Examples of the the word, metaphor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( metaphor ), is the 4669 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Baroque actually expressed new values, which often are summarized in the use of, metaphor ,and allegory, widely found in Baroque literature, and in the research for the "
  2. Reminiscent of Hamlet, craves oblivion, for which the sea serves as a constant, metaphor , The Triumph of Time is also the US title of James Blish's novel A Clash of
  3. Behind the collapse of the Twentieth Century Motor Company (Rand's extensive, metaphor ,for the inherent flaws of communism),as well as a hint of John Galt's true
  4. Of Zion. A" suffering servant" is referred to (esp. ch. 53) - probably a, metaphor ,for Israel, Christians have traditionally interpreted it as a prophecy of Jesus
  5. Images in Hosea 1.2,Ben AVI describes the role of the Homer in the marriage, metaphor ,as one of the“ central attributes of the ideological image of a human marriage
  6. Wealthy philanthropists favored buildings that reinforced the paternalistic, metaphor ,and enhanced civic pride. Between 1886 and 1917,Carnegie reformed both library
  7. It is possible that he coined it himself. A hymn (for. 34) Antaeus rarely used, metaphor ,or simile, and yet he had a fondness for the allegory of the storm-tossed ship
  8. Malachi's discussion of divorce may also be understood to conform to this, metaphor , Malachi could very well be urging his audience not to break faith with Yahweh
  9. The heart pumping it. Modern practitioners may consider QI to be no more than a, metaphor ,for function, but many proponents consider it to be an actual 'substance '.
  10. Regards the story of Hosea and his relations with his wife Homer as a, metaphor ,for the conflict between a Covenant Theology (Israel violating the covenant
  11. Church in general, and the English Church in particular, used Jerusalem as a, metaphor ,for Heaven, a place of universal love and peace. In the most common
  12. To understand how an ocean makes one feel to accurately translate a specific, metaphor ,in the text. It must also model the authors' goals, intentions,and emotional
  13. To the world"http://www.newdoll.com/. It is interesting to note that this same, metaphor ,is also echoed from the scientist's side:" β sheets do not show a stiff
  14. A rival, who is not a member of the household, leads to an absurd shift in the, metaphor , so that Clean and his rival become Rasta competing for the affections of an
  15. Each of which is specific to a particular epitome. Using the" lock and key ", metaphor , the antigen itself can be seen as a string of keys - any epitome being a" key
  16. For its rhythmic variation. Her lyrics, which often include alliteration, metaphor , word play and a more or less gentle irony, have also received praise for their
  17. Effect" on her health and political optimism. Willard used a cycling, metaphor ,to urge other suffragists to action, proclaiming," I would not waste my life
  18. Is some truth in the literal meaning of this, Cassius Did asserts that it was a, metaphor ,for the Empire's strength. Marble could be found in buildings of Rome before
  19. Early allegories are found in the Hebrew Bible, for instance in the extended, metaphor ,in Psalm 80 of the Vine, which is Israel and Ezekiel 16 and 17. The medieval
  20. Contribution Hosea is believed to be the first prophet to use marriage as a, metaphor ,of the covenant between God and Israel, and he influenced latter prophets such
  21. Second law of thermodynamics as being an essentially statistical law. Intuitive, metaphor ,Consider a large balloon of 100 meters in diameter. Imagine this large balloon
  22. Experience, and there is an absence of poetic ornament, such as simile or, metaphor , Like many of his poems (e.g. for. s 38,326,338,347,350),it begins with
  23. True among feminist Biblical scholarship. In Hosea 2,the woman in the marriage, metaphor ,is Hosea’s wife Homer. Homer is not portrayed in a positive light, and since
  24. For Computing Machinery (1994) " for the invention of Musical, a new, metaphor ,for data manipulation that galvanized the personal computing industry" * MIT
  25. Hosea 2 Marriage Metaphor While most modern scholars suggest the marriage, metaphor ,presented in Hosea describes the relationship between Israel and Yahweh, the
  26. Scholars have instead proposed that, with the eponymous Benjamin being just a, metaphor , son of the south/son of the right are references to the tribe's being
  27. To success in battle. Partially as a result, the battle was used as a, metaphor ,at the beginning of the First World War, when the British Expeditionary Force
  28. The Parents, seem to have the best Title to the Children. " Swift extends the, metaphor ,to get in a few jibes at England’s mistreatment of Ireland, noting that" For
  29. Context in which Hosea was composed. In his article Observations on the marital, metaphor ,of YHWH and Israel in its ancient Israelite context: general considerations and
  30. By Francine Prose),Francesco Andean sings a song called" Absalom ", as a, metaphor ,for his relationship with Flamingo Scala. *" Absalom" is the title of the
  31. S The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which led to the use of the term as a, metaphor ,for a 'burden '. Other English metaphor s derive from birds; vulture funds and
  32. Point regarding genre that can also lend a hand to the interpretation of this, metaphor , Organ describes the importance of understanding the covenant in relation to
  33. Was understood at the time. Connolly also suggests that in context the marriage, metaphor ,was necessary in that it truly exemplified the unequal interaction between
  34. I find them most alive. " Wind is also a powerful symbol:" The persistent, metaphor ,of Kurosawa’s work is that of wind, the winds of change, of fortune and
  35. As a literary device, an allegory in its most general sense is an extended, metaphor , As an artistic device, an allegory is a visual symbolic representation. An
  36. Against it, serve as the backdrop to the first three seasons, but also as a, metaphor ,for the war within ourselves. The concurrent limiting of civil liberties and
  37. Proffering claret at their functions. Claret is an" agreeable" wine, and a, metaphor ,for the party's harmonious internal relations compared to those of the
  38. Chapters 1-2; Account of Hosea's marriage with Homer biographically which is a, metaphor ,for the relationship with Yahweh and Israel. * Chapter 3; Account of Hosea's
  39. And Jeremiah. For example in comparing Her 11.4 and Debut 4.20,both use the, metaphor ,of an iron furnace. Also, the impetus for religious reform appears to be
  40. Openly and honestly about something often before only hinted at or spoken of in, metaphor , In" Thoughts on NAM BLA ", a 1994 essay published in the collection Deliberate
  41. Evolve conscious life regardless of adverse conditions. Douglas Adams used the, metaphor ,of a living puddle examining its own shape, since,to those living creatures
  42. External help. Applications Computing The computer term bootstrap began as a, metaphor ,in the 1950s. In computers, pressing a bootstrap button caused a hardwired
  43. View, the story of Jacob's visit to Laban to obtain a wife originated as a, metaphor ,for this migration, with the property and family which were gained from Laban
  44. Composed of many books; a book is of one scroll. It is called codex by way of, metaphor ,from the trunks (codex) of trees or vines, as if it were a wooden stock
  45. The boots on. The saying" to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" This, metaphor ,spawned additional metaphor s for a series of self-sustaining processes that
  46. Waters' novel * Elective Affinities - the concept of chemical affinities as a, metaphor ,for human emotional affinities * Affinity, an independent jazz record label
  47. For the father she likely married to protect. Dr. Rank's disease becomes a, metaphor ,for the poison infecting the Helmets' marriage and society at large. Mrs.
  48. Times reported that" construction cranes have become the borough's new visual, metaphor , replacing the window decals of the 1980s in which pictures of potted plants
  49. Presented in Hosea describes the relationship between Israel and Yahweh,the, metaphor ,itself remains controversial in its meaning and interpretation in modernity.
  50. Mean that the Scriptures are mere history; at times they are rather an extended, metaphor , In The Literal Interpretation of Genesis, St. Augustine wrote: A more clear

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