Examples of the the word, manuscript , in a Sentence Context

The word ( manuscript ), is the 3827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Seven Planets, written in 1038,was a book on astronomy. The surviving, manuscript ,of this work has only recently been discovered, with much of it still missing
  2. Comes from the region of Caesar Philippe. This is the dialect of the oldest, manuscript ,of Enoch (c. 170 BCE). The next distinct phase of the language is called Old
  3. Or orrery. Pap pus of Alexandria stated that Archimedes had written a, manuscript ,(now lost) on the construction of these mechanisms entitled. Modern research
  4. Had provided space for a preface in the author's proof composited from the, manuscript , For reasons unknown, no preface was supplied and all the page numbers needed
  5. Philosophers by Diogenes Laertes, which came to be widely circulated in, manuscript ,form and was published at Rome in 1472 (the first printed edition of the Lives
  6. And preserved in the Bodleian Library. He then published the Arabic, manuscript ,in the 1680s. His son, Edward Police the Younger, translated the work into
  7. Intended to be read rather than acted. The circulation of his plays in, manuscript ,extended their influence beyond the original audience, over whom in fact they
  8. William De Morgan, but a family friend John Thomas Graves was prolific, and a, manuscript ,with over 2,800 has been preserved. With the advent of surrealism as a poetic
  9. In the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Solzhenitsyn claimed that Sholokhov found the, manuscript ,and published it under his own name. These rumors first appeared in the late
  10. His writings, the monumental The Gulag Archipelago. The seizing of his novel, manuscript ,first made him desperate and frightened, but gradually he realized that it had
  11. First payment on contract signing, and the second on delivery of the completed, manuscript ,or on publication. An author's contract may specify, for example, that they
  12. Works The works of Aristotle that have survived from antiquity through medieval, manuscript ,transmission are collected in the Corpus Aristotelian. These texts, as opposed
  13. With the Pontificate, Ealdred may have brought back from Cologne the first, manuscript ,of the Cambridge Songs to enter England, a collection of Latin Goliardic songs
  14. Things her pilgrimage to the Holy Land and visit to Rome. The book remained in, manuscript ,and was not published until 1936. Notable English autobiographies of the
  15. Throughout the New Testament by comparing different manuscript s. When one, manuscript ,has a difference compared to 99 % of the others, it is understood to be a
  16. In the mid 1990s. His Esquire d'un program The 1000-page autobiographical, manuscript ,Revolves et females (1986) is now available on the internet in the French
  17. Cattle problem: This work was discovered by Foothold Ephraim Blessing in a Greek, manuscript ,consisting of a poem of 44 lines, in the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel
  18. Tracts. He was selected by the executors of Vista to revise and edit Viete's, manuscript ,works. The works of Anderson amount to six thin quarto volumes, and as the last
  19. Period, and it is to be regretted that they have remained almost entirely in, manuscript , since a careful study of them is indispensable to anyone who wishes to form an
  20. And algebraic geometry and prospects for a noncom mutative theory of stacks. The, manuscript , which is being edited for publication by G. Maltsiniotis, later led to another
  21. Darwin had worked on for twenty years, but had yet to publish. Darwin sent the, manuscript ,to Charles Lyell with a letter saying" he could not have made a better short
  22. The formation of the bones of the lower jaw and sacrum. Translation The Arabic, manuscript ,was discovered in 1665 by Edward Police the orientalist, and preserved in the
  23. West Germany and stripped of his Soviet citizenship. The KGB had found the, manuscript ,for the first part of The Gulag Archipelago and, less than a week later
  24. Of the manuscript , but she never disclosed the fact of owning it. The, manuscript ,was finally found by the Institute of World Literature of Russia's Academy of
  25. Of knight, a gold medal and an invitation to Vienna. Vivaldi gave Charles a, manuscript ,copy of La Petra, a set of concerti almost completely different from the set of
  26. Mistakes in reading or writing it down, the text was written down as one single, manuscript ,and presented in a book form to the Caliph Abu Bakr. It is believed that this
  27. Explanatory notes. Of this collection, called Might Knot, there are several, manuscript ,copies extant; namely, at Oxford (Neubauer, Cat. Body. Her. MSS., Nos. 2182
  28. Four de Lion as a crusader. The poem is known to us only through one Vatican, manuscript , and long escaped the notice of historians. The credit for detecting its value
  29. The strictures the commercial theater machine imposed on playwrights, but the, manuscript ,was never published. This manuscript , which Jack Sharia recovered in 1982
  30. The Long March Through Galois Theory is an approximately 1600-page handwritten, manuscript ,produced by Grothendieck during the years 1980–1981,containing many of the
  31. Prose, in the other a combination of prose and alliterating verse. The latter, manuscript ,was severely damaged in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the authorship of the
  32. Contributed to, and which will exist briefly and then disappear. Perhaps the, manuscript ,by Shakespeare is a distinct work of art from the play by the troupe, which is
  33. Tvardovsky, a poet and the chief editor of the Movie Mir magazine, with the, manuscript ,of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. It was published in edited form in
  34. Increase the likelihood of nuclear war. He also asked permission to publish his, manuscript ,(which accompanied the letter) in a newspaper to explain the dangers posed by
  35. A human perspective Avicenna's biography with its passions and wisdom. The, manuscript ,of Avicenna (El Manuscript de Avicena) More recently, in 2011,the Spanish
  36. Harbored anti-Semitic sentiments all his life, as attested by the 1964, manuscript , he later developed into" 200 Years Together ". Ivanovich further alleged that
  37. Remaining eighteen are in many places corrupt and lactose. The sole surviving, manuscript ,from which almost every other is derived is a ninth-century Carolingian text, V
  38. In particular studying the Weissmuller theory. In 1983, he wrote a huge extended, manuscript ,(about 600 pages) entitled Pursuing Stacks, stimulated by correspondence with
  39. In 2011,the Spanish writer Ezequiel Theodore has published a novel,The, manuscript ,of Avicenna (El Manuscript de Avicena),which recreates some moments in the
  40. Gospel according to Mark),however this translation was never published. The, manuscript ,is to be found in the South African National Library, Cape Town. The first
  41. Reads out a paragraph that states the novel's main theme before shredding the, manuscript , Back at the milk bar, Alex punishes Dim for some crude behavior, and strains
  42. Non-person, and,by 1965,the KGB had seized some of his papers, including the, manuscript ,of The First Circle. Meanwhile, Solzhenitsyn continued to secretly and
  43. Of the sea and sudden giant wave. His work has suffered terribly from the, manuscript ,transmission. Aside from the loss of the first thirteen books, the remaining
  44. Look after it. Following Kudashov's death, his widow took possession of the, manuscript , but she never disclosed the fact of owning it. The manuscript was finally
  45. Charles Lyell if he thought it worthwhile. On 18 June 1858,Darwin received the, manuscript ,from Wallace. While Wallace's essay did not employ Darwin's term" natural
  46. Began allowing them to read the drafts of her new novel, Atlas Shrugged, as the, manuscript ,pages were written. In 1954 Rand's close relationship with the much younger
  47. Sanitary groups. " Grand catches the plague himself and asks Room to burn his, manuscript , But then he makes an unexpected recovery. At the end of the novel, Grand says
  48. His diary was much-read throughout Russia, and at least seventy-five, manuscript ,copies survive. Saint Joseph, Abbot of Volokolamsk (1439–1515),wrote a
  49. Machine imposed on playwrights, but the manuscript was never published. This, manuscript , which Jack Sharia recovered in 1982 during his research for Avery Hop wood
  50. Raping his wife. In a metafictional touch, the husband is a writer working on a, manuscript ,called" A Clockwork Orange," and Alex contemptuously reads out a paragraph

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