Examples of the the word, partially , in a Sentence Context

The word ( partially ), is the 4588 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Performed a total of twenty-four rituals which they recorded in the 'holy' or, partially ,holy book formally entitled Opus Lutetium. Around eight months later Newburgh
  2. At the hydroxyl (OH),since a charge on this oxygen (oxide -O –) is, partially ,delocalized into the benzene ring. Poly aromatic hydrocarbons Poly-aromatic
  3. Celtic Frost. In fact, the song Os Abyss Del Death from Monotheist is based, partially ,on some of his writings. In the early 1990s,British Indie band Five Thirty
  4. Word boundary. * Partial voicing of colorants – In English colorants () are, partially ,device when they follow a voiceless sound within the same syllable. *
  5. Has a maximal element with respect to inclusion. **Antichain principle: Every, partially ,ordered set has a maximal antichain. **Every unital ring other than the trivial
  6. Fetus is most common. It is suggested that sex-selective abortion might be, partially ,responsible for the noticeable disparities between the birth rates of male and
  7. Superintendent of the Colorado Division of Haggard Transcontinental. He is, partially ,responsible for the Haggard Tunnel disaster. *Chick Morrison holds the position
  8. The Players' League the following season (1890). The league lasted one year, partially ,due to the anticompetitive tactics of Spalding to limit its success. Spalding
  9. Offices of the Royal Society. His work there, stripped of its Nazi fixtures and, partially ,covered by carpets, survives in part. Another legacy was the Arbeitsstab
  10. Film Tron. Interest in APL has steadily declined since the mid 1980s. This was, partially ,due to the lack of a smooth migration path from higher performing mainframe
  11. Many in 2009,mostly due to the economic situation in the United States, and, partially , because of scares of drug-related violence. MTV will transmit special
  12. Crowd is always very close to madness. ' Selected works The following list is, partially ,based on http://www.bu.edu/english/levine/alcend.htm an overview by Robert
  13. And demand, are set at exactly the same, unchanging price. The Physiocrats were, partially ,influenced by Chinese agrarianism; leading physiocrats like François Ques nay
  14. With ferric impurities. On exposure to heat, the irradiation effects can be, partially ,cancelled and amethyst generally becomes yellow or even green, and much of the
  15. To work. The most common compound of the element is hydrogen astatine. This, partially ,explains its lower stability compared to the other hydrogen halves. As it is
  16. The typical Arabidopsis-type' sequence of bases has been fully or, partially ,replaced by other sequences, with the 'human-type' predominating. * Other
  17. Democracy, which in turn called for a new means, chattel slavery, to at least, partially ,equalize the availability of leisure between rich and poor. In the absence of
  18. Times more power-efficient than traditional DSB-AM. If the carrier is only, partially ,suppressed, a double-sideband reduced-carrier (DSBRC) signal results. DS BSC
  19. Is a type of nude female statue of the Hellenistic era. It depicts a, partially ,draped woman raising her light peoples to uncover her hips and buttocks, and
  20. Of the University of Cologne writes that, to antisemitic," Jews are not only, partially ,but totally bad by nature, that is, their bad traits are incorrigible. Because
  21. The plaster to protect against rain damage. The brick’s thickness is preferred, partially ,due to its thermal characteristics, and partially due to the stability of a
  22. In Roslyn, Washington. The 2007 film directed by Sean Penn, Into The Wild, was, partially , filmed and set in Alaska. The film, which is based on the novel of the same
  23. Scottish Episcopal Church which for parts of the 17th and 18th centuries was, partially ,underground (it was suspected of Jacobite sympathies). However, the enormous
  24. Medicine appears to be increasing. " In the state of Texas, physicians may be, partially ,protected from charges of unprofessional conduct or failure to practice
  25. The Moon, the planet Saturn and a galaxy or nebula. The wing of the eagle, partially ,overlays the Moon, suggesting its exploration by man. The gaze of Apollo and
  26. some King (Mfumbiro) group, north of Lake SIVU, being still, partially ,active. The third division of the higher region of Africa is formed by the
  27. Finds was the 1991 discovery of" Big Al" ( FOR 693),a 95 % complete, partially ,articulated specimen that measured about 8 meters (about 26 ft) in length.
  28. Only about three minutes on the oxygen in the feed lines. The shock also either, partially ,ruptured a line from the number 1 oxygen tank, or caused its check or relief
  29. The oil tanker Form Gertrude at the southernmost tip of Gibraltar, ending up, partially ,submerged. Births *1503 – King Christian III of Denmark and Norway (d. 1559)
  30. Arena synthesis A reaction that forms an are compound from an unsaturated or, partially ,unsaturated cyclic precursor is simply called an aromatization. Many laboratories
  31. Aviation Computing * Ada (programming language),a programming language, partially ,inspired by Pascal Medicine Enzymes * Adenosine deaminate, an enzyme involved
  32. Kabyle language, the most-spoken Berber language in the country, is taught and, partially ,co-official (with a few restrictions) in parts of Kabylia. Algerian cities
  33. Contained in a maximal totally ordered subset. The restricted principle" Every, partially ,ordered set has a maximal totally ordered subset" is also equivalent to AC
  34. The mitochondrion; the phosphate carrier moves a proton in with each phosphate, partially ,dissipating the proton gradient. Beta oxidation Fatty acids can also be broken
  35. Contains at least one maximal element. **Hausdorff maximal principle: In any, partially ,ordered set, every totally ordered subset is contained in a maximal totally
  36. Dominican amber is blue amber. It turns blue in natural sunlight and any other, partially ,or wholly ultraviolet light source. In long-wave UV light it has a very strong
  37. But other parts of the city may be even warmer, in particular western parts, partially ,due to industrialization or mainly due to various natural reasons (knowledge
  38. Without some aspect of the axiom of choice. ) **Zorn's lemma: Every non-empty, partially ,ordered set in which every chain (i.e. totally ordered subset) has an upper
  39. Disengagement of volatile in the molten mass which were then filled, wholly or, partially , by siliceous matter deposited in regular layers upon the walls. Such agates
  40. As atom A growth larger, and the proton is more easily removed by a base. This, partially ,explains why hydrofluoric acid is considered a weak acid while the other
  41. The Armyand the Air Force and Air Defense (a unified branch). It was, partially ,formed out of the former Soviet Army forces stationed in the Armenian SSR (
  42. Of Inuit culture on film. The 1983 Disney movie Never Cry Wolf was at least, partially ,shot in Alaska. The 1991 film White Fang, starring Ethan Hawks, was filmed in
  43. Partial voicing of obstructs – In English, a voiced obstruct is, partially ,device next to a pause or next to a voiceless sound, inside a word or across
  44. Was the first German city to be captured by the Allies. The city was destroyed, partially ,— and in some parts completely — during the fighting, In addition to holding
  45. Are derived from the Archaea group of organisms. Eight archdeacons have been, partially ,or fully characterized, but hundreds of archdeacons are believed to exist
  46. Thickness is preferred partially due to its thermal characteristics, and, partially , due to the stability of a thicker brick versus a more standard-sized brick.
  47. Due to military help from Russia and the wealthy Armenian diaspora. Armenians, partially ,deny the allegation, claiming that Russian side was equally supplying Armenian
  48. Detecting its value belongs to Gaston Paris, although his edition (1897) was, partially ,anticipated by the editors of the Monument Germania Historical, who published
  49. And slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were, partially ,resolved in the Reconstruction Era that followed, though others remained
  50. 1980s Warhol had a re-emergence of critical and financial success in the 1980s, partially , due to his affiliation and friendships with a number of prolific young

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