Examples of the the word, migration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( migration ), is the 3825 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of 1965 were passed. Between 1905 and 1911,Arkansas began to receive a small, migration ,of German, Slovak,and Irish immigrants. The German and Slovak peoples settled
  2. Starting around 1000 BC, and experienced a large expansion following the mass, migration ,from Gordon, ( the capital of Phrygia),after an earthquake which severely
  3. Closer to the 5th century. What is certain is that the Visigoths' westward, migration ,occurred in response to the threat posed by the Huns. Heather asserts,"
  4. Economic and social development; enhancing internal and border security;, migration , energy and transportation security policy. The Azerbaijani Government, in late
  5. Of economic competition from low-wage labor. In practice the party opposed all, migration , on the grounds that immigrants competed with Australian workers and drove down
  6. Annually. There are 44.51 births and 24.81 deaths per 1,000 citizens. The net, migration ,rate is 2.14 migrants per 1,000 citizens. The fertility rate of Angola is 5.97
  7. Been disowned by Justin II after Nurses' removal. March to Italy The Lombard, migration ,started on Easter Monday,April 2,568. The decision to combine the departure
  8. Not even a single Ainu person among its members. *Tokyo Ainu (a modern age, migration ,of Hokkaido Ainu highlighted in a documentary film released in 2010
  9. Declined since the mid 1980s. This was partially due to the lack of a smooth, migration ,path from higher performing mainframe implementations to low-cost personal
  10. Language of Thailand. This family tree is consistent with recent studies of, migration ,of Y-Chromosomal haplogroup O2b-M95. However, the dates obtained from DNA
  11. Eastward. Impact of the migration on Annotation Italy The impact of the Lombard, migration ,on the Late Roman aristocracy was disruptive, especially in combination with
  12. During the lifetime of the Lombard Kingdom. A further cause of the Lombard, migration ,into Italy may have been an invitation from Nurses. According to a
  13. Rich, the disappearance of 220 bishops' seats indicates that the Lombard, migration ,was a crippling catastrophe for the Church. Yet according to Walter Poll the
  14. Columbia),relatively high im migration , and a high rate of interprovincial, migration ,when compared to other provinces. Approximately 81 % of the population live in
  15. To Adelaide in 1954 and an airport opened at West Beach in 1955. An assisted, migration ,scheme brought 215,000 immigrants of many nationalities, mainly European, too
  16. And finally excising Ashore and many other small islands from the Australian, migration ,zone. Two boatloads of asylum seekers were each detained for several days in
  17. Of the Muslims of Medina, Muhammad ordered Muslims to migrate to Medina. The, migration ,began in batches. Ali was the last to remain in Mecca, entrusted with
  18. Deaths/1,000 population (2008 est. ): country comparison to the world: 209 Net, migration ,rate: -6.99 migrant (s)/1,000 population (2009 est. ): country comparison to
  19. The development of higher cognitive specialization. * Disturbed neuronal, migration ,during early gestation. * Unbalanced excitatory–inhibitory networks. Or by
  20. The Andaman's are theorized to be a key stepping stone in a great coastal, migration ,of humans from Africa via the Arabian Peninsula, along the coastal regions of
  21. Mystical discipline. It was at that time that Khalid In Yazidi sparked its, migration ,from Alexandria to the Islamic world, facilitating the translation and
  22. That is 502,457 births minus 381,403 deaths) and an increase due to net, migration ,of 104,991 people into the state. Race and ancestry According to the 2010 U. S.
  23. Haplogroup originated with the earliest settlers of India during the coastal, migration ,that brought the ancestors of the Andaman to the Indian mainland, the
  24. Olive users and supports those who still use Olive with online tutorials and, migration ,assistance. On June 1,Adobe launched Acrobat. Com, a series of web
  25. Between Crete and the Peloponnese, so these stories may preserve traces of the, migration ,of Aphrodite's cult from the Middle East to mainland Greece. In the most
  26. In the geopolitical history of the region, as together with the Lombard, migration ,the following year, it signalled the end of six centuries of Germanic dominance
  27. That is 198,800 births minus 146,586 deaths) and an increase due to net, migration ,of 57,611 people into the state. Im migration from outside the United States
  28. With each other, for morphological or other reasons. Factors affecting, migration ,of nucleic acids The most important factor is the length of the DNA molecule
  29. People (that is 86,062 births minus 25,068 deaths) and a decrease due to net, migration ,of 5,469 people out of the state. Alaska is the least densely populated state
  30. Siege of Minimum The first attested instance of strong resistance to Alboin's, migration ,took place at the town of Minimum (Pa via),which he started to besiege in 569
  31. Due to increased cross-linking will dose-dependently reduce electrophoretic DNA, migration , Increasing the agarose concentration of a gel reduces the migration speed and
  32. To murder Muhammad as he slept. Meanwhile, Abu Bakr accompanied Muhammad in his, migration ,for Medina. Due to the danger of the Quraish, they did not take the road to
  33. DNA migration . Increasing the agarose concentration of a gel reduces the, migration ,speed and enables separation of smaller DNA molecules. The higher the voltage
  34. Greece, Italy,Germany, other parts of Europe, and North America. However,the, migration ,flux is slowly decreasing, as more and more opportunities are emerging in
  35. To lose about 25,000 slaves, or one third of its slave population, to flight, migration ,or death. From 1770-1790,the black proportion of the population (mostly
  36. Of the 13th century foreshadows 20th century views of Indo-European, migration ,from the east. Sorry further writes that Asgard is a land more fertile than
  37. In the Byzantine army as federate. It has been speculated that Alboin's, migration ,could have been partly the result of a call from surviving Ostrogoths in Italy.
  38. Air service. After 1990 the Albanian population has faced new phenomena like, migration , which greatly affected the distribution by districts and prefectures.
  39. Motivated mostly from political considerations, and intended to consolidate the, migration ,'s cohesion, distinguishing them from the Catholic Romans. It also connected
  40. Population. 51 % of the total population were female. In 2011 Azerbaijan saw, migration ,of −1.14/1,000 persons. The highest morbidity in 2005 was from respiratory
  41. Women and children, which gave his invasion of Italy the character of a human, migration , After another defeat before Verona, Alaric left Italy, probably in 403. He had
  42. To sell off sizeable numbers of his manuscripts at paltry prices to finance his, migration ,to Vienna. The reasons for Vivaldi's departure from Venice are unclear, but it
  43. Crusade" against the Wends, extended the area of his mark, encouraged German, migration , established bishoprics under his protection, and so became the founder of the
  44. Consider this the decisive factor in convincing Albion to undertake a, migration , even though there are indications that before the war with the Genius a
  45. Lift 10 bear skins at once. He explored far and wide. His son, Odin,led a, migration ,to the northern lands, where they took wives and had many children, populating
  46. From outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 21,947 people, and, migration , within the country produced a net increase of 35,664 people. It is estimated
  47. To reorient the core of the Empire's polices eastward. Impact of the, migration ,on Annotation Italy The impact of the Lombard migration on the Late Roman
  48. In possession of Jekyll & Well. In the 17th and 18th centuries, there was much, migration ,to Chill from other parts of Ireland, particularly Ulster, due to the
  49. Defenders of the White Australia Policy, which banned all non-European, migration ,to Australia. This policy was partly motivated by 19th century theories about "
  50. Deaths/1,000 population (2008 est. ): country comparison to the world: 165 Net, migration ,rate :2.38 migrant (s)/1,000 population (2009 est. ): country comparison to

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