rosary. His vacant or mount is the, bull ,Randi. Vishnu Agrarian representations of Vishnu include anthropomorphic
  15. Union of the Augustinian order formed when Pope Alexander IV issues a papal, bull ,Lice ecclesial Catholic. *1598 – Henry IV of France issues the Edict of
  16. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08017a.htm *Pope Benedict XIV wrote a, bull ,Beats Andreas (22 February 1755) in which he does not express any doubt
  17. Papacy, as the kingdoms of Sicily and Aragon had done before him. In 1179 the, bull ,Manifests Probate accepted the new King as vassal to the Pope exclusively. In
  18. Catholic judgments In the Catholic Church, Pope Leo XIII stated in his 1896, bull , Apostolicae Curve that the Catholic Church believes specifically that the
  19. In bull riding competitions where their primary job is to distract the, bull ,from the rider when the rider dismounts either at the conclusion of the ride (
  20. Is a cowboy, or animal wrangler, dressed in wild costumes. They are used in, bull ,riding competitions where their primary job is to distract the bull from
  21. In 2007,the first case of blue tongue in the Czech Republic was detected in one, bull ,near Chen at the Czech-German border. In September 2007,the UK reported its
  22. Replacement cows, so often some cows in dairy herds are put to a beef, bull ,to produce crossbred calves suitable for rearing as beef. Veal calves may be
  23. Festival and features various races and competitions, such as calf roping and, bull ,riding. In line with the western tradition of rodeo are the cultural artisans
  24. Had anything more than a very local significance. This order is known from a, bull ,of Pope Gregory XI addressed to the monks of the church of St Ambrose outside
  25. Order, which chose the occupants of the see until 1447; in that year a, bull ,of Nicholas V gave the right of nomination to the elector of Brandenburg, with
  26. Father Edward and grandfather John I. In 1452,Pope Nicholas V issued the papal, bull ,Due Divers as, granting Alfonso V the right to reduce" Saracens, pagans and any
  27. And, finally,with what cunning it plots against their lives. " *Paul III, in a, bull ,of 12 May 1540,made clear his displeasure at having learned, through the
  28. Was made from a single stone and has four curved handles bearing the head of a, bull , In the 1870s Luigi Palma di Canola carried out excavations in the necropolis
  29. Raids by Moors and Berbers. In January 1327 Pope John XXII issued the papal, bull ,Veranda Sanatorium Pat rum, in which he appointed the Augustinians guardians of
  30. The aggressive boxer will lunge in and sail harmlessly past his opponent like a, bull ,missing a matador. This is rarely seen in professional boxing as it requires a
  31. VI tried to protect them by the July 6,1348,papal bull and an additional, bull ,in 1348,several months later,900 Jews were burned alive in Strasbourg, where
  32. Little below the elephant in size, and of the appearance, color,and shape of a, bull , Their strength and speed are extraordinary; they spare neither man nor wild
  33. Former mining areas of West Biscay. Bull runs and bull ock games The endeavor (, bull ,run) in Pamplona's fiestas Undermines started as transport of bull s to the
  34. Member of the more scattered Hyades open star cluster that makes up the, bull ,'s head shaped asterism. However, Aldebaran is merely located by chance in the
  35. Started as transport of bull s to the ring. These endeavors, as well as other, bull ,and bull ock related activities are not exclusive to Pamplona but are
  36. In these researches are in the museum, the most notable being a great basalt, bull , probably once an object of cult in the Serapeum. Other catacombs and tombs
  37. Reliefs. JPG|Relief of two lionesses facing each other Image: Canal Hulk, bull ,heads. JPG|Aurochs' heads Religion A striking feature of Çatalhöyük are its
  38. With Europa, the Phoenician princess who Zeus transformed into a white, bull ,abducted and carried to Crete. Ananias states that the first to establish a
  39. Been traditionally interpreted as multiple accessory breasts, or as sacrificed, bull ,testes, as some newer scholars claimed, until excavation at the site of the
  40. More than 5,600 species are currently known (Albert and Was,2011). The, bull ,shark (Carcharhinus Lucas) has been reported up the Amazon River at Iquitos
  41. By Pope Pius VI when establishing a Jesuit Society in 1783. His official Papal, bull ,exclaimed" Approve Societies Jesus in Alba Russia demented, approbo, approbo.
  42. Apostles referred to as apostolic succession. Since Pope Leo XIII issued the, bull ,Apostolic Curve in 1896,the Catholic Church has insisted that Anglican
  43. Abacus with four 24-spoked Dharma wheels with four animals (an elephant,a, bull , a horse, a lion). The four animals in the Sarah capital are believed to
  44. Hatred for the Christian faith" in his De servo rum DEI beatification. In the, bull ,he speaks about determining what is to be done" when there arises a case of
  45. Frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a galloping horse,a, bull , and a lion, separated by intervening spoked chariot-wheels over a bell-shaped
  46. At 22 to 35 weeks to produce red or pink veal. Growth A commercial steer or, bull ,calf is expected to put on about per month. A nine-month-old steer or bull is
  47. Uses. The allegory was as true as the facts of surface appearances. Thus,the, bull ,UNAM Sanctum (1302) presents themes of the unity of Christendom with the pope
  48. Bandits, muggers,beggars, bushwhackers,hornswagglers, horse thieves, bull ,dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass kickers, shit kickers – and Methodists
  49. Officially recognized by the Catholic Church, based on Pope Leo XIII's papal, bull ,Apostolic Curve. However, since the promulgation of Apostolic Curve
  50. The only animals held sacred to Artemis herself. On seeing a deer larger than a, bull ,with horns shining, she fell in love with these creatures and held them sacred.

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