Examples of the the word, invisible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( invisible ), is the 4670 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can commit no sin. Because of the first proposition, God himself is thought as, invisible ,and only recognizable in his creation. These three propositions were further
  2. Supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses may be formed. Despite its, invisible ,interior, the presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction
  3. He is said by CBN Millikan (12th cent. Biographer) to have been seized by an, invisible ,monster in broad daylight and devoured horribly before many
  4. Removed from the impetus of the atoms are set in motion by the impact of their, invisible ,blows and in turn cannon against slightly larger bodies. So the movement mounts
  5. When the burner is regulated to produce a hot, blue flame it can be nearly, invisible ,against some backgrounds. The hottest part of the flame is the tip of the inner
  6. One thing, it seems to violate the principle of parsimony, by postulating an, invisible ,entity that is not necessary to explain what we observe. Some philosophers
  7. Largest radar cross-section of an aircraft where it would remain effectively, invisible ,to radars. Initially, Northrop and McDonnell Douglas were selected for further
  8. The" Wealth of Nations" in the first sentences. Smith used the term" the, invisible ,hand" in" History of Astronomy" referring to" the invisible hand of Jupiter
  9. Of Jupiter" and twice – each time with a different meaning – the term" an, invisible ,hand ": in The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and in The Wealth of Nations
  10. Those bodies are in motion that we see in sunbeams, moved by blows that remain, invisible , " Although the mingling motion of dust particles is caused largely by air
  11. But that I will have a reheat winded in my forehead or hang my bugle in an, invisible ,baldric all women shall pardon me. " * A baldric features prominently in
  12. 1759) and in The Wealth of Nations (1776). This last statement about" an, invisible ,hand" has been interpreted as" the invisible hand" in numerous ways. It is
  13. And Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Neoclassical economists emphasize Smith's, invisible ,hand, a concept mentioned in the middle of his work – book IV, chapter II – and
  14. Interpretation was that the rest of the charcoal had been transmuted into an, invisible ,substance he termed a" gas" or" wild spirit" ( spirits Sylvester). The
  15. In act three, scene four. A terrified Macbeth sees him, while the apparition is, invisible ,to his guests. He appears again to Macbeth in a vision granted by the Three
  16. Attention. " The neoclassical interest in Smith's statement about" an, invisible ,hand" originates in the possibility to see it as a precursor of neoclassical
  17. Holding a helm, named as the Tankage, which has the power to make the user, invisible , It may be an actual helmet or a magical sign with a rather poetic name. Ægir
  18. Moved, and must be moved by something. *Therefore, since there had to be an, invisible ," something" to move the light through the glass tube, there was no vacuum in
  19. Voyage to France in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith refers to an ", invisible ,hand" which procures that the gluttony of the rich helps the poor as the
  20. Proclaims salvation and administers the sacraments while the latter is the, invisible ,body of the elect, made up of genuine believers from all ages, and who are
  21. S" invisible hand ". To emphasize this relation, Samuelson quotes Smith's ", invisible ,hand" statement putting" general interest" where Smith wrote" public
  22. Telescopes and demonstrated that photography could record astronomical features, invisible ,to the human eye. * Robert E. Cox (1917–1989) who conducted the" Gleanings
  23. Has no sacramental (saving) power, and only testifies outwardly to the, invisible ,and internal operation of God's power, which is completely separate from the
  24. True power — corporations and the oligarchic elite — are veiled and rendered, invisible , Famous for being famous for being famous, in popular culture
  25. Space is processed; 94 are printable characters, and the space is considered an, invisible ,graphic. History The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII
  26. This last statement about" an invisible hand" has been interpreted as" the, invisible ,hand" in numerous ways. It is therefore important to read the original: As
  27. To re-purpose older words that had fallen into disuse (e.g. " Telephone" < ", invisible ,caller (in Sufism) ";" newspaper" <" palm-leaf stalk" ). Colloquial or
  28. To the invisible energetic realm of the Dreamtime. Lawler then connects these, invisible ,energetic realms and magnetic fields, because iron is magnetic. European
  29. Fifty meters. The mercury dropped two lines. In the face of criticism that some, invisible ,matter must exist in Pascal's empty space, Pascal,in his reply to Étienne
  30. The artillery system. Targets may be visible to forward troops or in depth and, invisible ,to them. Observation equipment can vary widely in its complexity. *Unmanned air
  31. In battle, they always left one place open for him, believing that, although, invisible , to them, he was fighting for and among them. The story of Ajax was frequently
  32. Employed in this fashion is held by these peoples to attune the dancers to the, invisible ,energetic realm of the Dreamtime. Lawler then connects these invisible
  33. And local. The global picture includes regions beyond the horizon, which are, invisible ,to us, while the local picture is the picture from one point of view only.
  34. Aristotelian notion that creation was a thing of substance, whether visible or, invisible ,; and this substance was forever in motion. Furthermore," Everything that is in
  35. Functions as a" counter-environment" designed to make visible what is usually, invisible ,about a society. Theodor Adorno felt that aesthetics could not proceed without
  36. Equilibrium concept. Samuelson's" Economics" refers 6 times to Smith's ", invisible ,hand ". To emphasize this relation, Samuelson quotes Smith's" invisible hand
  37. But of their advantages. Smith's statement about the benefits of" an, invisible ,hand" is certainly meant to answer Mandeville's contention that" Private
  38. Of the strengths of the Brown methodology is that it can explore astronomizes, invisible ,to statistical analysis and offers the astronomy of the Incas as another
  39. The term" the invisible hand" in" History of Astronomy" referring to" the, invisible ,hand of Jupiter" and twice – each time with a different meaning – the term "
  40. The barrier breaks down and liquefies after several hours. As of 2005,the, invisible ,condom is in the clinical trial phase, and has not yet been approved for use.
  41. Fire the guns have to be part of a system that enables them to attack targets, invisible ,to them in accordance with the combined arms plan. The main functions in the
  42. Tube. At the time, most scientists contended that, rather than a vacuum, some, invisible , matter was present. This was based on the Aristotelian notion that creation was
  43. Of between approximately 5 and 200 nanometers. Such particles are normally, invisible ,in an optical microscope, though their presence can be confirmed with the use
  44. To catch the couple in the act, and so he fashioned a finely-knitted and nearly, invisible ,net with which to snare the illicit lovers. At the appropriate time, this net
  45. Free will among participants in the marketplace; the role of self-interest;, invisible ,hand theories; the requirements of social justice; and natural rights
  46. Slain the Gorgon Medusa, he found Andromeda and slew Cetus by approaching, invisible ,with Hades's helm and slaying him. He set her free, and married her in spite
  47. Intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other eases, led by an, invisible ,hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the
  48. By the space-bar of a keyboard. Since the space character is considered an, invisible ,graphic (rather than a control character) and thus would not normally be
  49. Sect. He taught a distinction between the" church visible" and" church, invisible ,". The former is the institutional body on earth which proclaims salvation and
  50. Involved in courtship. Many birds show plumage patterns in ultraviolet that are, invisible ,to the human eye; some birds whose sexes appear similar to the naked eye are

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